Weekly Update
Week Of Oct 28-Nov1
No School Monday October 28
Upcoming Dates
October 28- No School- Teacher Inservice Day
October 31- Costume Serpentine
Dia De Los Muertos Ofrenda Nov 4-8 (Submit photos & items the week of Oct 28-Nov1) See flyer below
Nov 5, 6, 7,& 8 - 4th & 5th swim lessons
November 11- No School Veterans Day
November 15- End of Trimester
November 18- No School- Teacher Grading Day
November 27, 28, 29 - No School Thanksgiving Break
October 31
October 31st
On Thursday October 31st we will host a costume serpentine at the school. At 1:00 students will line up and walk the halls visiting each classroom showing off their costumes.
- No blood
- No weapons (swords, axes, guns, nunchucks, lightsabers)
- No masks during the day- only allowed for serpentine (students need to be able to safely walk with any mask during the serpentine)
- Please do not send students to school in their costumes if they are capable of putting it on themselves. They should pack it in their backpack and change into it. We can assist with zippers and snaps.
- Students may be asked to change if they wear their costume to school and it becomes a distraction. Best practice would be to wear regular clothes and send costumes to school in a bag. Students will be asked to change out of costumes for ExCEL- Please pack a change of clothes.
Families and community are welcome to join us at 1:00 in the gym. Please do not arrive before 12:55. The students will walk through the gym on their way back to class and families can wave and say hi. Once done we ask families to exit through the front door and wait outside until dismissal.
Thursday is still a full day of learning and we ask for your assistance in supporting the teachers in managing the excitement for the day.
We also ask that you DO NOT send candy for snack or lunches on Friday or the following week.
Purposeful People Monthly Character Trait Winners
Each month our students learn about a different character trait. So far this year they have learned about Kindness, Respect, and Responsibility. At the end of each month teachers select a student from their class who are exemplars of that months character trait. Congratulations to this month's Responsibility winners.
Eagle Egg Winners- Empower, Engage, Collaborate
Each week students work to earn "eagle eggs" (little tickets) for empowering, engaging and collaborating. At the end of the week a random drawing is held and one student from each grade is picked. They earn prizes like, make a bracelet, hot cocoa with a friend, PJ day for their class etc. Congrats to this weeks winners.
Cascade Locks is an AVID School!
Cascade Locks is an AVID elementary school. AVID stands for, Advancement Via Individual Determination.By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID Elementary teachers create a ripple effect in later grades. Students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Students learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
Mission: Our mission is to empower and engage students by providing them with opportunities, instilling confidence and critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to collaborate effectively.
Vision:All students are lifelong learners who have the confidence to take risks, discover their passion, and achieve their goals and dreams.
Peachjar shares resources and opportunities
We are now using Peachjar! Parents/guardians receive digital flyers containing school and community resources that aim to improve the trajectory of students’ lives. This transition will also save our schools time and money while ensuring important information makes it home to parents.
Please visit this Peachjar web page to see current opportunities for Cascade Locks Elementary School.