Tinicum School News
What Day Is It?
Wondering what day it is for specials? Check out the calendar below.
This Week
Monday, November 25th - 800-3:00 Conferences
Tuesday, November 26th - 12:30-7:30 Conferences
Wednesday November 27th-Friday November 29th
Tinicum School wishes everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
PBIS Turkey Feather Fundraiser
Students purchased turkey feathers for $1.00 each to nominate their favorite teacher or staff member to dress like a turkey on Friday. The winner with the most votes was.....Miss Barb (Barb Hadfield). Miss Barb is a fan favorite in the cafeteria and out on the playground. Congratulations Miss Barb! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
New S.T.E.M. Center
Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation, Exelon Foundation and PECO
On Wednesday, November 20th, Tinicum School was honored to host esteemed guests from the Cal Ripken St. Foundation, Exelon Foundation and PECO. Tinicum School is the proud recipient of a new, state of the art S.T.E.M. center as a result of a donation from the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation in conjuction with the Exelon Foundation and PECO. Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr. and the Philly Phanatic were here to help open the new S.T.E.M. center.
A very big thank you to all involved!
Landin and Cal Ripken Jr. Figuring Things Out
Ava Showing Calvin Butler How Things Work
From the Desks of Mr. Rambo & Mr. Wood
Home & School News
Breakfast with the Grinch & Craft Fair
Get Your Bingo Tickets Now!
PBIS Popsicle Winners
Congratulations to this week's PBIS popsicle winners!
Buc Award Winners
Respect, Responsibility, Honesty & Pride
Congratulations to the 1st Marking Period Buc Award winners. These students were recognized for displaying the core values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty and Pride. Keep up the good work!
Students of the Month
Sending a big shout out to some of our September & October Students of the Month! These students were recognized for being helpful and showing effort. Way to go!
Home Access Center (HAC)
Reminder to all Families
Please keep your contact information up to date. Below is a link to directions for accessing and updating your contact information through our Home Access Center (HAC). Please go to our district website and log into the HAC and make sure your phone numbers and e-mail addresses are correct. If you need to update your physical address, that must be done through the registration office at the Administration Building. Remember that this is also how you check your child's homeroom teacher and schedule information.
Should you require any technical support for yourself or your
child, please e-mail techhelp@interborosd.org or cal 610-461-6700 ext. 1274.
Absence Reporting
Breakfast and Lunch are Free to All Students for the School Year.
Breakfast and Lunch at School
We are pleased to inform you that Interboro School District will be implementing a new provision known as the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) during the 2024-2025 school year. This program is available to schools and districts that are participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
All enrolled students of Interboro School District are eligible to receive a nutritional breakfast and lunch each school day at no charge to your household.
No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without paying a fee. We encourage you to fill out an application for free / reduced meals after July 1, 2022. Approval for free / reduced meals can benefit your family and the district.
Meals must be complete for the district to claim them. Lunch must contain at least 3 of the 5 components and one must be a fruit or vegetable. The components are enriched grain, meat / meat alternate, milk, fruit and / or vegetable. Breakfast must contain 3 components, whole or enriched grain, fruit and milk.
New to the district is SchoolCafé for making online payments, setting purchase restrictions, viewing purchases, auto pay, and low balance alerts. Families may continue to utilize SchoolCafé (formerly My School Bucks) for purchasing snacks and paying for other school-related expenses.
If we can be of any further assistance, please contact Tara Taylor at 610-461-6700 ext. 1135 or Tara.Taylor@interborosd.org.
Here are some helpful links for valuable information regarding meal prices, menus, and access to SchoolCafé for payment.
Safe2Say Something
Safe2Say Something
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize the warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late. Each year, students in 6th grade will receive an initial training and students in grades 7-12 will receive a mandatory refresher training on Safe2Say Something.
Contact our Helping Team
Contact Us:
Assistant Principal: Lauren.Love@interborosd.org
School Nurse: Eugenia.Costalas@interborosd.org
School Psychologist: Sara.Bilyeu@interborosd.org
Guidance Counselor: Caroline.Rickards@interborosd.org
School Social Worker: Kathleen.Carroll@interborosd.org
Administrative Assistant to the Principal: Robin.Berkheimer@interborosd.org
Attendance Secretary: Stacey.Spanier@interborosd.org
Website: https://www.interborosd.org/Domain/12
Phone: 610-521-4450
Twitter: @TinicumSchool