The Family "Celebration" Chronicle
September 2024
A Message From The Principal
Greetings Margaretta Middle & High School Families,
Welcome to the start of a new school year! I’m so excited to have our students back in the building. It’s always exciting to see the hallways come alive with their energy and enthusiasm!
This year, we are deeply committed to delivering a high-quality education that equips every student for success. We’re working hard to integrate reading, writing, and meaningful discourse across all subjects, helping students build strong communication skills that will serve them in every aspect of their lives. Over the past several years, Margaretta teachers have engaged in exceptional professional development to enhance their instruction, ensuring that your child receives the very best education we can offer. Our teachers are dedicated to using evidence-based instructional practices in their classrooms, ensuring that every lesson is integrating strategies to maximize student learning and success.
In addition to our academic focus, we are continuing to provide career opportunities and experiences for our students. Our goal is to prepare students not just for their next steps in education, but for life. In the words of the innovative educator, author, and advocate, AJ Juliani, “Our job as teachers is not to ‘prepare’ kids for something; our job is to help kids learn to prepare themselves for anything.” This is the guiding principle behind all that we do, from classroom lessons to extracurricular activities.
At Margaretta Middle and High School, we offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities this year, including sports, the arts, robotics, and Academic Challenge, Sources of Strength among many other options. Participating in these activities provides students with valuable opportunities to develop new skills, build friendships, and explore their passions beyond the classroom. I encourage your child to get involved and take full advantage of the many opportunities available to support their personal and academic growth.
Finally, Homecoming is just around the corner! It’s a great time for our community to come together and celebrate the hard work and achievements of our students and athletes. During Homecoming week, we’ll enjoy traditions like Powder Puff football, the Snake Dance Parade, and the bonfire. I’m excited to see everyone showing their school spirit as we cheer on and enjoy these fun and festive activities.
Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this new school year. Together, I know we’ll make it a fantastic year for our students!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at 419-684-5351 or at jtheis@margarettaschooldistrict.com.
Dr. Jennifer Theis
Main Office Information
Please be sure to complete Final Forms for your child(ren). Completing Final Forms is important because it helps us keep accurate records and ensure your child(ren) can fully participate in school activities. It includes important details like emergency contacts and medical information. By filling out these forms, you help us provide a safe and organized environment for your child(ren) and it helps us stay in touch with you throughout the year.
Don't forget to pay your school fees. This can be done online through PaySchools. If you have any questions or concerns regarding fees please contact Mrs. Harkness at 419-684-5351 or at charkness@margarettaschooldistrict.com.
Homecoming tickets will be on sale in the Main Office starting Thursday, September 5th. Tickets at $10 a piece. School fees must be paid before purchasing tickets.
Powder puff t-shirt orders need to be turned in by Wednesday, September 4th to Student Services. T-shirts are $10 each. Students should put their money in an envelop with their first name, last name, grade, and shirt size on the front of the envelop.
Attendance reminders: Please email jmorriscox@margarettaschooldistrict.com or call 419-684-5351 to report your child’s absence. Dr. Notes can be emailed to jmorriscox@margarettaschooldistrict.com or dropped off in student services.
How High School Credits Are Now Earned
How credits are now earned is at semester rather that at the end of the school year. What this means means is that students earn their credits in shorter, semester-long segments rather than over the entire school year. This approach allows for more focused learning and regular assessment. If a student does not pass a semester, they have the opportunity to recover those credits through our Edmentum Credit Recovery program. This program provides a flexible, online option for students to complete missed coursework and get back on track, ensuring they can meet their graduation requirements and continue their academic progress.
Powder Puff Football - Tuesday, September 10th at 7:00 p.m.
Snake Dance Parade & Bonfire - Wednesday, September 11th at 7:00 p.m.
Homecoming Dance - Saturday, September 14th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Counselor's Corner
If you have questions or concerns that we can help you with please call us at (419) 684-5351 or email us at hlott@margarettaschooldistrict.com or hwiley@margarettaschooldistrict.com Mrs. Lott, High School Counselor & Mrs. Wiley, Middle School Counselor
Childcare available in the high school cafeteria.
Upcoming Dates
September 2nd - Labor Day/No School
September 2nd - Athletic Booster Club Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. in the Football Stadium Fieldhouse
September 4th - Digital Empowerment for Parents @ 6:00 p.m. in the MHS Gymnasium
September 5th - Two Hour Delay for Juniors and Seniors Only
September 5th - iReady Reading Diagnostic for Grades 6th through 10th
September 7th - OhGo Food Drive from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at MES
September 10th - Powder Puff Football @ 7:00 p.m.
September 11th - Snake Dance Parade & Bonfire @ 7:00 P.m.
September 12th - Two Hour Delay for Juniors and Seniors Only
September 12th - iReady Mathematics Diagnostic for Grades 6th through 10th
September 13th - High School Homecoming Dance from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in MHS Gymnasium
September 16th - Board of Education Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. at the Margaretta Board Office
September 25th - Fall Pictures