MidSummer Update
Clayville Elementary School, July 2024
Supply Lists
Optional Supply Lists
In August, excitement will begin to mount over the beginning of the new school year. Often students enjoy preparing for the first day of school by going school shopping. Many parents inquire about what their children will need in terms of school supplies. We thought it would be helpful to you to provide you with a list of items that we recommend your child bring to school. This is not mandatory and we will continue to purchase these items for any student who does not bring them in the first week.
Please click the link, below, for the grade level your child will be going into in August. Thanks!
Reminder - Summer Learning Packets
Summer Camp
Science, Water Play, and Learning at Summer Learning Camp with Mrs. B
Clayville students were among those who participated in the first of 2 weeks of Scituate Elementary Schools' summer learning camp. According to Mrs. Boutiette, administrative intern, teachers and students commented that this "is the best week ever!" Keep your eye out for more info on summer learning camp so you can keep it in mind for next year.