Mary Lynch Newsletter
March 7th, 2025
Dates To Know
Thursday, March 20th - Awards Ceremony
- K-3 2:15-3:30
- 4-6 3:00-3:40
Tuesday, March 25th - Family Night 5:00-6:00
Wednesday, March 26th and Thursday March 27th - Art Show - 4:30 to 7:30
Legendary Longhorns
In Pre-K we have two amazing students Zaedyn Shropshire in the morning session and Taelyn Carpenter in the afternoon session. These two are setting great examples and truly demonstrating the Longhorn Way. Amazing job Zaedyn and Taelyn!
This month in Kindergarten we would like to nominate Marilou Baxendale and Daisy Riley this month! These girls have been working really hard and always come to school with a smile on their faces! They are great friends to their peers and always willing to help their teachers! Way to go Kindergarteners !!!
Nurse's News
Eat Breakfast at School!
Mornings can be really crazy…the alarm doesn’t go off…the kids don’t want to get up…there’s
no time to eat breakfast before the bus comes…or they’re just not ready to eat. Or maybe your
teenager grabs a can of soda and a candy bar on the way to school. If this sounds like your
house, we have good news for you.
Breakfast is served at school!! School breakfast will energize your child’s day and provide them
with a healthy start. A nutritious breakfast helps students be more alert so they can learn more
in class, and has plenty of vitamins and nutrients for a strong and healthy body.
You can’t find a healthy breakfast at such a low cost anywhere else. This year Kimball Public
Schools is excited to share that breakfast is free to all students!
Please, help your child start the day right with school breakfast!
Breakfast is served at Mary Lynch Elementary from 7:30-7:50 am.
At the Junior Senior High School Breakfast is from 7:30-7:45 and if you miss that window,
students get a second chance to grab something after the first class period.
100th Day of School
We made it!!!
Checkout some pictures from the Kindergarten and First Grade classes celebrating the 100th day of school.
In the Classrooms
Students have begun an exciting new study on buildings! They are exploring what the buildings in our community look like, who builds them and the tools they use, what materials make buildings strong, and what makes our school building special. They will also learn about what happens inside different types of buildings.
Over the next six weeks, we will finish learning all the letters of the alphabet and begin blending sounds in CVC words (consonant-vowel-consonant words, like "cat" and "dog"). These skills will help students build a strong foundation for early reading!
Stay tuned for any special instructions regarding conference scheduling!
Learning extends beyond the classroom, and we love seeing our students make connections at home! Encourage your child to point out different community buildings and discuss what makes them special. Ask questions like:
"Who do you think built that building?"
"What materials do you see?"
"What do people do inside that building?"
Learning Update:
Vowels and consonants are the highlight in Kindergarten right now as we are practicing building words to read and write. We keep learning new high-frequency words, so be sure to keep practicing these at home. Shapes, shapes, and more shapes is what is happening in math! We are learning about the 2D shapes and their attributes right now; next up will be 3D shapes! We are learning about different cultures in reading right now, and have even learned a few words in Spanish!
Upcoming Events:
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of March 13th, but will only be necessary if you receive a request from your child’s teacher. More details coming soon! Pay close attention to the important dates as we will be celebrating 3rd Quarter accomplishments and have opportunities for families to join their kids for breakfast and a family fun night this month!
Dental Health Month
To celebrate Dental Health Month the Kindergarten classes visited Kimball Family Dentistry. Above are some pictures from their visit.
First Grade
In reading, we have been learning about Arbor Day and how plants grow. In math, we learned about graphs and collecting data. Soon we will be learning about the moon and how different cultures saw the moon in reading. While in math, we will be getting into telling time and adding two-digit numbers.
This Spring, conferences are scheduled by need of meeting with the teacher. If you would like to schedule a conference, please reach out ASAP so we can get you scheduled!
As we approach the end of the year, we would like to remind everyone to keep track of their students calendar on the back of their folders. We have lots of activities planned to be sure to keep in touch!
Second Grade
Pajama Day
The Second Grade enjoyed wearing their pajamas to school to help celebrate Dr. Seuss Week. I wonder if they got to take a nap?
Third Grade
This week's special highlight was the robotics team's visit, during which they gave an exciting presentation on underwater exploration. Pictured Below
Students have been busy learning about fractions and will soon dive into telling time and calculating elapsed time. Students have been working on reading longer passages, finding the main idea and details, creating their own writing pieces, and much more!
100th Day Celebration
Third grade had fun celebrating the 100th day of school by making Fruit Loop necklaces! They also sharpened their math skills with multiplication card games.
Robotics Team Visits the 3rd Grade
Fourth Grade
In Social Studies, 4th grade is studying about Nebraska becoming a State and the Homestead Act. While in Math, students are drawing and identifying lines and angles and classifying shapes by their characteristics. They are finding the measure of angles by measuring them with a protractor and using angle measurements given to them. Soon, they will be working on finding area and perimeter of rectangles, and converting units involving time, length, weight, mass, and capacity. In Science we have been learning about non-renewable and renewable resources. We will be learning about the impacts of energy usage. While in Language Arts students have been working hard to prepare for spring testing. Each class begins with a review of skills and a practice test consisting of a text and a few questions. Students have improved their performance since starting this process. As well, they are reviewing grammar concepts as we begin to wind down the school year.
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
6th Graders have been learning how to find area of polygons. Next they will use that knowledge to find the surface area. Then they will learn how to find the volume of rectangular and triangular prisms. This past month they achieved their goals and earned game time, pictured below. In Science, we have been learning about water on the Earth and in the Atmosphere. We will be learning about weather patterns, and many other weather-related events. In Language Arts students have been working hard to prepare for spring testing. Each class begins with a review of skills and a practice test consisting of a text and a few questions. Students have improved their performance since starting this process. As well, they are reviewing grammar concepts as we begin to wind down the school year.
Computers / Library
Kindergarten - 2nd grade: Students have been working on various library/research skills such as ordering the Dewey Decimal system, identifying facts, and identifying the difference between fiction and nonfiction. In computer class, they are working on navigating a computer using a mouse and keyboarding skills.
3rd - 6th grade: Students have been using biographies to find information about influential people. They are currently working on a Black History Month research project that they should be finishing up in March. In computer class, these students have been learning how to use code to instruct a robot how to behave.
The 2nd annual Read-A-Thon is in full swing and will end on March 14th. Sign your child up to track their reading minutes and earn prizes from the library. Contact Mrs. Murdoch with any questions.
Physical Education
The kids in PE class have wrapped up their basketball unit and are working on Hockey at this time. The kids are working very hard and enjoying Hockey. The 5th and 6th grade student performed a basketball dribbling show at a high school varsity basketball game in February, it was EPIC!!!!!
For the month of March we will be doing St.Patrick's Day crafts, Rainbow art, and Lego Leprechaun traps! We will be making Lucky Charms cereal bars at Friday ELITE.
Amanda Filipi will bring an activity on March 21st and Ashley Fenning will come March 13th for our Marathon Kids program.
Friday March 7th we will have ELITE after school.
No ELITE March 5th and March 28th.
Thank you to the families that came to play games for ELITE Family Fun Night!
We will look forward to having fun at the ML Carnival Family Night on March 25th from 5-6 pm.
Thank you for letting us have fun with your kids!!