Starr King Scoop
Family Newsletter, October 15, 2024
Starr King Field Trips
Girls in STEAM
B Street Theatre & Museum of Science and Curiosity
Important Dates
Monday, October 14--Progress Reports issued
Thursday, Nov. 7--Fall Fest celebration, 4 PM-6 PM
Monday, November 11--No school, Veteran's Day
Friday, November 15--No school for students
Monday-Friday, November 18-22--Fall conferences, early dismissal 11:05/11:10 am
Monday-Friday, November 25-29--No school, Thanksgiving Break
Start and End Times
School starts at 8:00 am for all grade levels.
End Times
TK/K------------12:00 end time every day
1/2/3 -----------1:15 Thursday --------2:15 M/T/W/F
4/5/6/7/8 ------1:20 Thursday --------2:20 M/T/W/F
School Office Hours
The school office opens at 7:30 AM and closes at 3:30 PM.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Lunch Menus- October
Lunch and Breakfast is available to all students at no cost. All meals are served with a fruit and vegetable variety and choice of 1% low-fat white or non-fat chocolate milk offered. (Soy milk available upon request). Students must choose at least 3 of the 5 components offered with a minimum of a half-cup fruit and/or vegetable. All grains offered are whole grain rich. Menu subject to change based on product availability.
Menus can be viewed at :
Starr King Basketball
Middle School Girls Basketball Registration 6th-8th Grade
Middle School girls basketball registration is now open for Starr King through Mission Oaks. If interested click on the link below, then click on youth sports, click on intermediate girls basketball, then sign up for Starr King. If you have question or need help please let us know. There is no cost for Starr King students
Intermediate Girls Basketball:
Boys Basketball Registration 4th & 5th Grade
Boys basketball registration is now open for Starr King through Mission Oaks. If interested click on the link below, then click on youth sports, click on intermediate girls basketball, then sign up for Starr King. If you have question or need help please let us know. There is no cost for Starr King students.
Boys Basketball:
Fall Festival
Income Verification Forms
San Juan Unified School District encourages families to complete the Annual Student Information Update as soon as possible.
The Annual Student Information Update asks families to update emergency contact information, complete the school funding form, get the 2024-25 family handbook and review demographic information to help schools prepare for the new school year.
Visit to complete the Annual Student Information Update. Watch a video tutorial available in multiple languages at
Complete la Actualización Anual de la Información del Estudiante antes del 31 de agosto
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Juan anima a las familias a completar la Actualización Anual de la Información del Estudiante lo antes posible.
La Actualización Anual de la Información del Estudiante pide a las familias que actualicen la información de contacto de emergencia, completen el formulario de financiamiento escolar, obtengan el manual familiar 2024-25 y revisen la información demográfica para ayudar a las escuelas a prepararse para el nuevo año escolar.
Visite para completar la Actualización Anual de la Información del Estudiante. Vea un video tutorial disponible en varios idiomas en
آپدیت معلومات سالانه شاگرد خود را تا تاریخ ۳۱ آگوست تکمیل نماید
همانطور که ما برای روز اول مکتب در ماه آگوست آماده می شویم، حوزه تعلیمی سن هوان خانوادهها را تشویق مینماید تا هرچه زودتر، معلومات سالانه شاگرد خود را به روز رسانی و یا اپدیت کنند.
در به روز رسانی معلومات سالانه، از خانواده ها خواسته میشود تا معلومات تماس اضطراری و فرم بودجه مکتب را آپدیت بکنند، کتاب رهنمود خانواده سال ۲۰۲۴-۲۵ را دریافت کرده، و اطلاعات دموگرافیک شاگرد خود را تجدید نمایند تا مکتب را برای آمادگی به سال تعلیمی جدید کمک نمایند
برای تکمیل به روزرسانی معلومات سالانه شاگرد، به صفحه بروید و تا تاریخ ۳۱ آگوست معلومات شاگرد خود را تجدید نماید. رهنمود ویدیویی که به چندین زبان موجود است را می توانید در تماشا کنید.
Middle School (7th & 8th) Cell Phone Policy
This notice is to inform you of our middle school cell phone policy at Starr King TK-8. The policy is aimed towards eliminating cell phone related issues that occur throughout the day and towards protecting the classroom environment as a place of learning.
- Cell phone use will not be permitted in any way during class time.
- Cell phones may only be used during morning break , provided that they are used appropriately, respectfully, responsibly, and safely.
- Music may be listened to during morning break, so long as earbuds or headphones are used and their volume is kept at a respectful level (no one else should be able to hear it).
- Cell phones are not allowed to be used during lunch.
- Taking videos or pictures of other students without their consent is a violation of this policy.
Furthermore, Starr King continues to not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property, so if you are concerned for the safety of your student’s cell phone, please have them leave it at home.
The consequence for failing to adhere to this policy will go as follows:
● Teacher asks student to hand over phone
- ○ Teacher holds the phone for the rest of the day
- ● If student refuses to hand over phone to the teacher
- ■ Administration comes and takes phone
- ■ A call home is made to parent
- ■ Parent must pick up phone
- ■ Upon pickup administration reviews the cell phone contract
- ■ Phone must then be checked in and out daily for a length of time determined during meeting with parents
Thank you for helping our school focus on academic achievement. Please feel free to contact your student’s teacher with any questions or concerns.
Contact the Office
Office Phone Number - 916-971-7320
Attendance Line (call or email if your child will not be at school) - 916-979-8153 or
James Reinhard, Principal -
Jessica Graber, Vice Principal -
Stephanie Floyd-Smith, Vice Principal -
Staff Directory: