Beacon Bulletin
June 3rd- June 7th "A Week"
Important PPES Information:
Piney Point families,
- SMCPS is looking for a PPES a parent to join the cell phone in school's committee for next school year. If you are interested, please email me directly. Also, we will be searching for a parent to join the Equity in Education Committee for next school year. If you are interested, please email me to get the details!
- This week we will be announcing our 2024-25 Safety Patrols for fist semester. Thank you to all who applied!
- Thank you so much to all the families who came out to volunteer for Field Day! We appreciate you giving your time to help us have some fun in the sun!
- Thank you to the Donohue Family for sharing their love of Rocket Science to Ms. Taylor and Ms. Cheng's Classes.
- Parents- please continue to send bookbags to school each day even thought it is the last week of school. Each Day teachers will be sending home some of the student's desk supplies. Having a back pack makes this much easier.
- Just a friendly reminder that Thursday and Friday this week are 2 hour early dismissals! Please be at the bust stop to meet the children.
- 5th grade parents. Please click on the link to sign up to volunteer for the 5th grade Luau on Thursday, June 6th! Luau sign up
- Early dismissals- Parents we ask your help with early dismissals from school. We must have a note from you stating that the child is going to be parent pick up. Please do not call or email the school after 3:15pm asking to change your child's form of transportation for that day. It is a HUGE disruption to dismissal when we have to find your child and either take them off a bus or put them on the bus with a bus pass. I understand that sometimes it is a reward to get picked up at school but we ask that you meet your child at the bus stop and then do your fun activity. We have worked very hard this year to teach dismissal procedures and as stated before makes it incredibly difficult to change. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
- School Kits- We have partnered with SchoolKidz again this year to offer School Kits for the upcoming school year. Please see the attached information regarding pricing and online ordering. You may begin ordering now. Once you place your order, the kits will ship directly to school over the summer and will be delivered to your child's teacher. To order, go to www.shopttkits.com and enter our school code: 42479. Orders are due June 5th!
Be sure to review this entire newsletter each week as it will provide you with valuable resources and information.
~Mrs. Zeier
Summer Food Service Outreach
SMCPS Food Services will be providing "to-go" meals for the summer at LHS, CHS, OES, and SRMS offering 5-day meal pick-up on Mondays starting June 10th. Parents must pre-register their children by filling out the form linked below or bringing them to the site when they pick up meals. SMCPS will also be operating Lunch and Learn and Lunch at the Library, more information to follow. Summer Meals Registration Link
Now Accepting Pre-K Applications!
St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) will begin to accept Pre- Kindergarten 4 Applications on Thursday, April 11, 2024. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future allows for families with children who are 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024, to apply for full-day Pre-Kindergarten. All families are welcome to apply; however, income is the primary qualifier for eligibility. All applications will be screened and identified on a System of Tiers.
The SMCPS website, www.smcps.org, has information and guidance for completing the 2024-
2025 Pre-Kindergarten Application. You may also contact us using the helpdesk form, call 301-
475-5511 ext. 32285, or email Mrs. Charlottis Woodley, Director of Parent & Family Engagement, at cmwoodley@smcps.org. Spanish language assistance is available.
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 school year
All schools will hold open registration beginning Monday, May 6, 2024, which will continue -throughout the summer. Students who are currently enrolled in SMCPS Pre-K do NOT need to re-register. Current Pre-K students will rollover to kindergarten, unless they are an out of district transfer student.
Parents of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2024, should register at the school assigned to their physical address during the open enrollment period.
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) may go to the school assigned to their legal address to complete
the registration paperwork. Children are not required to be present for registration. Required
documentation includes evidence of birth, proof of residency, a copy of the child’s immunization record, and any court papers regarding custody of the minor child. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) must also bring photo identification when registering their child.
Each elementary school will conduct open enrollment for the children residing in their zone.
Information regarding which school serves your residential area is provided by the Department
of Capital Planning at SMCPS - Find a School by your address or 301-475-4256, option 6.
Attention 5th grade parents:
Calendar Updates:
- June 6th- 5th grade Luau
- June 6th- 2 hour early dismissal-- last day for Pre-k
- June 7th- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL- 2 hour early dismissal
- June 13th- June 25th- report card posted on HAC
The SMCPS Board of Education approved an amendment to the 2023-2024 SMCPS Operational Calendar. The revised calendar posted to www.smcps.org/calendar.
As a result of the fact that SMCPS did not use any of its inclement weather days built into the calendar, the final day for the 2023-2024 school year has been adjusted.
The final day for students will be Friday, June 7, 2024.
School Information:
Summer Sports Academies
SMCPS and SMC R&P have partnered to offer the new Summer Sports Academies. Campers will be instructed by area high school coaches. Camps are held Monday -Thursday. Click below for more information. Registration begins March 1st. Don't miss this opportunity.
The Maryland School Report Card provides information about our school's performance for the 2022-2023 school year. You can find a link to our school's SY23 report card by visiting the Quick Links on our school's website. In addition, you can view the January 11 presentation to the Board of Education about system-wide data or visit www.smcps.org/about-us for additional information
Math Information for Parents
Read books that contain mathematics themes with your children.
There are many books that can engage students in thinking about math. Head over to the public library and check out these great titles.
For Pre-K - 2nd Grade
Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh
10 Black Dots by Donald Crews
Press Here by Herve Tullet
5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow
Ten Apples Up on Top! by Dr. Seuss
Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni
Counting on Frank by Rod Clement
Two Greedy Bears by Mirra Ginsburg
Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin
For 3rd - 5th Grade:
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins
Triangle by Mac Barnett
The Map of Good Memories by Fran Nuno
Infinity and Me by Kate Hosford
Math Curse by John Scieszka
I’m Trying to Love Math by Bethany Barton
Reading Information:
SMCPS Reading Language Arts Information and Resources
Explore the site and the Benchmark Advanced curriculum. Choose your child’s grade level on the right-hand side of the site for grade specific resources and information including articles, websites, and online books.
“One of the most important roles that parents can play in their child’s education is supporting and nurturing their child’s reading abilities and love of reading.”
Here are a few tips to help readers:
ENCOURAGE WRITING - Encourage your child to write thank-you notes, letters, journal entries and stories about their daily life and experiences. If your child is uncomfortable writing, suggest that he or she create a comic strip.
BUILD LITERACY WITH OTHER ACTIVITIES - Enjoy puzzles, mazes, crosswords and other games, which enable your child to build literacy skills while having fun.
PARTNER WITH TEACHERS - If your child is struggling with reading and writing, work with teachers to understand their approach to literacy and ask how you can help at home. Find ways to extend school literacy lessons when you’re home or out with your child.
LEAD BY EXAMPLE - Show your child that you love books, reading and writing — and that you partake in these activities every day.
Review this article for more tips - 10 Ways Parents Can Support Reading At Home
Playing games is a great way to provide additional practice with early reading skills. Here is one game you can play at home.
Go fish
This game is good for early fluent to fluent readers.
To make:
Select ten to 20 words from a book (or books) the child is reading. Print the words clearly and boldly on separate 3x5 inch index cards, making pairs of each word. (Children may help by copying the words you write.) Two to four players can play this game.
To play:
Shuffle and deal three to five cards to each player. Place the rest of the deck face down. Players take turns asking each other for a card to match one held in his or her hand. If the opponent has a matching card, it is given over, and the first player takes another turn. If the opponent does not have a match, he or she says “Go Fish” and the player draws from the remaining deck of cards, and the next player takes a turn. Each time a player has a match, he or she reads the words, and puts down the pair, face up. Continue the game until the cards are all used up.
Instead of matching words, rhyming words can be used. In this case, players ask for “a word that sounds like ‘night’…” At the end, the child can earn extra points by dictating or writing additional words that rhyme with the base words, or creating “silly” sentences using the rhymes.
Note: This game can be adapted to use with older children, or more advanced readers: variations can include vocabulary practice such as using homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings: cent/scent; dear/deer, etc.), or contractions (can’t; cannot, etc.).
Media Mentions:
Need a laptop charger?
Need to purchase a laptop charger?
You can do one of two things:
1. Email your child's teacher or the Library Media Specialist Mrs. Anderson (lwanderson@smcps.org) that you wish to pay for the missing laptop charger. A fine then can be assessed so that you can pay using My School Bucks, sending in cash, or a check (made out to SMCPS).
2. Go directly to the DELL store. You can purchase directly from their website and have it shipped to your home.
Ensure one of these links is being used:
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps (click Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords)
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps-chargers (leads directly to the purchasing portal)
If you purchase from Dell, please make sure that you label the charger with the student's first and last name before sending it to school. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or the Library Media Specialist Mrs. Anderson(lwanderson@smcps.org).
School Information:
Piney Point Pics!
Shiny, our mascot, made an appearance at Field Day!
School Meals:
PTA Ponderings!
Our spirit rock is open for rentals! The cost to rent is $25 per day and you get to paint the rock. The rock can be rented to celebrate birthdays, teachers, sports, accomplishments, or to spread any positive message. Click here to learn more: https://m.signupgenius.com/... Email the PTA for questions: piney.point.pta@gmail.com.
Join the PTA
It's time to renew your PTA membership dues!
2023-2024 Membership/Dues Cost: $20
Dues payment link:
Why join the PTA?
- Your membership dues help us achieve our goals of helping students, teachers, and staff.
-You will receive school updates. Signing up will keep you in the loop with what’s going on at PPES.
-Signing up to join the PTA is not a commitment. We won't force you to volunteer- but we do appreciate all the help we can get! If you join there are also no meetings to attend.
Thank you for your support!
Birthday Treats
Evening Counseling: SMCPS is once again offering School-Based Counseling Support in the evening for SMCPS students. Counseling support focuses on the following areas: Healthy Relationships, Social Skills, Self-Esteem, Stress Management, Worry, Sadness, and Emotional Regulation. Services will be located at Margaret Brent Middle School and Greenview Knolls Elementary School on Tuesday evenings from 4-7:30 p.m. Please complete the Parent Contact Form for Evening Counseling to request services.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. The best way to reach me is to email me at klpelton@smcps.org.
Looking forward to a great year!
Ms. Pelton
Notes From the Nurse UPDATED
Hello Families!
The school based health clinics has updated their website with a new link to register students. The link can be found at https://smchd.org/sbhc/ and then you would click the blue button that says "Click Here to Enroll now for Faster Service". The school based health centers are a great way to see a provider without the long wait times at urgent care! See their website for more information. They will be open ALL summer for your convience.
Transportation Information:
Please click the link below for information regarding your child's bus number, bus stop location, and pick-up and drop-off times. If you have specific questions regarding bus transportation, please call the Department of Transportation at (301)-475-4256.
For all parents of PreKindergarten and Kindergarten students: An adult must be present at the bus stop when students are being picked up or dropped off. If an adult associated with a PreKindergarten or Kindergarten student is not present at the bus stop at the end of the school day, the bus driver will return the student to the school and the parents will be contacted to come to the school to pick up the student.
School Messenger Text Messaging
Connect with Mrs. Zeier
Email: tbzeier@smcps.org
Website: https://ppes.smcps.org/
Location: 44550 Tall Timbers Road, Tall Timbers, Maryland 20690, USA
Phone: 301-994-2205