Tiger Times
July 15th, 2024
Sept, 6, 2024
Each week, Kiser families and staff receive a copy of the Tiger Times with important school-wide announcements, links to curriculum resources, and information about the cool things your Tigers are doing at school.
PAWS Incentives
- No office referrals from 9/3-10/3
- No more than 3 minor write ups 9/3-10/3
What Our Tigers Are Learning
This week, we were excited to welcome almost a thousand students to Kiser! It was wonderful watching them meet new friends, get to know their teachers, and start learning new things!
Our students use the EL curriculum in their ELA classes. In the coming weeks, classes will be working on their first novel study units of the year! 6th grade is reading Percy Jackson, 7th grade is reading A Long Walk to Water, and 8th grade is reading The Summer of the Mariposas. For information about the curriculum, please check out the materials for families on the EL website.
Math classes use the Open Up curriculum along with supplemental materials. Students will be receiving their first unit workbooks soon! You can also access all the student and family materials online using the links below. When you or your student needs even more help, check out Mr. Morgan's Math Help for videos explaining the strategies.
This year, North Carolina is implementing updated Science standards for middle grades. If you would like to look at what concepts are covered in each grade level, check out the links below!
7th Grade Science
6th Grade Science
Students showing off their index card towers--which one could hold the most weight?
Social Studies
In social studies, students in 6th grade learn all about ancient civilizations. In 7th grade, they study world history events. In 8th grade, students focus on American history.
Encore Corner
Chorus with Mr. Maltby
Art with Ms. Ashley
Art with Ms. Ashley
Attention Math 1 Families!
Math 1 requires state testing at the end of the year, and we wanted to make our Math 1 families aware of specific state guidelines about this testing and its impact on possible schedule changes. Any student taking the Math I course must take an End-Of-Course (EOC) test. The State Board of Education requires that the EOC count at least 20% of the student’s final grade in the course; Guilford County Board of Education chose to use the recommended minimum percent of 20% of the student's final grade.
All students enrolled in the NC Math I class on the 20th school day may not have a schedule change. Please note that if a student does not pass the class, he/she will have to retake the course next year. Any schedule change in a math course selection must occur by September 23, 2024. The teacher may recommend a schedule change if classroom performance has not been satisfactory.
If you have any questions concerning your child’s performance, please contact the school’s guidance office or your child’s math teacher.
Student Devices
Students will be issued their school Chromebooks in the coming weeks. Students will be allowed to take their Chromebooks home. All students are issued a Chromebook and a charger. Please help us reinforce with your student the importance of taking care of these items. Remember the following expectations about Chromebooks:
- Bring your device each day fully charged
- Only use your device when instructed to do so and in the way you are supposed to
- Keep your device in your bag during all transitions so it isn't dropped or damaged
- Devices must be put away in the cafeteria and at PA Time to avoid damage
- If your device is damaged or lost, report it to Ms. Wasserman immediately
Immunization Deadline Approaching on Sept. 26!
International Student Travel
Want to travel? See the world with your peers? Come learn more about our upcoming trip opportunities. Please RSVP for the meetings using the links below!
Eastern Europe (Summer 2025)
Tues. Sept. 10 @ 5:30pm in the Kiser Media Center
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3Wtjgt4
Vietnam (Summer 2026)
Thurs. Oct. 3 @5:30pm in the Kiser Media Center
RSVP: https://bit.ly/4d0lW7n
Upcoming Club Meetings
Musical Theater workshop 9/7 (Maltby)
Future Business Leaders of America 9/9 and 9/10 (Tanner)
Creative Writing 9/10 (Neese)
Yearbook Club 9/11 (Oldham)
Sewing Club 9/12 (Louis)
ASL Club 9/16 (Moore)
Student Council 9/16 (Johnson)
Chess Club 9/18 (Media Center)
Battle of the Books 9/25 (Wasserman)
Getting Ready for Athletics!
Do you have a student athlete interested in participating in sports this year? Go ahead and be ready when that season starts by creating your Dragonfly account and uploading your child's physical form now! Per GCS policy, all students must have a physical form on file before they can participate in workouts, tryouts, practices, or games. Questions? See the athletics page of the website for the forms and details.
Visit the Athletics page of the Kiser website for new information throughout the seasons!
Support the Roar Store
In the coming weeks, we will launch our Roar Store incentive. Every week, each teacher will select a PAWS All-Star from among their students. This PAWS exemplar will receive a ticket to spend at the Roar Store on a treat of their choosing. To help us make this incentive possible, we need donations and volunteers! If you are interested in helping, please contact Dr. Bocci at boccim@gcsnc.com. The more we can stock the store, the more PAWS All-Stars we can recognize each week!
Clothes Closet Needs
Follow Us on Instagram!
We would love to interact with you and share information on our social media sites! If you use Instagram, be sure to follow us on our page at kiser_tigers
Join the PTA!
We would love to have as many families as possible join our Kiser PTA this year! If you are interested in joining us, please use the QR code to register. Please also complete the PTA form here to let us know more about you! 2024-2025 Kiser Middle School PTA Interest Form
Important Links
Calendar of Events
Sept. 9 at 6:30 PTA Meeting in the Media Center
Sept. 10 at 4:30 School Leadership Team Meeting in the Media Center
Sept. 26 7th Grade Immunization Deadline to Avoid Exclusion from School
Sept. 26 Interim Reports Go Home
Sept. 27 Picture Day
Oct. 18 Teacher Workday, No School for Students
Ms. Holmes, 6th Grade AP
Mr. Hinton, 7th Grade AP
Dr. Bocci, 8th Grade AP
Ms. Sims, Principal Intern
Ms. Bethel, Principal Intern