4J Educator
March 2023, Volume 2

Information for Eugene School District 4J employees
In this message:
• Let's ReCLAP: Classified School Employees Week is over but the recognition can continue
• Early Release Day: Students will be released early on Wednesdays starting next year
• High School Schedule: Schedule details, including flex and early-release days, approved
• Integrated Guidance: Plan adopted that funds numerous initiatives to achieve student success
• Dependent Verification: Employee groups will have different timelines to submit documentation
• School Calendar: Calendar for 2023–24 school year approved; classes begin after Labor Day
• ACE Awards: Nominate a deserving colleague now through March 31
• Budget Roadshow: Miss the sessions? Catch up by watching video recording from Spencer Butte
• The Water Cooler: Check out the latest district-level newsletters
Let's ReCLAP: Classified School Employees Week
Another Classified School Employees Week has ended, but our vital support staff should be celebrated every week.
These hardworking, impactful employees take care of the buildings our kids learn in and grounds they play on. They drive students to school every day, greet them as they arrive, cook and serve them healthy meals, and support their learning in the classroom and beyond. They help the school day run smoothly and connect with parents and the community. Others ensure that our technology, fleet, warehouse, curriculum, payroll and other essential school and district systems run smoothly so that, together, we can all help our students succeed.
The essential work of these 1,035 employees is woven into every single function of our educational system. THANK YOU!
Let's give these valuable employees a hand this week, next week and as often as we can to recognize the tremendous job they do for the students and families of our district.
Early Release Day Moving to Wednesdays
All 4J schools will release early on Wednesdays instead of Fridays starting this fall to support collaboration among our educators.
Early-release days on Wednesdays will best support the new schedule that 4J high schools will follow starting this fall. In addition, comments from educators indicated that dedicated time for professional development and collaboration is more impactful during the middle of the workweek rather than at its end. Early-release times will remain unchanged.
Understanding the importance to families of having consistent school schedules, the change to a Wednesday early-release day will apply to all schools.
Wednesday early-release days are not new to our district. Many 4J schools released students early during the middle of the week prior to our district moving to a standard schedule for all schools in 2018, when Friday was selected as the early-release day.
New High School Schedule Details Approved
The details of the new high school schedule have been finalized.
Under the new 4x2 A/B/C schedule, Mondays will be flex days and Wednesdays will be early release days. There will be no double-blocking of any courses, including IHS and AP classes. While it has been shared that both middle and high schools will move to a semester calendar next fall, this schedule applies only to the high schools as work is continuing to identify options for our middle schools.
The details of the new high school schedule are as follows:
In December, following several months of work and and input from parents, students and educators, district leadership selected the new high school schedule. A group then convened to work though the major facets of the schedule change. District leaders approved the work group's recommendations on March 14.
Ensuring Student Success: Guidance Plan Approved
Our district has approved its comprehensive Integrated Guidance plan that spells out how the district will unify, innovate and improve six major programs funded by state and federal dollars. Guiding that work was the Three Big Rocks, the trio of major priorities identified by Superintendent Andy Dey and the school board.
The plan's approval ensures many vital programs and initiatives will continue to receive funding for the foreseeable future. They include many academic and social-emotional supports for students, numerous equity initiatives as well as funding for more than 30 classified positions to provide direct support of our students in school buildings.
We appreciate the feedback you provided during the development of the plan, which seeks to achieve three outcomes: ensuring our community is engaged, our equity initiatives advance and all our students receive a well-rounded education. The school board approved the plan on March 15. It will be sent to the Oregon Department of Education for its review and approval.
Dependent Eligibility Verification: Schedule Update
Employees who have dependents on their insurance plans provided through 4J must submit documents soon to verify their dependents' eligibility — or risk losing the coverage.
The timelines to submit the documentation now will be split up by employee group, as follows:
• Licensed/MAPS: Employees in the two groups already should have received email and mail notification from the Oregon Educators Benefit Board of the verification process. A second communication will go out to employees who haven't yet submitted their documentation during the week of April 1. The deadline to submit the required documentation for all employees in the two groups is Friday, April 28.
• Classified: Employees in the group will receive their first notification of the verification process from OEBB by email on Friday, May 5, and by mail after Monday, May 8. A second communication will go out to employees who haven't yet submitted their documentation during the week of June 1. The deadline to submit the required documentation for all employees in this group is Tuesday, June 27.
2023–24 School Calendar Approved
The school calendar for the coming school year has been approved.
School will start after the Labor Day weekend: kindergartners and students in grades 6 and 9 will return to classes on Wednesday, September 6, while students in all other grades will start school the following day, Thursday, September 7.
Other notable dates:
• Teachers Report: Tuesday, August 29
• Parent-Teacher Conferences: November 20–22
• Thanksgiving Break: November 23–24
• Winter Break: December 18–January 2
• Spring Break: March 25–29
• Last Day for Students: Thursday, June 13
ACE Award Nominations Open Through March 31
The ACE Awards nomination season is in full swing.
Submitting a nomination now through March 31 is a wonderful way to honor the incredible talent and dedication of your colleagues, whether they're teachers and licensed specialists, classified staff, administrators and volunteers. Nominations are accepted in four categories: teachers & licensed specialists, classified staff, administrators & supervisors, and volunteers. Every nominee will be recognized, and one nominee in each category will be named ACE Champion and receive a $250 grant for a school or program of their choosing from Eugene Education Foundation. One nominee also may be recognized with a special lifetime achievement award.
We're thrilled to announce that the 2023 ACE Awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 4, 5–7 p.m., at South Eugene High School—the first in-person celebration since 2019!
Video Replay: Budget Roadshow
Miss Superintendent Andy Dey and Finance Director Matt Brown during their recent budget roadshow? You can now watch the March 7 session at Spencer Butte Middle School to learn more about the 4J budget and how our district prepares and adopts it each year.
The Water Cooler
District-level newsletters:
- NEW! The Equity Extra, March 2023
- NEW! Eco Experience with Eco Chick (eco tips and more)
- NEW! Hadley Herald (tech tips for 4J educators)
- NEW! EdTech (technology tips, teaching strategies and more)