SEL Weekly
Quote of the Week:
Turn your wounds into wisdom. — Oprah Winfrey
Self-Awareness - Lesson 7
Introduce Video: Say, “Today, we are going to learn about Gerod and discuss his feelings.”
Watch Video: Scenario Gerod (0:58 minutes)
Reflection questions are included in the video. Be sure to pause the video at each question to allow adequate time for students to respond. Students may respond verbally in class discussion or write their thoughts on paper.
How is Gerod probably feeling?
Why do you think Gerod is feeling this way?
What should Gerod do to fix this problem?
November's Character Trait
Integrity-To have the inner strength to adhere to high ethical standards.
Terrific Kids-November/December will be shared in the google classroom
Purple Star Award
Please view the slides and sign the spreadsheet.