Alto All Star Gazette
February 23rd, 2024
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
From the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
This short week following the mid winter break has been outstanding! It has been exciting to have students back in the building. The vibrancy of our classroom communities and the quality of the teaching and learning that occurs in our school is so impressive!
March 1st marks the end of the 2nd trimester. As a reminder March 1st is also a half day of school with dismissal at 12:00 PM. Our teachers are excited to meet with you for parent/teacher conferences the week of March 18th.
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Week of March 18th
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held the week of March 18th. Our teachers are excited for this important opportunity to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress in school. All conferences will be scheduled for 15 minutes. Each teacher will be creating a Sign Up Genius schedule with available times to sign up for in person or virtual conferences throughout the week of March 18th. Links for all classrooms will be sent out by the office the week of February 26th. Thank you for partnering with us in support of your child!
2nd/3rd Grade and 4th/5th Grade Music Programs - March 27th
The 2nd/3rd Grade Music Program will be held at 10 AM on March 27th. The 4th/5th Grade Music Program will be held at 2 PM on March 27th. We are looking forward to these special events!
Attention families with incoming kindergarteners!
Kindergarten enrollment for next fall opened on Monday, February 5th. If you have a student who will turn 5 by September 1st, 2024, they can start their school journey. You may also sign a waiver for your child to start school if they turn 5 by December 1st, 2024. Required paperwork for enrollment includes proof of residency, original birth certificate, up to date immunizations and a health appraisal. Information can be found on our school website:
Schools of Choice Parents
Internal and external schools of choice applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be available starting April 8th. For internal choice applications, you must submit your internal choice application to the elementary building of residence. If you previously applied and were approved for your student, it is not necessary to re-apply. If you would like to attend an elementary that is outside of your resident elementary school, complete the form below and email to our district enrollment specialist at
Internal Schools of Choice Application:
For more information on External Schools of Choice Applications, please visit our website at the following link:
Enjoy the weekend!
Paul Papes, Principal
The beautiful world of ART!
Students 1st-5th grade have been weaving using yarn on paper, cardboard, or wooden looms. At this time, ll of these students have completed or are very close to completing their weaving projects:
1st Grade: Bird Nests
2nd Grade: Bookmark/Bracelet
3rd Grade: Bookmark/Bracelet/Yarn Person-Alien
4th Grade: Woven Cloth/Small Bag
5th Grade: Bag (Small, Medium, or Large)
As usual, I have been impressed with all the hard work and enthusiasm students have poured into this project. I am so proud of them and of the finished projects they will be bringing home very shortly if they have not done so already. Your students and their finished projects are just AMAZING!
Kindergarten students started their paper weaving projects this week and are doing a fantastic job as well!
Supplies to repurpose/Donate to the Art Room
If you have any of the following items that you would like to donate to the art room, we would put them to good use!
pillow stuffing
egg cartons
quilt thread
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Mark Your Calendar
2/28: Gold Ticket Store
2/29: 1M/1B to WWC
3/01: 1/2 Day- dismissal at NOON
3/07 and 3/08: 5th grade to FH Aquatic Center
3/11 and 3/12: 3S to Lowell Historical Museum
3/11: 5th to LPAC
3/13: Gold Ticket Store
3/13: 2nd to WWC
3/14: 5th to FH Aquatic Center
3/15: 1/2 day-dismissal at NOON
Lowell High School presents "Beauty and the Beast"
March 3rd at 2:00 P.M.