Sexton Mountain
October 2019
Principal's message
Just a few reminders:
* Adults are not permitted beyond the entry way/office during 8:05-3:05 unless they have a background check.
*Do a background check, it only takes a few minutes.
*Once your background check clears you are welcome to go on field trips, volunteer during school hours and join your child for lunch.
*Give yourself plenty of time to sign in at the computer in the office.
* Underage children are welcome to come to lunch to see their sibling.
*Insurance does not permit underage siblings to play on the playground during school hours.
A huge thank you to all the parents who volunteered for the Jog-a thon. It was a huge success. Students did an amazing job running. It was a fun event!
Social Emotional Learning @Home
Here are some Growth Mindset phrases that can be used at home:
· The power of yet - add “yet” after a negative self-talk phrase. Example: I cannot do it yet.
· Emphasizing effort rather than finished product. Example: I see how hard you are working and I appreciate how thoughtful you are being.
· Positive self-talk: being a self-coach through challenges and encouraging yourself to reach a goal. Example: I am capable of doing hard things. I choose to believe in myself.
All of these phrases and strategies can be modeled by adults as well as explicitly taught to your child.
Talented and Gifted Testing Information
Every year students are considered for Talented and Gifted services in Beaverton School District. These services are provided by your child's classroom teacher(s). If you think your child might qualify, you may wish to complete the Parent Information Form that is available in our school’s office. Completing this form gives our school TAG committee more information about your child, but it is not required. All qualified students will be considered regardless of its completion.
Oregon law and District policy define gifted students as those who score at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized, nationally normed test of mental ability and/or academic achievement. Behavioral, learning, and/or performance information is also considered before a student is identified for TAG services.
The Parent Information Form must be completed and returned to our school’s TAG facilitator, Claire Bartlett & Trina Cole or the school’s office.
Each month we select two Mountain Guides to recognize at our school assembly. We select students based on going above and beyond in performing their jobs. September's students are....
Contacting Parents during Emergency Situations
During emergency situations, the Beaverton School District and our schools will use text messaging via SchoolMessenger, our website and social media as our primary modes of communication with parents. We can push text messages out much more quickly than phone calls. SchoolMessenger is the only approved messaging service for emergency communications. The District and schools will not be using other messaging services during emergency communications.
Due to FCC regulations, parents, guardians, students and staff are required to opt-in for texts. If you are currently receiving School messenger messages you do not need to do anything. (This week we sent out messages about Harry Potter Day, and the Jog-a-thon). If you have not been receiving messages from Sexton Mountain please opt-in by going into Parentvue and selecting School messenger.
October Calendar
October 11-No school- Teacher Inservice Day
October 18-Picture Day
October18-23- Book Fair
October 18- Family Dance- 6:30-8:15pm
October 23 & 24- Fall conferencesOctober 24 & 25-School closed for Conferences
October 29-PTC evening meeting-6:30 pm