Lesson Plan Updates and Tips
Getting Ready for the 4th Six-Weeks
Setting Up for the 4th Six-Weeks
1. Go to your lesson plan folder. Click New>Google Sheets> From a template and select the template that is best for you.
- 1. New Lesson Plan Template: serves all PreK-12 core subject area teachers, as well as Secondary Library, CTE, and Special Education
- 2. New Elementary Specials Lesson Plan Template: serves all elementary Fine Arts, Library, and PE/Health teachers
- 3. New Intervention Lesson Plan Template: serves all reading and math interventionists
- 4. New Secondary Fine Arts Lesson Plan Template: serves all secondary Fine Arts teachers
- 5. New Shannon HS Lesson Plan Template: serves teachers at Shannon HS (the same as the 1. New Lesson Plan Template, except with room to plan for 9 weeks)
3. Click Import Content Areas
- Authorization Required: click Continue
- Select your Google account
- Click Allow
- Allow script to run, then click OK when prompted
4. Select the courses you teach so that you can import just those standards into your planner. Type an x into column C next to each subject you would like to import.
5. Click Import Standards
- Click OK, allow the script to run, then click OK again when prompted
6. You are now ready to set up your planner!
- You may duplicate any tabs you need. For example, if you teacher Algebra and Geometry, you will want two Math Workshop tabs.
- You may delete any tabs you do not need - JUST DO NOT DELETE THE TABS HIGHLIGHTED IN GREEN AND ORANGE (they are magical!).
New Lesson Plan Template
All teachers watch this video to learn how to set up your new template.
The template titled "New Lesson Plan Template" serves all Pre-K-12 core subject area teachers, as well as Secondary Library, CTE, Special Education
The template titled "New Lesson Plan Template" serves all Pre-K-12 core subject area teachers, as well as Secondary Library, CTE, Special Education
Elementary Specials - Fine Arts, PE/Health, Library
Watch the video for the new lesson plan template above to learn all the ins and outs, but this video will help you learn about a few unique qualities of the elementary specials templates.
Intervention Lesson Plan Template
Watch the video for the new lesson plan template above to learn all the ins and outs, but this video will help you learn about a few unique qualities of the intervention templates.
Secondary Fine Arts
Watch the video for the new lesson plan template above to learn all the ins and outs, but this video will help you learn about a few unique qualities of the secondary fine arts templates.
If you need help with your lesson plans or using Google Drive in general:
1. Ask your peers
2. Contact your Digital Learning Specialist
3. Contact the technology helpdesk
4. Use the Feedback Form built right into your planner
Printing Your Plans