Phoenix Family Newsletter

October 7, 2024
Principal's Note
Hello Phoenix Families,
Each month, our students are learning about a new executive function skill. This month, Phoenix students are learning about Sustained Attention which is the ability to focus on one thing for an extended period of time without distraction. At this age, this can be a skill that is hard to master, but the beautiful thing about our brains is that we can learn new things.
This is a skill that will certainly apply to situations outside of school, and you can help foster your student's growth. Here are a few strategies as parents you can try at home to help your student work on this skill.
- Discuss with your student their areas of strength and weakness in this area.
- Help your student to remove distractions while they are working on homework.
- Praise your student when you see them being successful.
- Give students breaks while they are working. During breaks, research shows that if you move your body/exercise you will be able to focus more easily when you return.
- Set a timer for a work period. Slowly increase the amount of time they need to focus.
- Give your student time to do a verbal/written brain dump if their minds are too busy to focus.
Now, let's test your Sustained Attention ability: can you make it all the way to the end of this newsletter in one sitting?
Be good to one another,
Dr. Flynn
Upcoming Dates to Know
October 7 - PTSA Dine To Donate At Raising Cane's, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
October 8 - Choir Concert
October 9 - PTSA Meeting By Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
October 9 & 10 - Seventh Grade SOS Program
October 11 - Outsiders Day For Seventh Grade
October 16 and/or 17 - Discovery Days
October 18 - No School
October 22 - Full Scale Safety Drill
October 22 - Orchestra Concert
November 1 - Payment Deadline For Pancake Breakfast
November 4 - Band Concert
November 5 - No School
November 9 - Pancake Breakfast
November 11 - Eighth Grade Choir Festival
November 26 - Phoenix Turkey Bowl
November 27 to 28 - No Classes, Thanksgiving Break
This is a long newsletter with a lot of information, so we try to put the newest and most urgent information in this first section.
PTSA Dine To Donate At Raising Cane's On Sawmill Road
The Phoenix PTSA will benefit from a Dine To Donate at the Raising Cane's at 6410 Sawmill Road on October 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please mention the flyer below.
Phoenix PTSA Meeting
There will be a Phoenix PTSA meeting by Zoom on October 9 at 6:30 p.m. The Zoom link is https://zoom.us/j/92657162810?pwd=tGxS6dCyE37RoMNzC9awymxra0ujwG.1#success.
Outsiders Day For Seventh Grade
Dear Seventh Grade Families,
We are excited to announce our upcoming "Outsiders Day" on Friday, October 11th. This is a fun event to celebrate the conclusion of our unit on The Outsiders! On this day, students will watch the movie and participate in engaging activities that relate to the themes and characters of the story.
As part of the festivities, students are encouraged, but not required, to dress as either a Greaser or a Soc. While this is not mandatory, it can add to the excitement of the day! Please remember that all attire must adhere to the school dress code guidelines and not hinder students from participating in outdoor activities.
We look forward to an eventful day of learning and fun! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Jasmine Hasanain
7th Grade English Language Arts
Mathcounts Starting On Friday, October 11
Mathcounts, a fun and challenging Math club, will be meeting most Friday mornings from 8 to 8:45. Students will need to have their own transportation and should be dropped off at door 20 (right as you pull into the front lot, near the stop light).
On Saturdays during the winter, students will have the opportunity to compete against the other Worthington middle schools as well as at Columbus state! Any questions about Mathcounts can be sent to MHudson@wscloud.org or CSmith@wscloud.org.
Mathcounts has a fee, which will be available for payment on-line through My Payments Plus or in the Phoenix office.
Middle School Ski & Board Club
Worthington Ski & Board Club sign-ups GO LIVE at 6 am on Tuesday morning, October 8. The website is bit.ly/skiworthington and it has all the important information on it regarding deadlines. Please make sure you check it out. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Brian Scott (Advisor at Perry Middle School bscott@wscloud.org) or to any of the chaperones from your school (Hannah de Nijs at Phoenix hdenijs@wscloud.org). A list of chaperones are indicated on the website.
Friday Creative Option (FCO) Classes
Phoenix students have a choice of Friday Creative Option (FCO) classes for part of November & December. Some of these classes have an activity cost to cover the cost of supplies. The Junk Journaling class with Miss Hasanain and the Friendship Bracelet class with Mrs. Lemyre each have a $5 cost available for payment through the Activity tab in My Payments Plus as https://www.mypaymentsplus.com/welcome. These options show for all Phoenix families, so please check with your student to see if they have chosen either of these classes as their FCO option. We can also accept payment by cash (exact change, please) or check (payable to Phoenix Middle School) in the Phoenix office. Payment is due by November 1, so we have time to order the supplies.
Parent Workshop
The Worthington Schools Mental Health Team is offering a parenting workshop related to parenting students with anxiety. A copy of the flyer is below. The link to registration is https://forms.gle/RoWFMRgdBaAHNUnN6.
Phoenix Seventh Grade SOS Program Information
Dear Parent/Guardian of 7th Grade Child:
The adolescent years are marked by a roller-coaster of emotions - difficult for students, their parents, and educators. It is easy to misread depression as normal adolescent turmoil; however, depression (among the most common of mental illnesses) appears to be occurring at a much earlier age. Depression - which is treatable - is a leading risk factor for suicide. In addition, self-injury has become a growing problem among youth.
To proactively address these issues, Worthington School District is offering depression awareness and suicide prevention training as part of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Signs of Suicide (SOS) Prevention Program to all of our 7th grade students. The program aims to increase help to students seeking support for themselves or a friend. SOS is listed on Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. In a randomized control study, the SOS High School Program showed a reduction in self-reported suicide attempts by 40% (BMC Public Health, July 2007). You can learn more about Worthington’s SOS program here: Worthington SOS Program Overview.
Our goals in participating in this program are:
To help our students understand that depression is a treatable illness;
To explain that suicide is a preventable tragedy that often occurs as a result of untreated depression;
To provide students with education about how they might be able to identify serious depression and potential suicidality in themselves or a friend;
To impress upon youth that they can help themselves or a friend by taking the simple step of talking to a responsible adult about their concerns; and,
To help students know whom in the school they can turn to for help, if they need it.
You can learn more about the program by watching our video: Overview of the SOS Program
Here at Phoenix Middle School we will be providing the SOS training to all 7th grade students on October 9th and 10th.
If you do NOT wish your child to participate in the SOS Program, please complete this opt out form and submit it to the school counselor by October 4th.
Winter Athletics & Shuttle Note
Our fall athletics seasons are coming to a close. Winter athletic tryouts will be happening soon. If your student has an interest in winter athletics, please make sure to complete Final Forms through your neighborhood middle school website. Many of the athletic communications are sent based on Final Forms. A current completed physical is required for participation, open gyms, & try outs for school sports.
Please note that our athletic shuttle might not be available during the time between middle school sports seasons.
Final Forms can be accessed through the neighborhood middle school website's athletic page.
Kilbourne Middle School Athletics page
McCord Middle School Athletics page
Perry Middle School Athletics page
Worthingway Middle School Athletics page
The athletic physical form is available at https://ohsaaweb.blob.core.windows.net/files/Sports-Medicine/2024-25PPE(English).pdf. A completed physical is required for participation, open gyms, & try outs for school sports.
Phoenix Family Veterans Day Pancake Breakfast
Please save the date for Saturday, November 9. We are planning a family Veterans Day pancake breakfast from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This event will be $8.50 per person (1 plate per person, but the plate can be refilled). Veterans will be free to this event. The pancake breakfast is available for payment through the Activity tab in My Payments Plus. Veterans will eat free. There are five options for our pancake breakfast in My Payments Plus:
*One person for $8.50 (can add Veteran information for an additional meal at no cost)
*Two people for $17.00 (can add Veteran information for an additional meal at no cost)
*Three people for $25.50 (can add Veteran information for an additional meal at no cost)
*Four people for $34.00 (can add Veteran information for an additional meal at no cost)
*Sponsorship of $8.50 (to help provide meals to Veterans at no cost)
Please select the option(s) needed for your family. If a Veteran is attending with your family, please enter their information in in the form while signing up a paying guest.
Payment is due by November 1 for the pancake breakfast.
Chris Cakes will be at Phoenix for our pancake breakfast. A video and pictures of how they make pancake breakfasts fun are available at https://www.chriscakesofohio.com/.
Phoenix Turkey Bowl
Phoenix students have the opportunity to participate in our Turkey Bowl at Bowlero during the school day on November 26, 2024. The $14.00 activity cost includes bowling, shoes, and a $10 arcade card. The Turkey Bowl is available for payment through the Activity tab in My Payments Plus. There are two options for this event in My Payments Plus:
*Phoenix Turkey Bowl (to sign up your student)
*Sponsorship - Phoenix Turkey Bowl (to cover the cost of the activity for a student in need)
Payment is due well before the event, since we need to pay Bowlero before the event. If your student will be absent from school on 11/26, please e-mail ccavaluchy@wscloud.org to let us know, so we don't include your student in the count for payment to Bowlero.
Parent and Guardians: Worthington City Schools Safety Drills
In October, all Worthington City Schools will be conducting a Full Scale Safety Drill. Please click here to access more information about this event and other details regarding school safety.
Be sure you receive email from Worthington Schools!
Worthington Schools is planning a change in how our Infinite Campus email is delivered. We plan to make the change before the end of this calendar year.
Prior to the change, all parents of students in Worthington Schools should view the brief parent guide linked below to ensure that emails continue to get delivered to your email inbox.
Phoenix Washington DC Trip
As you are probably aware, Phoenix is taking a trip to Washington DC at the beginning of June, 2025! As a reminder, family members are now eligible to enroll in this trip as well!
If you have not enrolled, or if you are considering adding family members to the trip, you can enroll at:
or 1.888.333.9756
Tour ID: 2752576FF
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Combs (tcombs@wscloud.org) right away!
7th & 8th Grade Parent Career Share Opportunity
Would you be interested and available during our Friday Flex period (12:10-1:40) to share about your career? We will offer one in the fall and one in the spring.
We aim to further connect students to opportunities beyond the classroom and outside of the school day.
You would share with groups of 20 students at a time about your profession.
Yearbook Pictures Requested
Phoenix students that were photographed by HR Imaging on our school picture day, 8/22 (or at our make-up day on 10/3), will have a picture in our 2024-2025 Phoenix yearbook. We would love to have pictures of our students participating in their athletic and extracurricular activities. Please use the link below to upload pictures that you take that you would be interested in having included in our yearbook:
Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club Youth Exchange
The Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club is hosting a youth exchange student for the 2024-2025 School Year and we are looking for host families! The student is a 16 year old boy from India. He is a vegetarian (no eggs). His interests include ping pong, gaming, art, listening to music, and cooking! The student is attending Worthington Kilbourne High School. The commitment is approximately 3-4 months. The student will likely move from the first host family to the second in late November or December. The move to the third host family will likely take place around March.
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Emily Biondo by phone (630-347-7939) or email (emrbiondo@gmail.com).
Hosting Information
Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club Website
Student Mentors Needed
You can mentor a student by lending your heart, a hand, and an ear to a middle or high school student through conversations that focus on relationship building and helping each student develop a vision of hope for their future. Learn more and sign up today.
Get to Know the People of Phoenix
Hello! My name is Jasmine Hasanain and I am the 7th grade English Language Arts teacher. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio (Mitchell’s is superior to Graeter’s, I don’t make the rules) and I graduated from The Ohio State University. In my free time, you can find me at a greenhouse, coffee shop, or reading with my cat, Kiwi.
Office Updates
Chrissy Cavaluchy
Phoenix Secretary
Sean Flynn
Julie Miller
Phoenix Attendance
Office Staff E-Mail Addresses
Chrissy Cavaluchy - Phoenix Secretary - ccavaluchy@wscloud.org
Julie Miller - Building Assistant, Attendance - jmiller@wscloud.org
Beverly Kready - Perry Secretary - bkready@wscloud.org
Christine Karse - Perry Secretary - ckarse@wscloud.org
Elizabeth Ferguson - Building Assistant, Testing - eferguson@wscloud.org
Cathie Franklin - Perry Building Assistant - cfranklin@wscloud.org
Absences If your student will be absent or out of the building for an appointment, please call our office line at (614) 450-4100 or e-mail us at either jmiller@wscloud.org or ccavaluchy@wscloud.org. We appreciate your communications and help.
Attendance Note We encourage families to bring a doctor’s note to Phoenix for any medical related appointments that require time away from class.
Safe Schools Hotline Worthington has a safe schools hotline where students, parents, or community members can anonymously leave tips should they suspect an act of potential violence at (844) 723-3764.
Phoenix Spirit Wear Sale
Please visit https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/ohio/worthington/phoenix-middle-school for Phoenix Spirit Wear.
Schoology Information For Parents
Please visit https://uc.powerschool-docs.com/en/schoology/latest/parents for parent information about the Schoology system.
Annual Emergency Data Review
The Emergency Data Review should be completed by parents each year through the Worthington Schools Parent Portal at https://www.worthington-portal.org/LoginPolicy.jsp. Information is available at: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1721244432/worthingtonk12ohus/xqoarwq1urf0pddxp1hf/QH61022InstructionsforEmergencyDataReviewEnglish.pdf.
School Safe System
Phoenix Middle School uses the School Safe System for student sign-outs. Parents will need to bring their driver's license to sign-out their student through the School Safe System. During the sign-out process, parents will have the opportunity to create a digital pass to use (instead of a driver's license) for future sign-outs.
2023-2024 Phoenix Yearbooks
For those that ordered a Phoenix 2023-2024 yearbook, the yearbooks are available for pick-up. Yearbooks can either be picked up at Phoenix. If you didn't order a yearbook, but would like a yearbook, we have a few available in the Phoenix office for $30.00 (cash, exact change please, or check payable to Phoenix Middle School).
Centegix Pilot
Our students' safety is always our top priority. This semester, our school has been chosen to pilot a new safety alert system for Worthington Schools. This system is a simple and effective way for any staff member to be able to request help from building administration or first responders with the click of a button. If you would like more information about the system, please reach out to Dr. Flynn for more details.
There will be a PTSA meeting by Zoom on October 9 at 6:30 p.m. The Zoom link for the meeting is https://zoom.us/j/92657162810?pwd=tGxS6dCyE37RoMNzC9awymxra0ujwG.1#success.
Phoenix is an amazing community of learners, educators, support staff and families. The PTSA does all that it can to support the community. We provide equipment for clubs and classrooms, fund events and learning experiences, help make impact projects come to life and so much more! Every family is different and the level of time they can contribute is sometimes limited. Here are a few simple ways to help out if you are able!
Join the PTSA - Your membership contributes funds to the PTSA. It also gives you a vote at our monthly meetings. Click this link, https://phoenixms.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true for our one stop shop!
Come to a Meeting - Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday 9/4, directly after the Parent Forum. Following meetings will be posted as they are scheduled.
Volunteer – We’re still looking for a few folks to coordinate events and activities throughout the year, including Staff Appreciation days and canteens. These are fun, short-term ways to volunteer. Email us or voice your interest at a meeting!
Follow Phoenix MS on Social Media - We will post updates on upcoming events and share some of the amazing things our students accomplish! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/150413775041131/ , Instagram: @phoenixms_worthington
Upcoming Dates
October 7 - Dine To Donate at Raising Cane's on Sawmill
October 9 - PTSA Meeting by Zoom
Please email us at, phoenixmsptsa15@gmail.com with any questions you might have or stop by a meeting to chat with this year's PTSA team!
PTSA Shop For Schools
Kroger Community Rewards – Visit Kroger.com/communityrewards and register your Kroger Shopper’s Card. Then select Phoenix Middle School PTSA/codeYD984.
The Phoenix PTSA can be contacted by e-mail at phoenixmsptsa15@gmail.com.
Counselor's Corner
Ohio's Positive Parenting Program
The Positive Parenting Program, or Triple P, helps support parents and caregivers to promote children’s well-being and make family life more enjoyable. Triple P offers a website with proven parenting strategies and resources for families of children and teens. Topics range from bedtime routines and family traditions to getting teens to talk and making friends. The newest resources on the site are free, online courses for parents, caregivers and early childhood education providers.
988 Crisis Help & Support
Set up similar to 911, having the 3 digit code of 988 for crisis help and support is a huge step in saving lives. Call or text 988 and you will be connected with a crisis counselor to help provide support. This number is accessible 24/7 anywhere in the United States. If you or someone you know is in need of extra support, remember that help is always available!
Leadership Mentor Program
Do you know a caring adult looking to make an impact in Worthington City Schools. If so, please consider joining the Leadership Worthington Mentor Program. The students of Worthington schools will benefit from whatever time you can commit to building relationships and being a difference maker for Worthington Schools. Please contact Rachel Fisher (rmartin@wscloud.org) if interested in serving Phoenix students!
Food Services
Food Services Information
Please visit http://www.worthingtonschoolmenus.com/ for food services information; including menus, a link to find your student's lunch number, and access to the free & reduced meal application. Information about free and reduced meal benefits is available at https://worthingtonschoolmenus.com/?page=FreeReducedApplication. If you think you may qualify for free & reduced meals, please complete this application, as it also affects school fees and pay-to-play fees. The 2024-2025 application will be available later this summer.
If there are any concerns regarding food services, please contact Jill Mains, our head cook, at jmains@wscloud.org.
Free & Reduced Meal Information
A new free and reduced meal application is needed each school year. The on-line application is available at https://worthingtonschoolmenus.com/?page=FreeReducedApplication.
Below are the printable meal benefit application packets in English and Spanish.
There are also paper applications in multiple languages, which you will find at the link below.
Cafeteria Deposit Box
A deposit box is located in front of the cafeteria/kitchen doors. If students have cash or check to add to their meal account, please put the funds in an envelope and write the student's full name and lunch pin number of the envelope before depositing in the slot. Payments can also be made on line through My Payments Plus.
Volunteer To Help Serve Breakfast And Lunch
We are always looking to strengthen our connection between home and school. We have an opportunity for volunteers to greet our students in the morning by helping to monitor the Phoenix/Perry breakfast service line from 8:30-9:15 each morning. We would love to have Phoenix families represented by volunteering even 1 day per week. If you are able to assist at this time, please reach out to our cafe manager, Jill Mains, at jmains@wscloud.org to schedule your days.
Our food services team is interested in having some volunteers to help serve lunch. This would not need to be every day. Interested parties may e-mail Jill Mains at jmains@wscloud.org. Volunteers with Worthington Schools should complete a background check. Background check details can be found at https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/become-a-school-volunteer.
Worthington Schools Volunteer Information
Information about becoming a volunteer with Worthington Schools is at https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/become-a-school-volunteer.
Quick Guide:
Classroom Volunteers
1. Volunteer has lived in Ohio for the past 5 years - Must complete an online background check, visit https://securevolunteer.com/Worthington-City-Schools/home to access the form. When Approved, receive a Volunteer Badge in the mail from BIB/Secure Volunteer. (Form can also be found on our District Website under Quick Links - Volunteer Background Check)
2. Volunteer has not Lived in Ohio for the past 5 years - Must schedule an appointment with HR to get a background check. Click HERE (https://go.nemoqappointment.com/Booking/Booking/Index/WSDBC) to schedule an appointment.
Overnight Chaperone
1. Volunteer wants to chaperone an overnight trip OR supervise students without a teacher present - Schedule an appointment with HR to get a background check. Click HERE (https://go.nemoqappointment.com/Booking/Booking/Index/WSDBC) to schedule an appointment. Cost: $50
From the Nurse
Contact the Nurse
Phone: 614-450-5715
Fax: 614-781-0135
Hi. My name is Todd Kuck and I am the new school nurse at Phoenix Middle School. I look forward to working with you and your students this year.
All Students
If your child will need to take medication during the school day or have medication available, please be sure to have the required paperwork completed & on file in the health office. Information can be found at https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/health-safety/medication-at-school.
7th Graders and any student new to Worthington Schools
Per Ohio Department of Health, 7th grade students need to have updated Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis) and Meningococcal (MCV4) immunizations. Proof of this vaccination is due prior to the start of school. You may send you immunization report to TKuck@wscloud.org, fax to 614-781-0135, or drop off in the school office. Information can be found at https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/health-safety/immunization-information.
Options for obtaining the immunizations are:
* Primary Care Physician / Pediatrician
* Columbus Public Health at 240 Parsons Ave.
Walk in hours: Mon. 8am - 4pm, Tues. 10am - 6pm, Wed. 8am - 11am, Thurs./Fri. 8am - 4 pm
* Worthington United Methodist Church at 600 High St. Worthington
Important Reminder Regarding Food Allergies
As the safety of our children is paramount to all, we need your support to make our building “nut free”.
Please do not send in any peanuts, peanut butter, or foods containing peanuts or peanut butter to be eaten during lunch.
Read ingredient labels carefully to ensure that the snacks sent in with your child are peanut and tree nut-free.
Free COVID Tests
The US Department of Health and Human Services has again partnered up with USPS to deliver 4 free COVID test kits to every home. For more information, please visit:
Neighborhood Middle School Information
Our athletic/activity shuttle is available Monday through Thursday on normal school days at 3:50 p.m. Students leaving on the shuttle should sign out each day on the clipboard in the seventh grade hallway before leaving the building. There are normally two shuttles, a Wolves shuttle to McCord and a Cardinals shuttle to Worthingway & Kilbourne Middle School. It is important to be prompt, since the shuttle doesn't have time to come back for anyone who is late.
Due to the 1:40 p.m. Friday release time at Phoenix, athletic/activity shuttles are not available on Fridays at Phoenix. Phoenix students should go home at our 1:40 p.m. release time on Fridays and get to their athletics/activites on Friday from home. Please note that the shuttles normally only operate during the regular athletic seasons. There may be periods of time when the season ends that the shuttles are not available.
If your student is interested in athletics, please complete Final Forms through your neighborhood middle school's athletic website. A sports physical is required.
Athletics Note
If your student has an interest in athletics, please make sure to update Final Forms and have an athletic physical completed. Many of the athletic communications are sent based on Final Forms. Final Forms can be accessed through the neighborhood middle school website's athletic page.
Kilbourne Middle School Athletics page
McCord Middle School Athletics page
Perry Middle School Athletics page
Worthingway Middle School Athletics page
The athletic physical form is available at https://ohsaaweb.blob.core.windows.net/files/Sports-Medicine/2024-25PPE(English).pdf. A completed physical is required for participation, open gyms, & try outs for school sports.
Extracurricular & Athletic Eligibility
Phoenix students need to maintain academic eligibility for school extracurricular activities and athletics. Students should have eight or less items in revision in MAP and mastered in at least four out of six classes.
As noted in the Phoenix handbook, ineligible students are expected to stay at Phoenix during extensions to work on assignments throughout that week.
Worthington Schools Electronic Backpack
The Worthington Schools Electronic Backpack is available at: https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/e-backpack.
Support Our Schools
Many area businesses offer fundraising opportunities for our schools, like Dine To Donate events. Please visit https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/support-our-schools-fundraisers to see options to support our schools. This page is updated regularly as events are added.
Kilbourne Middle School Basketball Open Gyms & Try Outs
Phoenix students that have Kilbourne Middle School as their neighborhood middle school have the opportunity to participate in upcoming basketball open gyms and tryouts at Kilbourne Middle School.
Open Gyms: October 8, 10, 22, 24 from 4:00-6:00
Tryouts: October 28, 30 from 6:00-8:00 and 29, 31 from 4:00 - 6:00
Open Gyms: October 7, 9, 21, 23 from 4:00-6:00
Tryouts: October 28, 30 - 4:00-6:00 and 29, 31 - 6:00-8:00
Perry Drama Club Musical Open To All Phoenix Students
Perry Middle School has opened their drama club musical to all Phoenix students this year. Information is below. Phoenix students will need to be meet athletic and extracurricular eligibility requirements to participate.
Phoenix Student Photo ID Cards
Phoenix students that were photographed in August by HR Imaging have received their Phoenix student ID card. Worthington middle school students can get in to Worthington athletic events free with their photo ID card. Phoenix students may also need to show their photo ID card for participation in some events at their neighborhood middle school.
Athletic Events
- Worthington students in grades 6-12 who provide their student ID at the door will be admitted for free.
- Tickets can be purchased online through Hometown Ticketing at https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/studentsparents/buy-tickets.
Looking for more information? Our website details our school, programming, and all of the unique benefits of a Phoenix education: www.phoenixms.org
Below, you will also find our information packet and a video with testimonials from former Phoenix students.