Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
September 2024 Parent Update
Remembering Patriot Day
Dear Waite Families:
We have had a strong start to the school year at Waite Elementary! Your children have done a great job with the transition. We are excited to welcome all of our new students and families from Blake and other buildings.
Students are focused on academics with our new CKLA curriculum based on best practices in literacy instruction. Students have learned school expectations and are working toward a building-wide popsicle party later in September as we continue to reinforce PBIS expectations and "look for the good" when students are successful in meeting expectations throughout the building.
Please read on for some important information.
Mr. Mattie
Portrait of a Bee
November Operating Levy Information
Mark Your Calendar: Important Upcoming Dates
Important Dates
9/2/24: No School, Labor Day
9/3/24: STAR Testing Begins
-Kindergarten Safety Presentations
-School Safety Drill
-KidScripts Writing Rally, Grade 5
9/9/24: Camp Nuhop Forms and Payment DUE, Grade 5
9/11/24: Patriot Day (wear red, white, and blue!)
9/12/24: "Dress for your Future" - Spotlight on our Students Sprit Day!
9/13/24: Community Spirit Night and Kindergarten Parade
-Green and White Spirit Day
9/16/24: Student Sleep Health Week - Pajama Spirit Day!
9/18/24: Fall Picture Day
9/20/24: Fire Drill Scheduled
9/25/24: Fire Safety Presentation, Grade 3
-Leader of the Month
9/27/24: No School, Teacher Work Day
2024-2025 Elementary Teacher Work Days
No school for K-5 students only on the following dates (grades 6-12 still in session):
Friday, September 27
Monday, November 11
Monday, February 24
City Barbeque Dine-to-Donate
Waite’s first Dine-to-Donate event is Thursday, September 12th from 11-8. Families can order in store or online through their app. If ordering online families can use the code Give. If ordering in store, families need to mention they are with Waite. City Barbeque donates back 20%. Please see information below:
Community Spirit Night
Friday, September 13
5:30 PM-7:00 PM at Ken Dukes Stadium.
We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2037!
Football Game:
Kindergarten students and one parent can enter the football game at no charge. All other family members must purchase a ticket to enter the game. You can purchase them in advance online through Hometown Ticketing. The information is also on the MHS Athletics website. Tickets are also available for sale at the gate that evening for $10 each. Families must remain in the stadium if they plan to stay for the game. If families do not plan to stay for the game, they must exit the stadium. Signage will be in the stadium to direct them accordingly.
If meals are purchased in advance, a ticket to the football game is not included. Tickets must be purchased separately.
Purchased Meals:
If your family purchased meals online, they will be available for pickup starting at 5:30 PM. Some additional meals will be available for sale that evening on a first-come, first-served basis. The online purchasing option is now closed.
Kindergarten Meeting Space:
Kindergarten families have been asked to meet at the west gate (by the scoreboard) by 6:15 PM. Look for Mr. Mattie! An email with further details was sent to kindergarten parents this morning from the Community Relations Director, Amy Busby.
Picture Day Information - (9/18/24)
Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18th at Ralph E. Waite Elementary School!
Save time and preorder your photographs on the Ripcho Studio webpage before your Picture Day, by clicking on the "Order Online" button below.
Your personalized online password is: 1001162583
Please Note: The Online Password will expire 48 hours after the Photo Date.
You can also choose to print the flyer by clicking the "Download Flyer" button below. Fill it out and return it to the school on Picture Day with your parents in an enclosed envelope.
Any Questions? Call customer service: 216-631-0664 or email: customerservice@ripchostudio.com
Parents who have multiple children will need to place a separate prepay order per child.
We look forward to seeing your child's smile this upcoming Picture Day!
Copyright © 2024 Ripcho Studio Photography, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
7630 Lorain Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102
Counselor Corner
Meet Waite's New School Counselors!
Miss Andrews has moved into a new position. Please welcome Stacey Wielgus and Amanda Townsend. Please see contact information on the Waite website. If you have a question or need support for your children, please email both counselors and they will be in touch.
Music Updates
Music Notes from Mrs. G
Announcing the 4th and 5th grade Waite Elementary Youth Choir! Any interested 4th or 5th grader who can commit to attending the one morning rehearsal a week is welcome to join our choir. We will represent Waite Elementary at various events and act as music ambassadors in and around our community. Our first performance will be Veteran's Day. Look for a detailed handout and permission slip to come home in the next few days. Our first rehearsal will be September 25th at 8:00 AM. Email Mrs. Gabrielsen gabrielt@medinabees.org if you have any questions. I can't wait to get started!
4th graders will begin playing recorders soon! Recorders are small, easy to play wind instruments that allow students to experience ensemble playing with great success. 4th grade parents please watch for a handout about purchasing a recorder. ALL 4th graders need to return the form by September 20th (9/23 at the latest) so I can place one large order. Email Mrs. Gabrielsen gabrielt@medinabees.org with any questions.
School Procedures
Student Arrival: (8:45 am, 8:55 tardy bell)
Students will arrive to school (bus, carline, walkers) by 8:45AM (arrival bell). They will be in their classrooms no later than 8:55AM (tardy bell).
Morning Arrival: Bus Riders
Bus Riders
Buses will arrive in the main entrance loop.
Buses will stagger dismissal into the building.
Grades K-4 will enter the main entrance doors and:
Grade K will proceed left to K hall classroom
Grades 1-2 will proceed straight through cafeteria to classroom
Grades 3-4 will proceed right down main hall to classroom
Grade 5 will enter the main entrance and proceed right to 5th grade hall locker
Morning Arrival: Walkers/Car Riders
Walkers will use the walking path only and remain at the end of the walking path until 8:45 a.m. At that time, Safety Patrol will signal for the students to cross, then enter the side entrance of the building.
Car riders will use the carline and will enter through the side entrance of the building.
Students are permitted to exit cars at the side entrance beginning at 8:45 a.m. when staff arrive and signal to exit the car. Students are not to be dropped off prior to 8:45 a.m. since there is no adult supervision until that time.
Upon exiting cars and entering the side entrance:
Grade K will sit on the floor inside the carline doors and they will be escorted to their classroom.
Grades 1-4 will turn right and proceed to their classroom.
Grade 5 will turn left, stay on the right side of the hall, and proceed to their classroom.
Please pull all the way forward to the yellow cone (by the flagpole), and the entire curb-line of cars will exit at once. Once all curb-line cars are unloaded, follow the car in front of you in a line to exit. Please do not pull out of line. It is a serious safety concern.
Students must exit only on the curb-side. Parents - please stay in your car.
Please be sure your child is ready to exit the car as you enter the drop-off line.
If you are dropping off your child after 8:55 a.m. or picking up your child early, you will need to park in the front lot, enter the main entrance vestibule, and sign your child in. Students will be buzzed in by the office staff.
Afternoon Dismissal: General
Please have an established plan in the morning with your child for dismissal.
If there is an emergency where your child’s dismissal plan needs to change at the last minute, please call the Waite office BEFORE 3:00 p.m. to ensure your child receives the necessary information.
Staggered classroom dismissal will take place between 3:20 - 3:23 p.m.
Walkers and car riders will exit through the side entrance. Bus riders will exit through the front/main entrance.
Afternoon Dismissal: Carline Procedures
As you enter the carline to wait for student dismissal, PLEASE DO NOT PARK BY THE DOOR. PLEASE PULL ALL THE WAY FORWARD TO THE FLAGPOLE.
Safety Patrol/Staff will escort walkers to the walking path.
Staff will direct car riders to the car pick-up area on the sidewalk.
Students will sit/stand in the designated alphabetical zones on the sidewalk
A-L will sit closest to the front of the crosswalk
M-Z will sit on the end of the line past the crosswalk
Cars will continually be moved ahead (toward the flagpole) while you are waiting for your child.
Mrs. Cavey will radio to an aide as you pull to the front of the line for your child to come to the vehicle. Once the car has safely stopped, your child will walk to the front of the line to enter your vehicle.
- Once your child is in the car, please wait for the cars ahead of you to move forward. Please do not pull around for safety purposes.
Please have your last name written on a large paper and visibly displayed in the front window/dash of the vehicle.
Parents - please stay in your car.
When exiting the lot, please yield to the buses. Thank you!
Students will be placed into “blocks” alphabetically by their last name. If there is a carpool of students, they will go to the “block” of the student’s parent/guardian who is picking them up.
In order to provide optimal safety during dismissal, parents are not permitted to park in the side or front lot and walk their children to their cars. All children must be picked up in the car line.
Student Sign-In
If a student is returning to school from an appointment or arriving late to the building:
The parent and student will enter the vestibule together.
The parent signs the student in on the attendance log which will be located in the office vestibule.
After signing the student in, ring the buzzer & the office staff will unlock the door for the student to enter the office.
Student Sign-Out
If a student needs to leave school early:
The parent will enter and remain in the office vestibule.
The parent will speak through the intercom to provide the name of the student they are picking up. The parent/guardian will be required to show ID through the office window.
The office staff will call the student down to the office.
The parent will sign the student out on the attendance log.
The parent waits in the vestibule for their student.
Absence Procedure
End of Day Dismissal Plans
Please make every effort to have an established end of the day dismissal plan with your child. In the event of an emergency where dismissal plans have changed, please call the office prior to 3:00 to notify your child.
Electronic Devices - Student Code of Conduct
As cell phones and smart watches continue to grow in popularity, we like to remind parents of the expectations for these devices during the school day. From the student discipline code:
● Electronic devices such as (laser pointers, video cameras, cameras, etc.) are prohibited in
● Cell phones, smartwatches, electronic devices such as (Ipods, MP3 players, Ipads, Nooks,
Kindles, Gizmos, etc) and any video game devices must be turned off and in the student’s book bag during school hours.
Please make sure to have a conversation with your child about this expectation so that
everyone is on the same page in regards to these devices!
School Fees
2024-2025 School Fees:
Grades K-2: $36.00
Grade 3-5: $44.00
School Fees are due Sept. 15 and can be paid using https://www.payschoolscentral.com/
Grades 2-5 Chromebook insurance is a $30 fee. Parent can opt out through Final Forms by Sept. 15.
School Breakfast and Lunch
We are excited to now offer an online free and reduced-price meal application through PaySchools Central for families that believe they may qualify.
PaySchools Central has provided How-To-Guides to set up your account and to complete an online free and reduced meal application. If you choose not to use the online application you can fill out the paper free and reduced meal application and return to the Food Service & Child Nutrition Department located at the Board of Education Office, 739 Weymouth Road.
The form can also be obtained and returned (completed) to any school office. You will be notified by email of your child's status. Until notification is received, you must provide your child with breakfast/lunch or money in their student accounts.
School Meal Prices: 2024-2025
Elementary $3.25
Milk $0.50
Students $2.50
Milk $0.50
Payment of school meals can be made by cash or check at each individual school. For your convenience you may also pay online by ACH Check or Credit Card through PaySchools Central. You will be charged a small fee if you use PaySchools Central. Note: You cannot combine lunch payment with payment of school fees.
Weekender Bags
Waite Elementary School is excited to participate in the 2024-2025 Weekenders program! The Weekenders for Children program is made possible through a partnership with Feeding Medina County. The purpose of this program is to support elementary children who qualify by providing a bag of food to eat over the weekend. Weekender Bags will be given to your child to take home every week during the school year, except during breaks.
If you are interested in your child/children participating in the Weekenders program, please fill out this form as soon as possible. Please call the office with any questions. Thank you!
Volunteer Information
If you are interested in being an approved volunteer, please click HERE to complete the volunteer application process. All volunteers must have a background check on file and be approved by the Medina City Schools Board of Education.
Have a Great Month!
Email: mattiem@medinabees.org
Website: medinabees.org
Location: 4765 Cobblestone Drive, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330-636-4500