A5 Grants and Special Projects News
Welcome Back! August 2022 #grant$4U&U&U
It's so hard to believe summer is over and We are Back to School again! Here's hoping your summer was fun, relaxing, and filled with some great adventures! We know your students are thrilled to see you again and this year is going to be YOUR YEAR to kick it up a notch. And we are off to a great start with NO MASKS and SMILING FACES!! Take advantage of some of these great opportunities to get all that you need for your classrooms, schools, or programs. Wishing you an Outstanding 22-23 School Year!
Who Is This?
For our new Anderson Five employees, Welcome! This newsletter comes from the Grants and Special Projects Office, which is dedicated to helping the District and its employees get funding for everything they need to make schools, programs, and classrooms unique, memorable, and awesome spaces for student learning. Each month I'll be sending out this newsletter with money just a click away. Whether it's a 5-digit grant you want to tackle or a $200 Donors Choose Wishlist, I'm only a phone extension (20125) or email (DeniseSavidge@Anderson5.net) away. Please let me know how I can help!
Anderson Five has a long and successful relationship using DonorsChoose as a means to get funds for classrooms. Last school year, there were 93 campaigns totalling $38,624 in great STUFF for teachers and students. We are set to blast that number out of the water this year since, over summer vacation, there were already 17 successful campaigns that raised $5500 for A5 classrooms.
AND HOT OFF THE PRESSES - From August 28th - September 3rd, teachers who haven't had a project funded on DonorsChoose will receive a guaranteed $50 donation when they submit a request. If you already use DonorsChoose and refer a new teacher, you will get $25 and THEY will get $50 Use this link: https://help.donorschoose.org/hc/en-us/articles/8116895836311
What are you waiting for? Talk to your principal and get started!
Another Source for Raising Funds 🤑
When you can't find what you need from a DonorsChoose vendor or you need money for clubs or teams, you'll love our new partnership with Crystal Clear Donations. Their fees are much lower than DC, and there are no restrictions on how you spend the funds (think pizza party, new t-shirts made by a local business, etc.) Ask your principals about this option -- many have already been trained on how to set up campaigns. Still need help? Call X20125.