Guidance Gazette
January 2022 - Issue 3
Upcoming Events
January 14: Elective Fair
January 17: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School for Students
January 25: End of Marking Period 2 and 2022/2023 Course Selection Begins!!
February 2: Kindness Assembly
February 16: CCM Instant Decision Day at RHS
February 23: ASVAB Testing
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Junior College Planning Presentation
Make sure you watch our Junior College Planning Presentation! It is full of useful information regarding the upcoming college process. You can also view the slideshow here.
If you have any questions, please fill out this Google Form or email your counselor.
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Course Selection for the 2022-2023 School Year
January 12 - 14, 18
Explanation of courses in the Program of Studies booklet & Course Request process
(RHS Counselors will present in English classes)
Friday, January 14
Electives Fair & Advanced Placement Fair
Wednesday, January 19
8th grade parent presentation - (Auditorium)
Monday, January 10 - Monday, January 24
RHS Teachers will have individual conversations with students about placements & enter recommendations in Genesis
Starting Wednesday, January 26
RHS Counselors begin scheduling HS students
Thursday, March 31
Senior Options Applications are due
Friday, April 1
All student course requests entered into Genesis (8th -11th graders)
Electives Fair
Scheduling Links
- Take a look at all of the courses that will be offered next year in the 2022-2023 Program of Studies!
- More resources regarding RHS' Course Selection Process.
- Information for sophomores about Morris County School of Technology's Share Time Program.
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8 Tips to Beat the Winter Blues
1. Lighten up.
Your body and your brain are craving more daylight, which makes your body release the feel-good hormone serotonin. Walk outside during the day, even when it’s cold, to get some sun exposure, even for just a few minutes.
2. Eat to improve your mood.
Certain foods such as chocolate have been shown to improve moods and help relieve anxiety. Little comforts that don’t lay on the carbs, like a cup of tea or small piece of dark chocolate, can help you relax without sabotaging yourself later.
3. Get moving.
More and more research suggests that exercise is a great way to help deal with (and maybe even prevent) depression. Exercise as simple as walking for 30 (or even 10!) minutes can have a significant impact on your mood.
4. Listen to an upbeat playlist.
Research in 2013 from the University of Missouri suggested that listening to cheerful music can improve your mood, even after the song ends.
5. Help others.
Volunteering your time to help someone else can improve mental health and how satisfied you feel with your life. Help out a local organization. Clean out your closet and donate the clothes you’ve grown out of. Put in some extra effort around the house to help out your family. Do something kind for a friend. The possibilities are endless!
6. Stay social.
You may feel inclined to spend more time alone. However, spending time with friends and loved ones can have a serious impact on your mood.
7. Relax.
Being mindful, doing deep breathing exercises, and meditating can all have a significant impact on how you feel. Try taking several deep, slow breaths, filling your belly as you inhale and letting it deflate as you exhale. Concentrate on nothing but your breathing.
8. Be kind to yourself.
When you’re depressed, it can be really hard to find the motivation to actually do these things. If you skip a workout or stay in all day, don’t get mad at yourself. Instead, think about what you’d say to a good friend going through something similar.
These small changes can lighten your mood and help you get through the winter blues.
"8 Tips to Beat the Winter Blues." Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, January 2022,
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Upcoming FREE Events
Sponsored by Revolution Prep
January 22: MOCK SAT at 9 AM
February 3: SAT 101 (two-hour strategy session) at 7 PM
February 23: Insider’s Guide to College Admissions Testing at 7 PM
Roxbury High School Counseling Department
Location: 1 Bryant Drive, Succasunna, NJ, USA
Phone: (973)584-1200