CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #16: November 22, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
We had a great start to the week. Mr. Williams, our third grade teacher, was the first Chapelfield staff to be recognized as a Heart and Pride winner for his dedication to our students. We were able to surprise him with the award on Monday morning. Mr. Williams has been teaching at Chapelfield for 32 years! His wife and 3 sons surprised him on Monday for the announcement from Dr. Deagle and Mrs. Elliot. It made everyone's day to see Mr. Williams earn this incredibly honor. We couldn't be more proud!
This week was also special because we had the chance to see a live performance from GLHS' theater department. These 25 talented high school students performed the play Snow White and the Seven Endings. Our students were amazing audience members that demonstrated PAWS. The director even shared how impress she was with the students via email. She said, "Chapelfield's joy and respect is a wonder to see. The students were kind and amazing listeners." Keep it up Chapelfield students!
Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Mental Health Team
News From Mrs. Jasin, our School Counselor
This month in kindergarten and first grade, we discussed whole body listening. We used Mr. Potato Head to learn the different parts of our bodies that we have to use when we are listening to our teachers, friends, and family members.
In second grade, we learned about empathy with the book A Little Spot of Empathy. Students learned the words empathy and perspective. When we show others' empathy, it helps us resolve conflicts peacefully and see the other person's perspective.
In third and fourth grade, we also discussed empathy through the lens of inclusion and exclusion. We discussed how to make other people feel seen, appreciated, and valued through reading the book, The Invisible Boy. Ask your child about our pepper, soap and sugar experiment and the symbolism behind it!
I look forward to visiting fifth grade next week!
Gahanna Gift Shop on Saturday, December 14 from 9-3:30 p.m. at MSW
The Gahanna Gift Shop is a one day pop-up toy store for parents to shop for their children ages 0-18 on Saturday, December 14th from 9:00-3:30 at Middle School West. The program is sponsored by Three Creeks Church.
All toys will be sold for $2 each and all of the profits will benefit Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
"Our goal is to support as many Christmases as possible for the residents of Gahanna. This time of year can be stressful, especially with the added financial stressors, and we want to help."
More information and to register to shop can be found here: https://www.gahannagiftshop.com/.
Related Arts Spotlight
Music Updates from Mrs. Herrmann
On behalf of Chapelfield students and staff, I would like to share our sincere gratitude for the service of all of our United States military veterans. Over the past several weeks, staff created various opportunities to help our students learn about the meaning of Veterans Day. Students worked hard to show their appreciation by writing thank you letters, sending in photos of veterans, joining guests for a reception and honoring veterans in our school wide assembly. Students did a beautiful job singing in the assembly, reading letters of thanks, the Girl Scouts presented the flag and the fifth graders worked hard with the presentation, technology and set up/tear down in the gym. Catch a glimpse of our students as they honor Veterans Day:: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/1F9jKiA7EZ/
In other news, KG-1st graders have had lots of fun moving to music with songs such as Blowing in the Wind. Ask your child to grab a scarf or a napkin and show you the surprise in this song!
2nd graders are learning to sing Bate Bate Chocolate while playing a hand game with a partner. 3rd graders learned a traditional folk dance from Mexico called Los Machetes and 4th graders are learning to sing J'entends le Moulin, a French song, in three parts. 5th graders have learned C7, C major and A minor chords on ukulele and are learning to play along to some of their favorite songs. As we head into this season of gratitude, I am thankful for the opportunity to work with your children and look forward to creating music with them in the coming weeks.
Transportation changes by 2 p.m.
The front office is a busy place the last 30 minutes of school. We ask that parents NOT CALL to make transportation changes after 2:00 p.m. Please make sure students know your plan of pick up before they come to school.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Bingo last Friday! We had a great time and hope you did too! Thank you to Fifth Grade parents and students for volunteering for this event. We couldn't have made it as wonderful without the following community sponsors:
*Little Ceasars Fundraiser Coming Soon: We will be sharing information next week for the Little Ceasars Fundraiser. We will be selling kits to make at home or vouchers to purchase in store. The PTO will earn $6 from every purchase.
*Mark your calendars for Pancakes and Pajamas with The PTO on January 22nd 6:00-7:30.
*Save the date for Family Night will be held on January 24th.
Community Connections
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
November Important Dates
Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Break; NO SCHOOL
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230