May Newsletter
Middle And High School
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine is now approved for students 12 years old and older! Saguache County Public Health will be administering vaccines at the school May 26th. We need to know a number of students interested by Monday May 17th so that the vaccine can be ordered. Please complete the permission form found at this link https://sites.google.com/center.k12.co.us/schoolnursecorner/covid-19-vaccine-ages-12?authuser=1 or pick one up from the office and return to school asap.
Our Kitchen Staff Celebrating Cinco De Mayo
A Message from Mr. Jones
Dear Parents and Guardians-
As we approach the month of May that means Center High School is about the wrap up the 20-21 school year. As the high school principal I fully understand the challenging times our students have faced this year. Although we could use the Covid 19 pandemic as an excuse. I personally thing we can succeed to finish out the year. I am proud of the work our teachers have implemented to try and give our students a quality education during the 20-21 school year. I propose that we use the opportunities and flexibility that we have to help retain our mission to get our students a quality education and high school diploma.
Our school has been very flexible with attendance, late homework and seat time in class. We have used the ZAP (Zero’s Aren’t Permitted) process all spring. Some students have chosen to take advantage of turning in late work. Others have not. We have students that are not attending our lunch ZAP process. They are assigned Friday school. Some show up and others do not. I feel that our high school students are old enough to make their own choices. As the High School Principal here is what I am going to ask from parents and guardians.
Please talk to your child. Please ask your student about missing work, check their assignments, attendance and grades on Infinite Campus. Strive to hold your student accountable for all work assigned from our teachers. As I am writing this message we have 43 students at CHS failing at least one class. Our goal is to decrease that number before we submit semester grades in May. At CHS we expect our students to earn their diploma by working hard. If they are behind in credits and they failed classes. The students will be required to attend summer school through the ARC (Alterative Recovery Center).
The best case scenario is we have students work hard these next 3 weeks to attain their credits. I will not give up.
I personally will be discussing this with students, parents and teachers.
If you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to call me at the school.
Thank you –
Kevin Jones
CHS Principal
8th Grade Continuation
Health & Wellness
May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month!
According to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 65 million people in the US are affected by asthma and allergies.
· 25 million Americans have asthma (20 million adult and 5 million children)
· 32 million Americans have severe food allergies
· 24 million Americans have hay fever, rhinitis, or nasal allergies.
This time of year can be hard for those suffering from asthma and allergies. Plants are in bloom, farmers are planting, and the wind is blowing everything around! While there are no cures for asthma or allergies, there are very effective treatments. If you or your child suffers from asthma or allergies please see their health care provider to review treatment options and to stay on top of your care.
May 2021 School Nurse Corner
Whew! What a year it has been, but we made it!
Please remember to continue to keep your students’ home if they are ill or not feeling well.
We COVID tested 40 + students and staff during our COVID testing on April 22. We have seen an increase of COVID-19 cases within our communities- please remember to maintain physical distancing as much as possible and wear a mask- especially when indoors. If you or your child are having any symptoms of COVID-19- please get tested for COVID-19. This will help contain the spread of COVID-19. You can call Rio Grande Hospital at 719-657-4990, San Luis Valley Health at 719-589-2511 ext. 9, or Valley Wide Health Systems at 719-589-3658 ext. 9.
COVID-19 vaccines are readily available at many locations throughout the valley. Please visit https://www.slvphp.com/vaccination for a list of local providers that are administering the vaccine or call Saguache County Public Health at 719-655-2533. Please watch Facebook, the school district website, and the school app for further information on testing in the future.
Also, The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment have reported an increase in Norovirus outbreaks in schools.
Norovirus is a highly contagious stomach virus that can cause vomiting and/or diarrhea. Please keep your students home if they are having any of those symptoms and for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea.
We are working on setting up school registration/ CHAMP for next school year. Look for more information to come on the school website, Facebook, and the school app.
Have a safe and healthy summer and we will see you in August!
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Award Ceremony
Seniors, parents of seniors, and other high achieving students: There will be a high school awards ceremony on Monday, May 10th at 6:00 PM in the auditorium.
We hope that you will attend to watch the acknowledgement of achievement that seniors and other students have reached this year.
With all of the challenges that COVID has presented us, it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to celebrate positive things that have happened this year.
Thank you,
Turning In Your School Technology Devices
All students, Kindergarten-12th grade, both attending in-person school and online school, will be required to turn in their technology devices during the last week of school (May 24th).
We will send out more details as we get closer to this week. Parents: if your child is missing any accessories or they are damaged, such as the chargers, cases, etc., please be prepared to pay for the replacement cost. Below is a list of replacement fees:
iPads - Haskin Elementary & Skoglund Middle School
Annual Usage/Device Fee: $35
Cube (charger): $20
USB Cable (charger): $20
Case (Shield Stand): $10
Broken Screen: $35
Replacement Device: $500
Laptops - Center High School
Annual Usage/Device Fee: $45 Charger: $55
Case (bag): $25
Broken Screen: $45
Replacement Device: $900
Any unpaid fees will mailed in an invoice to households during the summer or assessed when you register your child for the next school year.
A Message From Mr. Murillo
Summer School
The pandemic has been a tough on many things. It has been especially tough on learning for our students. As a school our primary goal is to get our students to achieve academically. This year our summer school will look a little different to combat some of the learning loss our students might be experiencing. Our summer school this year will be offered in two modes.
Session A- This session will run for six weeks from June 7th-July 15th. We will be in session in the morning from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The purpose of this session will be to target specific students and deficiencies revealed by their Spring NWEA test results. Parents and students will be encouraged to participate in the activities offered by the Center Vikings Youth Club.
Session B- Session B will run on a window from June 14th to August 12th. This will be in person at the ARC. Students will work on Odyssey ware. The purpose of this session will be to recover credits for those students who failed classes during second semester. When students complete the credit they are making up they are considered to be done. This means that if I am a students who failed English I can be done in a week or in 10 weeks depending on my effort.
Students and parents will be getting notified the second week in May after we get NWEA test scores. If you have any questions about our summer school plans please do not hesitate to call me at 719-1754-2232.
Mr. Murillo