World Language Middle School
January 28, 2024

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What's New at WLMS
Important Dates
January 31: PBIS Party (rescheduled)
February 3: BIBIBOP Fundraiser (Graceland)
February 4 & 13: Spring Conferences
February 5: NO SCHOOL
February 5: Last day to order House Spiritwear
February 8: Summer Opportunities Fair (10a-1p)
February 11: PTO Meeting @ 6:30p (via Zoom)
February 17: NO SCHOOL
SPRING CONFERENCES: February 4th and 13th
Are Conferences New to You?
Two times during the school year, once during the fall and spring, teachers will invite you, as caregivers, to meeting with them; these meetings are called "conferences". This is very common in the United States. WLMS teachers offer both in-person conferences and Zoom conferences.
The conference gives you a chance to talk with your child's teacher. You can discuss grades, classwork, homework, and behavior. If you have specific topics or questions for your teacher, you can always tell them before the conference what you want to discuss. This is also a great time to share more about your student with their teacher. Your student's teachers will send you information directly on scheduling a conference with them.
If you do not speak English or an interpreter would help with your communication, please let your teacher know so we can schedule an interpreter. You may also bring someone to help with interpretation, but it is better to not rely on your student for this if possible!
If you cannot attend conferences on February 4th or February 13th, you can reach out to your student's teacher any time on Talking Points or by email with questions or concerns. Here is the link to our WLMS staff directory: https://www.ccsoh.us/domain/4044
Family Resources from The Education Service Center of Central Ohio
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESC) has compiled a list of community resources in Central Ohio to help support undocumented students and families. Please see the attached pdf.
Additional Resources compiled by the Department of Engagement from the National Education Association and the Fugees Family website are also available below.
Resources from NEA (National Education Association)
Immigration Justice: Supporting Immigrant Families and Students
The new Federal Administration will have a large impact on immigration policies affecting students, schools, and communities. Here's what you need to know to prepare:
House Spirit Wear is Available!
Support WLMS and show your school spirit by purchasing House spirit wear. Please click on the link below; our shop is 'live' through February 5th for pre-orders. You can learn more about the philosophy behind the house system below as well. (Note: This sale is for students that have been sorted already. Those that haven’t been sorted will be sorted soon and there will be other opportunities to order once students know their house!).
STAMP Testing in March
Eight grade students in the French and Spanish pathways will take the STAMP test in the month of March. Read below to learn more about this important test for our pathway program.
Here is a 'live' link for the practice testing referenced below: https://www.avantassessment.com/tests/stamp/4s
From the Library: Board Game Drive!
Follow the library on Instagram at @wlms_reads
Click below for our most recent "Leopard Letter", our student-produced newsletter!
The Ron Clark House Model & Improving School Climate and Culture
Because one of the goals of Ron Clark Academy model is improving school climate and culture, WLMS would like to use one of their approaches to this by adding a number of photographs of our students to our classrooms and hallways, but we need your help. WE ARE LOOKING FOR DONATIONS OF PICTURE FRAMES! If you have frames you would like to donate, please send them in to Ms. Ottobre-- all sizes are acceptable! If you have question, email Ms. Ottobre at eottobre@columbus.k12.oh.us.
See this video for more information about the Ron Clark Academy and the house system model.
8th Grade: Transition to High School
School Choice is Open!
8th grade parents! The school choice applications are still open in Infinite Campus/Parent Portal.
If your child would like to enroll in International High School next year, you will need to complete an application called "Reservation" by January 31st. There are also a few Selective Admission applications and application to the Air Force Junior ROTC program that can help students get into Fort Hayes HS due on January 31st.
The School Choice Lottery closes a month later than the Reservations/Selective Admissions applications. The first round of the lottery applications are due by February 28.
If your reservation or Selective Admission is not accepted or you do not pursue an alternative lottery option, your 8th grade student will be enrolled in their home school or ESL Shelter Site based on address.
Questions? Email Mr. Carter at wcarter@columbus.k12.oh.us
High School & Middle School Lottery Applications Accepted: January 6-February 28
Selective Admissions: January 8-January 31
Request to Return to Homeschool Application Accepted: January 6-March 21
Columbus International High School
4077 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH 43224
If your family was unable to attend a school tour for CIHS, but would still like a tour and/or opportunity to shadow a language course, please reach out to Ms. Weinfurtner at kweinfurtner@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Learn more about CIHS from this presentation link below:
Centennial High School
1441 Bethel Road, Columbus, OH 43220
Student-led tours are held every Friday morning at 7:45 am. Parents and students are welcome! No sign-up is required but please bring ID. Questions? Please reach out to Family Ambassador Abbie Miller at amiller10@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Helpful Documents:
Columbus Alternative High School (CAHS)
2632 McGuffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43211
Families interested in Columbus Alternative High School, please save these dates for CAHS's open house events. There are no individual tours being offered this year. To complete the interest form, click here. Reminder: CAHS's Future Pegasus Night is TONIGHT, January 28th from 5:30p-7:30p.
Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center
546 Jack Gibbs Blvd, Columbus, OH 43215
To tour Fort Hayes, call the main office at (614) 365-6681. Ms. Cole, the office secretary, will ask for contact name, how many people in the party, any areas of interest and a contact phone number. All tours 2:45p - 3:30p with upcoming dates: Feb. 20th, Mar. 20th.
Whetstone High School
4405 Scenic Dr, Columbus, OH 43214
What is my Neighborhood High School?
It is important for families to know their "home school", especially 8th grade families as high school decisions approach. Because World Language MS is a lottery school, all 8th grade families will receive a 'reservation" at our pathway high school, International HS. Students are not required to accept this reservation and can choose to apply for lottery into another CCS school or they can return to their home school by address. This is why students need to know what their home school actually is! On the district website, the School Locator tool allows you to find your assigned schools by address. Type your address into the box then zoom out to see your assigned school.
Having trouble? Call the CCS Factline at 614-221-3228 and ask what high school your child would be assigned based on your address.
What's Happening: Sports, Clubs, the Arts & more!
Winter Sports
You have just a few more games to see our Leopard basketball teams in action! See the schedule below and come support our Leopards!
WLMS's Spring Musical
We're one month away from Matilda Jr. and we've got ALL the links you need below!
Tickets: Tickets are officially on sale for both evening shows: Thursday, February 27th and Friday, February 28th at 6:30p. Reserve your seats now!
Program Shoutouts: Show your support for our amazing cast and crew by contributing a shout out to the program! Details found here: https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/37640
Business Sponsors: if you are interested in helping with this effort, please see the sponsorship form attached as a pdf below. We love to support local businesses and are hoping for lots of community support! Here is the direct link to pay for sponsorships:
Posters: Do you know a local business or organization that would display a Matilda poster for WLMS? Let Mr. Swartz know and he will make sure you have a copy (or copies!) to pass along!
After-school snacks are needed in February!
Signup Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848A4AB23A4FDCE9-53188252-snack#/
Matilda T-shirts and Sweatshirts: The website for Matilda Jr. T-Shirts and Quarter Zip Sweatshirts is now active! The store will be active until February 9th at 11:59PM and the items will be distributed the week of the 18th. Here is the link:
Click on the pdf link below to see the rehearsal/after-school schedule.
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Yearbook sales are officially live! Yearbooks are delivered in May before the end of the school year. Use the QR or the details on the flier below to place your online order.
CWOW: Free After-School Programming at WLMS: Spaces are available!
World Language Middle School has partnered with The City of Columbus Recreation and Parks to host their Center Without Walls program on site at WLMS and spots are still available for your student! This program is on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-5:00p, offering homework help, group activities, healthy snacks and more. See the flier below for more information. A downloadable form is also attached. Note: Transportation home after the program is not provided. Questions? Reach out to Ms. Geistfeld at jgeistfeld@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Stay Connected & Get Involved
WLMS PTO Updates
Next PTO Meeting: Tuesday, February 11th 6:30-7:30p (via Zoom):
- Zoom Meeting Link:
https://us05web.zoom.us/j/6145806094?pwd=bQTd7F17jpO2O0NnsOskaR01qnECen.1&omn=89437218130 - (Meeting ID: 614 580 6094 Passcode: WLMS2425)
- BIBIBOP Fundraiser
- Monday, February 3rd from open to close at Bibibop Clintonville! See flier below for details and be sure to show your flier or use the online code!
- Spiritwear coming soon! Be on the lookout!
- Can't make the meeting but want to be involved? Join our email list!
PTO Committees: We need YOU!
Do you want to participate but have limited time?
Committees are a perfect option! Help when you can and how you can!
Below is a list of committees; committees in BOLD need members most, but if another committee interests you, please let us know!
Email worldlanguagepto@gmail.com to sign up!
Yearbook Committee: 3-4 members
take photos, gather photos, build pages, possibly sell 'ads'/sponsorships, promotion
Parent Volunteer Coordinators: 1-2 members
communicate with parents/FA and create Sign-up Genius sign-ups re: staff needs
Musical Committee: 2-3
members coordinate with parent volunteer coordinator specific to musical volunteer needs, sell ads, organize 'swag' sales, help with editing program
Multicultural Committee: 2-3 members
connect with ELL families, recruit multi-lingual families to promote involvement across school tracks and populations
Fundraiser Committee: 3-4 members
propose/coordinate fundraising opportunities, logistics, promotion
Dance Committee: 1-2 members
point person(s) with Principal Santos and Principal Davis for PTO partnership, coordinate supplies/decor, direct parent volunteers with Parent Volunteer Coordinator
Spiritwear Committee: 1-2 members
Develop spiritwear designs, manage orders
Social Media/Communications Committee: 1-2 members
Develop announcements, reminders, and general communication about PTO/PTO-sponsored events
2024-2025 PTO Officers
President: Kyle Ewart
Co-Vice President: Lindsay Capps
Co-Vice President: Susie Troyer
Secretary: Melanie Matthews
Treasurer: Hannah Spiegel
Learn more about your PTO officers by clicking on the pdf below!
Why Participate in the PTO
When families and teachers work together, children are more likely to be successful, attend school every day, and feel connected to their classmates and teachers. Parents and caregivers who are involved with school feel like they are part of the school community. One important way some families choose to participate in their child’s school is by joining the PTO or a committee. Parents and caregivers are able to meet other families in and work with teachers and administrators to make decisions about the school or district.
WLMS PTO & Kroger Plus
Did you know you can earn money for WLMS PTO while you shop? Link your Kroger account to World Language Middle School PTO using the link below; just log into your Kroger account and search for "World Language Parent Teacher Organization" or Organization Number: DQ451. Afterwards, every time you make a grocery purchase at Kroger, they'll donate money to WLMS PTO- at no additional cost to you!
District & Community Events & Resources
Saturday, February 8, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
East High School: 1500 E. Broad Street (Free parking)
Translation services available.
Dive in and explore what Columbus has to offer this summer for kids and teens at the 2025 Summer Opportunities and Engagement Fair on Saturday, February 8, at East High School, 1500 E. Broad Street from 10am-1pm.
This year's event will spotlight the Summer Experience along with over 50 community organizations, partners, and Columbus City Schools departments have gathered to share information on camps, academic enrichment, STEM, arts, and overall summer fun.
This year's festivities also feature workshops to guide families through the graduation requirements, college financial aid updates, special needs opportunities, and more.
Get the resources you need to plan your summer!! Register Today!
Brought to you by the Columbus City Schools' Office of Engagement.
Summer Opportunities and Engagement Family Fair Registration - Click Here
See below for the flier in multiple languages!
FREE winter fun at the Metro Parks!
Did you know there are FREE sledding hills at the local Metro Parks?
When the snow obliges, there’s no greater fun and free winter activity than to get out your sled, clamber to the top of a Metro Parks sledding hill and just go! All the sledding hills are monitored by park staff for safety and to make sure everyone has a great time.
- Battelle Darby Creek
- Blacklick Woods
- Highbanks
- Quarry Trails
- Scioto Audubon
- Scioto Grove
- Sharon Woods
- Walnut Woods
Not interested in sledding? Gather your friends and family for a hike on any trail. Free refreshments are offered at the parks during the times listed.
Saturday February 15, 10am-1pm at Three Creeks
Sunday, February 23, 2025 11am-3pm at Blacklick Woods Golf Course - Winter Hike Celebration!
For more information about parks and programs, visit the link below.
I Matter: Community Conference for Girls
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Nationwide Children’s Hospital - Education Center
543 S. 18th Street, Columbus, OH 43205 Columbus, OH 43205
I Matter, is a free, annual community conference that gives girls in grades 6-12 the skills they need to engage in healthy relationships and provides their mothers and mother figures with the tools and strategies necessary to support them.
Guests will also receive free parking, event swag, refreshments, and exclusive giveaways. Free registration closes February 12th.
For more information and registration information, please visit the link below.
College Credit Plus
What is College Credit Plus?
The State of Ohio's College Credit Plus Program can help students earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from colleges and/or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options for college-ready students. Taking a College Credit Plus course from a public college or university is free, which means no cost for tuition, books, or fees. If you choose to attend a private college or university, you may have limited costs.
In place of regular high school classes, students can take college courses and earn credits that can be transferred to colleges and universities after graduation.
CCP Information Sessions
Columbus City Schools invites you and your student (s) to join us for ONE of these mandatory information sessions in order for your students to participate in College Credit Plus (CCP) courses during the 2025-2026 School Year. You can choose to attend ONLY ONE face-to-face, virtually, or watch the video. The session will include a presentation on the College Credit Plus Program and information on next steps. College/university representatives will also be presenting information and available for individual questions about their application process.
This meeting is mandatory for ALL students taking CCP courses, regardless if it's taken on the college campus, online, or in your high school. Attending the informational meeting must be completed yearly along with submitting the Letter of Intent.
For more information visit the CCS Higher Education Partnership link below.
CCS Higher Education Partnership (HEP) Information Link - Click Here
Columbus Metropolitan Library is here for YOU!
Help your student stay on track this school year. They’ll have access to:
- Reading Buddies, 15 minutes of one-on-one reading practice for K-3 students
- School Help Centers, offering K-12 students free help with their schoolwork plus use of computers, printers, digital research tools and other resources
- HelpNow, connecting them one-on-one with a virtual tutor Monday-Friday, 2:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.
- Online school help tools available 24/7
- YouMedia, an open lab space at nine locations where teens can explore technologies
- After-School Snack, offered at 16 locations in partnership with the Children’s Hunger Alliance
Visit columbuslibrary.org to learn more.
In Case You Missed It: Helpful Links & Resources
Special Edition Resource S'more
In attempt to reduce the amount of information in your bi-weekly s'more, we have compiled resources that are ongoing into a "Special Edition WLMS Resource" S'more. Use the button below to access this s'more for information like:
- Talking Points Instruction Letters (multiple languages)
- High School Choice Information
- Using the WLMS Website
- WLMS Attendance
- WLMS Transportation Details
- CCS District Resources: Factline & ESL Department
- Community Resources: Columbus Metropolitan Library, Tutoring, Food/Housing/Internet Assistance, etc.
- Socio-Emotional Resources for Middle School Families
As additional resources become available, this s'more will be updated.
Questions? Need Help? Ask your Family Ambassadors!
Our role as Family Ambassador is to share information, tools and strategies that can further connect your student’s learning experience between their time in the classroom and home, host educational opportunities for families, and connect families to community and district resources. We want to support and help you to engage with the WLMS community, as well as help with navigating CCS. Questions about what you read in this s'more? We can help with that too!
We look forward to meeting your family this year if we haven’t already and are eager to connect with you! We are in the building throughout the week, and are also available to connect during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Please do not hesitate to reach out, we are here FOR you; our contact information is listed below. If the use of an interpreter would aid our communication, we are happy to arrange that as well!
Go Leopards!
Joy Johnson (español): jjohnson15@columbus.k12.oh.us Phone: 614.526.9507
Lynsey Bock (français): lbock@columbus.k12.oh.us Phone: 614.407.6102
WLMS Website Explained
Have you ever wondered how to find something on the website? There's a lot of information! See below for some help navigating all our school's homepage.
If your student is absent or if you know of a planned absence for an appointment, please use the QR code or our Google Form link. This is the most efficient way for us to accurately record student absences. You can view or access the WLMS Attendance Google Form here.
Middle School Matters:
Upon entry into middle school, students are bombarded with environmental, social, emotional, and physical changes. Check out this information compiled by the Georgia DoE for important tips and advice for helping your student successfully transition into and thrive during their middle school years!
Download the Pamphlet
This helpful document covers social and emotional changes, organizational and environmental factors, academics, developmental growth, and college and career readiness. Access the Middle School Matters pdf by clicking the link below. ¡También tenemos folletos disponibles en español a pedido!
WLMS Website
Have you seen the WLMS website? There's lots of great stuff here, including news, breakfast and lunch menus, and an updated staff directory. Click on the logo above to check it out!
CCS WLMS Families & Friends Facebook Page
Join this caregiver-run page and connect with others in the WLMS community by answering a few quick questions about your connection with the school. Click on the photo above to go to the page.
Did you know CCS has a factline to answer your questions at a district level? Call 614-221-FACT (221-3228) or email the factline at Factline@columbus.k12.oh.us.