OUUC Weekly Update
August 27, 2024

Worship Service September 1
“The Strike At Lawrence Mass" with Janet Spencer
The worship service starts at 10 am.
OUUC Sunday Morning Service
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Dial +1 253 215 8782
Last Sunday's Events
Pastoral Care Team
Congregants, please remember that Rev. Mary’s absence does not mean that spiritual or emotional support is absent, too! The Pastoral Care Team (PCT) is a caring group of individuals who serve at the invitation of Reverend Mary and extend the care of the congregation to those who are in special need.
If you would like support from the Pastoral Care Team, you can identify members on Sunday mornings or at other church events by looking for the green Pastoral Care stoles they wear. If you are not physically at church, you can reach out via email, and a team member will get back to you shortly to see how they can be of service.
Your Pastoral Care Team members are as follows:
This Week
Anti-Racism Learning Opportunity with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training
In August, Coffee with Crossroads will take the form of a question & answer webinar. Bring your questions about Crossroads' analysis of systemic racism, the ideology of white supremacy, of tactics for institutional anti-racism organizing. Register for one or both sessions.
Wednesday, August 28, 11-12:30pm PT. Register here.
Saturday, September 7, 8:30am-10:00pm PT. Register here.
Death Cafe at OUUC
Monday, September 2
4:30 pm
Join us for our monthly drop-in Death Cafes at OUUC, supported through Pastoral Care & Adult Faith Development and facilitated by Jenee Wolfram, certified End of Life Doula.
Death Cafes are not a grief support group but an informal, death positive, group space for conversations about all things death and dying. All are welcome! And, did I mention THERE WILL BE TEA & CAKE!?!
Reclaim Our Vote! Postcard Party
Sunday, September 1
11:30 am-12:30 pm
Everyone is welcome to do more post carding through Reclaim Our Vote this Sunday.
Last Sunday we hand wrote to 63 voters. Thanks for your careful attention to get this started, Anna, John, Judy, Keith, Maureen, Bill, Anne, Dave, Keith, Carol, Drew, Jenée, Holly, Shelley & Diana!
New Website Launch!
The OUUC Communications staff have been working with a web designer to reorganize and refresh our website, which will be launching in the next couple days!
There will be some bugs and pages that still say "under construction." Your patience is much appreciated.
Email Tech Coordinator Teresa Madsen if you can't find something essential, or if you find broken links, typos or the need for minor corrections. Please put "Website" in the subject line, and say what the issue is, for example, "Website: typo" or "Website: broken link on Worship page."
Tiny Little News Show
Want some of your church news by video? Try the Tiny Little News Show!
In this week's Tiny Little News, hear about the new annual and monthly themes that begin in September.
Ministry Programs
Community Dinner: Taco Salad Night
Thursday, September 5
5:30 pm
Our weekly dinners return! This week the menu plan is taco salad. All are welcome for food and fellowship, helpers are needed for cooking, set up, and clean up.
Contact Rev. Sara if you can help.
Monthly Birthday Celebrations
Starting in September we will hold a birthday celebration for all who have a birthday that month on the first Thursday dinner of the month.
On September 5th, all September birthdays are invited for cake and singing at the 5:30 dinner.
Get Involved with UU the Vote
Are you looking for ways to be involved in getting out the vote?
UU the Vote has phone banking opportunities available, you can find a date that works for you and sign up with them here.
Youth Group
Thursdays through the school year, starting on September 12
6:30-7:30 pm
All youth in middle and high school are invited to our first youth group meeting of the year.
This year youth group will be held on Thursday evenings. Join us on the 12th for covenant building and group games and check in!
All OUUC Picnic!
Sunday, September 8
12-2 pm
This year the picnic is at a NEW LOCATION, the Rose Garden at Squaxin Park, and a NEW TIME.
Fun, games, music, and a Zucchini Bread Baking Competition!
Carpools from OUUC after worship encouraged.
Questions, contact Rev. Sara
Reproductive Justice Learning Opportunity
Tuesdays, September 24-October 29 (6 sessions)
4-5:30 pm
Woven Together: Perspectives on Religion and Reproductive Justice
Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity SACReD invites you to register for any number of sessions of their upcoming series. Free, with a suggested donation of $25 per workshop or $150 for the 6 week series. Learn more and register here.
Register for Soul Matters Small Groups Now
Sign up now for Soul Matters Small Groups! Soul Matters groups meet once or twice a month for a year for small group reflection and sharing around the theme of the month.
See groups and sign up now here. We have groups that meet at variety of times and locations.
Heart Talk for Kids
Thursdays, September 26--November 21, 8 sessions
6:30-7:30 pm
Heart Talk is a curriculum created by Debbie Berkana and Veronica Lassen based on Compassionate (also known as Nonviolent) Communication.
Register here. Suggested Donation of $50-$100
Social Justice Book Group
Second Thursdays, beginning on September 12, through May 2025
6:30 pm
Are you interested in learning more about social justice and how you can make a difference?
The book group will meet onsite at OUUC. See the book list and register here.
Zucchini Bread Competition
The Great Zucchini Bake-Off!
Calling all gardeners and bakers to show us how it’s done by submitting your favorite zucchini sweet treat, bread or dessert.
Entries will be accepted at the All-Church Community Picnic on Sunday, September 8, 2014 by 12:15 pm at the Squaxin Park Rose Garden picnic shelter. All entries will be judged by a secret tasting panel and shared with the picnic participants. Prizes will be awarded at 1:00 pm at the picnic shelter!
Questions: Contact Karmel Shields (she’s in the Church directory)
UU Elevator Speech Class
Wednesday, September 25
6:30 pm
UU Elevator Speech is a 3-session series offered as part of the Faith Forward CORE Path. It guides participants through developing a short speech about our Unitarian Universalist faith. It is called an “elevator speech” because, on an elevator ride when someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you only have a short time to make a meaningful statement! This class helps participants feel confident about articulating Unitarian Universalism, empowering them and helping them feel ownership.
Register here.
Save the Dates
OUUC Book Group
Saturday, September 28
All are invited to join the OUUC Book Group in reading and discussing the September book, "The Women" by Kristin Hannah. Contact Frances Tanaka for information on how to connect with the group.
Earth Grief: Making Space for a Heartful Response
Sunday, September 29
1-4 pm
Facilitated by Grief Mentor Peter Jabin, M.Div. LMHC
Register here.
Suggested reading: The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller, whose work informs this workshop.
Books, Brownies & Beans!
Please mark your calendars for the 2024 Books, Brownies and Beans on Saturday, October 26th.
There are many volunteer opportunities. Send an email here if you can help.
We welcome book donations; please deliver your donations to Susan Dodson's porch. Please check her recent email or Realm for her address.
UU the Vote Postcard Parties
Sundays September 29, October 13
11:30 am
Do you enjoy handwriting notes? Come handwrite postcards designed to increase turnout in states with voter suppression. As a part of UU the Vote’s work with Reclaim Our Vote, this is one way to faithfully protect democracy together. Hope to see you!
Bring on the Books!
Ask your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers for book donations. Flyers (also downloadable below) and empty collection boxes can be picked up at OUUC.
-Leave a box in the mail or community room at your apartment or condo, or in your break room at work!
-Announce the BBB event on your social media, and ask for book donations and volunteers.
-Post to your Buy Nothing Group on Facebook: I am collecting books for a sale to benefit ASHHO Cultural Community Center, Interfaith Works and OlyEcosystems.
Volunteers, Volunteers, Volunteers❣️
Follow this link to sign up for the Books, Brownies and Beans volunteer opportunities. Share the link with friends who are new to the area or maybe new to OUUC.
This is a great event that supports wonderful organizations in our community and is lots of fun too. Who wouldn't enjoy a cozy Saturday in October with live music playing, coffee and brownie served, and the company of many book lovers? Spread the word about the sale to everyone you know.
Quick Notes
It’s the first Sunday of September! Bring in your dead fluorescent bulbs and batteries! Your OUUC Environmental Action Team will see that they are recycled or properly disposed. Check out our table in the Commons for other information about local and regional environmental issues.
Sabbatical Minister, Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen is away at the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women and will return on September 9.
Business Manager, Isaac Jennings is away this week and will be available by email on Tuesday, September 3.
Safety Reminder: Please lock and remove valuables from your vehicles.
Download the flyer below if you would like a list of OUUC events for the summer. Great for posting on your refrigerator!
In the Larger Community
Our Roots Run Deep: 50 Years of Interfaith Works, Saturday, September 21, 2024
4:00 - 7:00 PM at The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 1601 North Street SE.
Join for a time of storytelling through interactive audio exhibits as we celebrate 50 years of Interfaith Works. Hors d’oeuvres, Desserts, and Beverages will be served. Buy tickets here, and contact IW here if pricing is an issue.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice invites you to show your support for Palestine each Friday from 4:30-6 pm at the Fellowship of Reconciliation Vigil for Peace
Percival Landing in Downtown Olympia, 4th & Water Street.
About Us
Staff Contacts
Rev. Mary Gear, Minister (on sabbatical)
Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, Sabbatical Minister
Rev. Sara Lewis, Director of Community and Faith Development
Isaac Ezra Jennings, Business Manager
Rosie Koppelman, Office Assistant
Teresa Madsen, Communications and Tech Coordinator
Marie Arensmeyer, Facilities Manager
Anissa Bentlemsani, Religious Education Assistant
Carbon Marshall, Tech Specialist
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm