Peek at Our Week August 26, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pk8.ppo
Dear PK8 Families,
Every day of school attendance is important to a child's learning and school success. We know you want the very best education for your child. That education can only be achieved if your child is in school each day!
Please help your child get to school each day by:
- Teaching your child to be on time for school each day
- Making sure your child stays home only when he or she is sick
- Asking your child's doctors to schedule appointments before or after school hours or on school breaks
- Bringing your child to school before and after his/her daytime doctor appointment
- Taking advantage of our generous school vacation schedule, and planning your family vacations during summer or the designated school breaks
We recognize that illnesses may arise as well as unusual circumstances. When these occur, we urge you to keep an open line of communication with our school staff and teacher(s) to ensure that your student remains engaged in the learning process.
If your child will be absent from school, please let your teacher and the office know ahead of time. If you are able to do so, please call the morning of your child's absence.
Together we can work together to ensure our students are maximizing their learning opportunities.
Upcoming School Events:
7th/8th Grade Volleyball
Tuesday, August 27th at 4:00
Home games vs Cedaredge Middle School
7th/8th Grade Football
Thursday, August 29th at 4:00
Home game vs Cedaredge Middle School
7th/8th Grade Volleyball
Thursday, August 29th at 4:00
7th: Home games vs Delta Middle School
8th: Away games at Delta Middle School
6th/7th/8th Grade Cross Country Meet
Friday, August 30th at 10:00
Away meet at Grand Mesa
No School - Labor Day Holiday
Monday, September 2nd
Gifted/Talented Parent Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th @ 5:00PM
A Peek at our Weekly Activities
7th Grade Ropes Course Trip
7th Grade Ropes Course Trip
7th Grade Ropes Course Trip
7th Grade Ropes Course Trip
7th Grade Ropes Course Trip
7th Grade Ropes Course Trip
Saturday's Volleyball Tournament
8th Grade Volleyball Team
6th Grade Scientists
Homework Club
PK8 offers an after-school homework club for students in 3rd-8th grades. The club is in Mr. Bushta's classroom from 3:30-4:30 on Monday-Thursday afternoons. This is a great opportunity to complete your homework before you head home for the day!
PK8 Chess Club
Mr. Bushta offers an after-school Chess Club on Fridays from 3:30-4:30. This club is for 4th-8th grade students. Anyone can learn this amazing game of strategy and critical thinking!
Important: New Cell Phone Policy
This summer our school board passed a new policy covering student use of cell phones and personal technology devices. You may read the full policy at this link: Policy JICJ
For PK8 students, this policy does not significantly change our previous expectations of use, but it does warrant some adjustments to our previous procedures as outlined below:
Cell phones and other personal technology devices (such as earbuds, tablets, smart watches, etc) may not be used between the school hours of 7:55 and 3:25. If students are on the playground before 7:55 they may not use their devices. Devices must be turned off and in a students backpack or locker from 7:55 to 3:25. Students may wear a smart watch as long as it is not be used for any purpose other than a timepiece during the hours of 7:55-3:25.
As described in our school district policy, students may only use their cell phone or personal technology device when authorized by a 504, IEP, or health care plan; for instructional purposes under the direction of a staff member; in an emergency situation where there is an imminent or actual threat to the health or safety of students or school personnel. For clarification, if a child is feeling sick, they should not contact their parent on their cell phone, but instead report to the school office for evaluation by the health aide or to contact their parent.
Students participating in extracurricular events may not use their device during practices and games. Students may use their device on the way to/from extracurricular activities, and while being an observer at a school extracurricular event.
If students need to contact their parents during the school day, they should come to the front office and use one of the phones in the office. Students should not be using their cell phone or smart watch to contact parents during the school day, wether during classes, transitions, recesses, or lunch periods.
If students have their cell phone or personal technology device on their person, or are using the device during the day, they will turn their device over to a staff member. At the first occurrence students may receive their device at the end of the school day. For the second and further occurrences, parents may retrieve the device from the school office. If a student habitually abuses this policy, additional discipline action may be taken.
Help Wanted!
It takes a team to run our middle school sports programs. Mrs. Savory, our Athletic Director, needs people to help run our home games for volleyball, football, and basketball. We are looking for referees, clock workers, line judges, and sports book keepers. Some of these opportunities are paid! Please call the school and speak with Mrs. Savory if you, or someone you know, is available to help keep our sports programs running smoothly.
We are trying to fill a 4-hour per day Kitchen Staff position. The hours are 10:00-2:00. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Cox.
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Thank you to the students and families that helped support PPO fundraising activities over the summer. The Cherry Days Button Sales and BMW Dinner brought in over $3,000 to support students and school activities at PK8. Find out how you can help support students by attending our next PPO meeting!!
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, September 16th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
Parents, our PPO organizes a snack for school staff every Friday. Parents sign up and bring in treats for roughly 40 staff members on Friday mornings. Please offer to help by signing up for one of the available Fridays at this link: