Fayette Central Week at a Glance
Week of Jan. 6-10
Fayette Central Elementary School Mission:
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Dates to Remember
Monday January 6:
Bus Duty: Branson/Fitzwater/Haffner and Fee/Riley
Richer Principle-Responsibilty
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in PowerSchool
2:00- 6th Grade Band
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:30- Teacher Meeting
3:15-Case Conference- Mrs. Thompson/Poe- McCarty
Tuesday January 7:
Teachers participate in Counselor in the Classroom Lessons
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
8:15- Counselor in the Classroom-Lucas
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
10:00-Counselor in the Classroom-Strait
12:30- McCarty meeting at C.O.
2:20- Dismissal Begins
Wednesday January 8:
Treat Day- Compliments of Kitchen Staff
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
2:00- 6th Grade Band
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:30- Third Grade Level Meeting at C.O.- Mrs. Miler/Poe-McCarty- Mrs. Geis and Shepherd cover
2:30- Hornet News
2:30 - Robotics Club
Thursday January 9:
No POPCORN Sale at Lunch
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
8:15- Counselor in the Classroom-Thompson
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
9:00-Admin Meeting-McCarty
10:00-Counselor in the Classroom-Long
1:30- Counselor in the Classroom-Poe
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:30-Fourth Grade Level Meeting at C.O.-Mrs. Haffner and Miss Pfeiffer- Mrs. Geis and Shepherd cover.
2:30-Kids Kitchen cupboard at Maplewood for all students
Friday January 10:
Ice Cream Sale
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
10:20-CMS Choir Program
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:20- Winter Break Begins
To Do:
1. Newsletter Articles Due ASAP- Mrs. Branson, Ms. Pfeiffer and Ms. Fee
2.Entry Bulletin Board- Hale/Shepherd
3. Main Bulletin Board- Thompson/Lucas
4. Give the cafeteria advanced warning if your class will NOT be eating in the cafeteria
Upcoming Dates
Jan. 13- Honors and Awards 1:00 and 1:30 PM
Jan. 13- PBIS-2:30
Jan. 14- Afterschool PD- Emotional Poverty- 2:30 - 4:00- Work in rooms afterwards
Jan. 14- Board Mtg.
Jan. 15- Fifth Grade Level Meeting at C.O.- Mrs. Geis and Shepherd cover
Jan. 16- Sixth Grade level Meeting at C.OO. Mrs. Geis and Shepherd Cover
Jan. 20- School Improvement Team
Jan. 22- Afterschool PD-Care of Teachers- Grandview Joining 2:45
Jan. 29- Afterschool PD- MTSS and Special Needs 2:30
Feb.5- Afterschool PD-Data-Grandview joining