Welcome to Thrive!
Get ready to start your Thrive Experience!
How to take your products
Step 2 - 20-40 minutes after you take your capsules, make your Lifestyle Shake and drink it within 10 minutes if possible. You can mix with just water or milk or make it into a smoothie with ice and fruit. If you only have 16 shakes then you can either drink them Mon-Thurs or drink them every other day.
Step 3 - Put on your DFT Foam Patch. Place this on a clean, lean area of your body and rotate areas each day. You can hide your patch or if you want to share your Thrive Experience with others and get your Thrive for FREE each month, you will probably want to "show it off" so people will ask you about it! Leave this on for 24 hours.
***Be sure to drink PLENTY of water while taking Thrive. That should be AT LEAST 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day! You are actually probably going to crave water while taking Thrive, so it shouldn't be as hard as it sounds.
***No Caffeine! I know a lot of you are used to the morning cup of coffee or those afternoon energy drinks, but trust me on this. Save yourself the money and the afternoon crash and cut those things OUT!
Body Detoxing
During the first couple of weeks on Thrive, your body will be doing some things your not used to. For one, it has to get rid of the unhealthy toxins in your body. You WANT this to happen. I know that you are probably in a hurry to feel the full effects of Thrive, but let me assure you that this is one of the most important effects you want to happen.
Feeling sluggish, being out of sync, struggling with skin problems, having aches & discomforts, digestive problems and problems losing weight are all signs that i might be time for your body to detox. The Thrive Experience tackles that from the beginning and each and every day because of the high quality ingredients, especially those in the Lifestyle Shake Mix.
If you are not feeling it work right in the beginning, don't worry, it is! It may take 1 day, 3 days, 5 days ore 10 days, but it IS working.
Not Using The Product Correctly or You Need to Change it Up
Your Thrive Experience not working could be because you aren't using the products correctly or you need to adjust for your body. Please take a minute to look over these possibilities.
1. Capsules - Make sure that you are taking them VERY FIRST THING when you wake up. Not after your shower, not after you ate breakfast, not after you got ready for the day....FIRST THING!!!
2. Lifestyle Mix - You may need to take this EVERY day instead of just 4 days a week. You may also need to take this with ONLY water or water & ice. Add it to only 4 ounces of water and drink it down quickly and then follow up with 8 ounces of WATER!
3. DFT - Apply your patch to a completely different area of your body every day. Where it for only 24 hours. Be sure to clean off any residue left from the patch with an alcohol wipe or oily eye make remover, something of that nature.
4. Breakfast - EAT IT! Thrive is really not meant to be a meal replacement if taken correctly, so drink it down and then eat a light, healthy breakfast.
5. CAFFEINE- STAY AWAY! Thrive has all the caffeine you need. If you add coffee, energy drinks or soda, you will get the afternoon crash. Let Thrive do it's job!
Here are a few ways people are using the product WRONG.
1. Not Using All Three Products – I hear it all the time. I don’t like capsules. I’m not a shake person. Shakes don’t agree with me. And so on, and so on, and so on. The products are formulated to give you MAX results. When you take away one, the results are least effective. Take away two and even less. And then what happens when you’re not getting the results you think? You stop using them.
2. Not Using At The Right Time Of Day – I’ve heard stories of people taking capsules in the morning and then their shake at night. This is crazy. It’s formulated to work perfectly right in the morning on an empty stomach.
3. Not Drinking The Shake – The Thrive Lifestyle Mix is the most important part of the Thrive Experience because of the pre and probiotics. This is important for your body detoxing daily as well as your digestive system absorbing the nutrients.
DFT Ultra
With an 82% larger Fusion surface, DFT™ Ultra provides a Formula, Fusion, and Technology significantly greater than regular DFT™. DFT™ Ultra truly is a Premium Product on a Premium Level.
Black Label DFT
Can I save money by Thriving?
Not to mention, you can also Thrive for FREE! That will save you even more money!
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Contact Me!
Email: thrivewithchanin@gmail.com
Website: www.thrivewithchanin.com
Phone: 5135197022
Facebook: facebook.com/cmettey
Twitter: @girlymom4