Fayette Central Week at a Glance
Week of May 6- May 10
Fayette Central Elementary School Mission:
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Dates to Remember
Richer Principle- Integrity
Bus Duty- Hazelrigg/Shepherd-AM; Strong/Pfeiffer-PM
ILEARN Continues
11:00- Mrs. Steffee Lunch Groups
2:00- No-Sixth Grade Band
Tuesday May 7:
6:00- Retirement Dinner
Wednesday May 8:
Treat Day Courtesy Group 2
Jeans Day with Special Olympics Shirts
Hep Vac #2
11:30- Mrs. Steffee Lunch Groups
12:05-Spring Program Practice
2:30- Hornet News
Thursday May 9:
Mrs. McCarty Out
1:15- Spring Program in Gym
2:00-Sixth Grade Band
6:00-Spring Program in Gym
Friday May 10:
Mrs. McCarty Out
2:00-Sixth Grade Band
To Do:
2. Upload Domain 3 to Pivot
3. Complete Inventories
4. Go Online and Order School Specialty
Upcoming Dates
May 20- Field Day
May 23- 6th Grade Field trip to IUE/Ivy Tech
May 24- Snow Makeup Day
May 27- Memorial Day
May 28- School Board Recognition
May 29- Last Student Day
May 30- Last Teacher Day
Shout Out:
How Do Your Students Make Their Annotations Memorable?
Try a New Exit Routine
Yellow Card: I had a great time and learned a lot.
Red Card: I had a good time and learned a little.
Green Card: Today was okay, didn't learn much.
Blue Card: Today was a waste of time for me.