Message From the Assistant Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We survived Halloween week. Thank you parents for all the support. It was a fun-filled week and now we are ready to get back to business!
Please check your students' grades on Powerschool. It is amazing how fast the end of the semester comes and now is the time to make sure your students are passing and all caught up.
Have a fantastic first week of November!
Warm regards,
Tamara Carter
Assistant Principal
#1: Week at A Glance
Nov 4th-Nov 8th
Monday, Nov 4th
7:45 Weekly Incentive for Attendance
5:00 🏀 Girls Basketball @ Stuart
7:00 - Magic Philharmonic Myths and Legends Concert - Jayna Johnson Guest Conductor
Tuesday, Nov 5th
8:30 - 🏀 Boys Basketball Open Gym
Wednesday, Nov 6th
4:30 - 🤼 Wrestling @ Jerome
5:00 - 🏀 Girls basketball home vs. Wood River
Thursday, Nov 7th
4:00 - 🐉 D&D in the Library
8:30 - 🏀 Boys Basketball Open Gym
Friday, November 8th
Contract Day for Teachers
Saturday, November 9
9:00 - 🤼 Wrestling @ South Hills
#2: 😎 Great Moments from the Week
Math classes using vertical white boards in class.
Students are moving around the room and solving problems.
Students are having to show their work and see how other students solved the problem as well.
#3: 📆 Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
November 11 - 🏀 Girls Basketball @ Jerome
November 13 - 🤼 Wrestling @ Burley
November 13 - 🏀 Girls Basketball Home vs West
November 14 - 🐉 D&D
November 16 - 🤼 Wrestling @ Stuart
#4: Update from Athletics
Both 7th and 8th grade girls basketball teams were able to win their first game opener against South Hills!
#5: 🍪 Update from the PTO
PTO came on Halloween and handed out soda to all the students during lunch. We also had a few come in costumes to hand out candy. Thank you PTO. The students love all the support!
#6: 🙋🏽 Important Reminders
Please remember that students are allowed to miss 7 days in the semester. A doctor's excused absence does not count against you but everything else will count towards the 7 days. Watch your absences and make sure you are not going over. We would hate for students to lose credit because of their attendance. Reach out to the office if you have any questions about your child's attendance.
Title #8: Contact Info
East Minico Middle School
Principal: Dustin HeathAsst. Principal: Tamara Carter
Main Office: 208-436-3178
Website: https://www.minidokaschools.org/o/eastminico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastminico