August 25, 2023
September 4 - Labor Day No School
September 5 & 6 - Teacher Workdays - students off
September 14 Annual Title I Meeting & Curriculum Night
School Hours and Important Times
Office Hours: 8:15 - 4:15
Instructional Hours: 8:55-4:05
Breakfast: 8:25 - 8:55 AM
Students should be in class by 8:50 AM.
Dismissal is at 4:05 PM.
Walkers/Car riders are dismissed first, followed by bus riders.
Bus students are dismissed in the order that buses arrive.
Car line: Students must enter/exit a vehicle at the sidewalk area. Please pull forward as far as possible to keep the car line moving. All students must be picked up by 4:25 PM.
Attendance Matters ALL DAY, EVERYDAY Keep Your Child On Track in School: Pay Attention to Attendance
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and on the job.
Help your child stay engaged
• Find out if your children feel engaged at school.
• Monitor you child’s academic progress and seek help from teachers or tutors when necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you.
• Stay on top of your child’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
• Encourage your child to join meaningful after-school activities, including sports and clubs.
• Notice and support your children if they are showing signs of anxiety, such as headaches or stomach aches. Listen to their concerns, and if needed, ask school staff for help.
• Questions about the attendance policy?? Please visit: ATTENDANCE MATTERS
Student Success Skills Parent Information
Student Success Skills are a set of standards that will be taught in all schools, to all students, by all teachers throughout the school year. These standards include six skills that are broken down into several standards across grade levels. Teaching these skills will support students in creating a foundation for managing emotions, healthy relationships, understanding and empathizing with others, being responsible and safe, and learning to cope with difficult life situations.
Our students receive these lessons on Wednesdays during 9th period. Please see below for additional parent information about this curriculum.
Student Success Skills Parent Packet 23-24SY.pdf
Parent COVID Surveys
FCS continues to partner with the Metro Atlanta Policy Lab for Education (MAPLE) at Georgia State University to gain insight into the impacts of the pandemic. We wish to better understand students' experiences during and after the pandemic to understand better and meet our students' needs moving forward. Please complete this optional and anonymous survey by clicking this link: https://fultonschools.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3lpnaRG2USGTurs. The survey will close on Wednesday, September 6th.
Student-Athlete Registration
registration platform. Rank One is the new platform for athletics registration. This is an easy-to-use electronic registration platform that all high schools and middle schools
will utilize going forward.
Middle school offers the following teams for 7th and 8th grade students: Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Gymnastics, Track and Field. The following steps will need to be completed prior to student-athlete participation:
We are very thankful for the support of our parent leaders through the PTA. We encourage every family and staff member to join the PTA each year. Your membership supports additional student and staff programs including student and staff celebrations, field trips, classroom supplies and innovations, landscaping our campus, and much more. Supporting the PTA does not take as much time as you think!
Welcome back families! Please click on the link below and join PTA for $10.
HBMS Hawk Fund
Please click on the link below to donate to the HBMS Hawk Fund. 100% of your Hawk Fund donation sponsors supplemental programs for the teachers and students at HBMS. This is a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation. Thank you in advance for the support!
Please reach out to Martie Taylor at Martieorton@hotmail.com or Klarysa Riepe at klarysariepe@gmail.com with any questions.
Join Atlanta Workshop Players at HBMS!
HOSA Healthcare Club
Interested Students may see Ms. Balabubramanian in room 615 to inquire about joining HOSA. See flyer for additional information.
Please complete your Free/Reduced Meal Applications
A new application must be completed every school year. Only one application is required per family, even if your children attend different schools. If there is an interruption in benefits or the household does not reapply, the household is responsible for payment of meals until the Free and Reduced Application is approved. Visit www.fulton.schoollunchapp.com to begin the online application process. Free and Reduced meal applications are now available online. Parents who need access to a computer are free to use our Parent Resource Room during school hours.
Students who qualified for Free/Reduced meals last school year will continue eligibility through September 20. After this date, parents must pay for meals unless a new application is submitted and approved for the current school year.
2023-24 Meal Prices
Middle School Student Breakfast = $1.25
Middle School Student Lunch = $2.70
Extra Milk = $0.75
Menus and additional meal service information available on the FCS Nutrition Website.
Additional items are available for sale at additional cost. If you would like your child to have money on his/her account for additional purchases (such as snacks and drinks), visit https://nutrition.fultonschools.org/MyPaymentsPlusFaq .
Save the Date: Annual Title I Meeting and Curriclum Night Sep. 14
Following the Annual Title I Parent Meeting, we will host Curriculum Night. Come meet your child's teachers and hear about what your child will be learning this year, as well as resources to support learning at home.
2023-2024 FCS Student Code of Conduct
Fulton County Schools is making its Student Code of Conduct & Discipline Handbook available online in PDF format (click the link below). Once you have read the electronic version and have reviewed the contents with your student(s), please take a moment to complete the Acknowledgement of Receipt Form by using the provided link below.
- All parents and student (over 10 years old) MUST sign this form found within your INFINTE CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT PORTAL ACCOUNT. If you would like a paper copy of the Handbook, you or your student can request one in your school's front office.
How to sign the Code of Conduct (full directions)
Parent & Student Code of Conduct Receipt Acknowledgement
Step 1: Log into the Parent Portal – Click “Documents”
Step 2: Select Needs Attention then scroll to the Signature Page
Step 3: Select the red signature box to complete the form
Step 4: Select with SIGN to agree or DECLINE to disagree
Step 5: Select SUBMIT
Junior Knights Cross Country
Practices begin Monday August 28 at 6 pm at East Roswell Park. No commitment necessary, just come and try us out! Practice will be no more than one hour. Practices are held every Monday and Wednesday at 6. We meet in the first parking lot on the right as you enter the park from Fouts road (by the library). If you have any questions about the program, please contact Coach Weigand (weigand@fultonschools.org)
Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation Poster Contest
Who can I contact for help?
Kim Kapella, Assistant Principal, 6th Grade administrator
Hannah Milligan, 6th grade counselor
7th Grade:
Kenneth Greene, Assistant Principal, 7th grade administrator
Hannah Milligan, 7th grade counselor - GIRLS
Glenn Johnson, 7th grade counselor - BOYS
8th Grade:
Jennifer Cassidy, Principal, 8th grade administrator
Glenn Johnson, 8th grade counselor
Student Records/Enrollments/Withdrawals/Immunizations:
Ansel Comer (bilingual - Spanish)
Bilingual Parent Liaisons (Spanish):
Maria Baron
Front Office - Attendance/Absence Excuses:
Sarah James
Clinic (Bilingual/Spanish)
Lina Nava
Special Education Services
Leslie Mason
Holcomb Bridge Middle School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/holcombbridgems
Location: 2700 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-5280
Twitter: @HolcombBridgeMS