Weekly Update
Oct 11 Schedule
Important INFO ---- READ-----!!!!!!
- Federal Programs Eligibility Forms will be sent home to those we did not collect one already
As Field Trips are scheduled please be sure that it has been communicated through the office in order to ensure transportation
Be sure you are on time to duty before and after school email reminders will begin if you are late - Saftey is number 1 and unsupervised kids is a problem.
ELAR Lesson Plan Template will be on the website
Please read this flyer and if you think some of our parents would want to volunteer go ahead and print up the information SALVATION ARMY FLYER
Sept. 30th - Oct. 4 No PLC next week - due to data digs
Fall Pictures this week schedule is below
TEA - REP will want several teacher groups to discuss culture and other information we will email you if we need you to sit on one of these groups
PLC Oct. 8 - SLO will be created
Oct 15 PLC(ELAR) TRC Guided Reading Plans (Math) Ashley's room - look at lessons
Oct. 22 PLC - (ELAR) TRC - Molly (Math) Ashley's room
Oct. 25 bi-weekly - look at Math tracking sheets(re-teach plans) ELAR - re-grouping
Important Dates
Oct. 9 - Fall Pictures Schedule
Oct. 9 - ALL Day - TEA representative will be Visiting Goliad - His name is Randy
Oct. 11 Student Holiday/ Professional Learning Day
- Schedule
Oct. 14 - Columbus Day
Oct. 15 - 22 - Molly on Campus
Oct. 16 - Grades Due
Oct. 16 - Proud Eagles Certificates Due
Oct. 17 - District Learning Walks
Oct. 17 - Dress for Success
Oct. 17 - Staff Social
Oct. 18 - Main Event
Oct. 18 - First Student Leadership Meeting
Oct. 21 - Flu Shots on Campus @ 2:00
Oct. 22 PLC (ELAR) TRC – Molly & Math) Ashley’s room
Oct. 25 bi-weekly - look at Math tracking sheets (re-teach plans) ELAR - re-grouping
Nov. 2 - Fall Festival 12:00 - 4:00
Expectation will be the same .. PTO will set up and we will just be sure that the booths are covered and if you can come for a couple of hours please do. More details soon