Hillside News Brief
January 31, 2020
Valentine's Day Boxes
Sixth Grade Strings Concert Date Change and More News
Sixth Grade String Parents:
Please note that the date of our Solo and Small Ensemble performance opportunity has been changed from Feb. 18 to Monday, March 16. The event will be held at Westside Middle School at 6:30 pm. More information from your strings teachers will be emailed to you. Please let your strings teacher know if you have any questions!
Strike up the band because our BAND-O-RAMA EXTRAVAGANZA is quickly approaching! Band-o-rama will feature our district wide fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade band students as well as our award winning WHS Concert Jazz Band! Students will have a rehearsal during the school day for this event on March 26 and the concert will be the same day at 7:00 pm at Westside High School. Detailed information will be sent home about this concert as the date approaches. For now, please mark your calendars and make this evening a priority for your entire family. Please let your child's band teacher know if you have any questions!
Hillside 6th Grade Music Night--A Message from Mr. Olynyk
On February 10th, your child will be participating in a special music event right here at Hillside! In the past, 6th and 5th grades have combined to put on a concert for you. This year, however, we are trying something different. This will not be a concert or a performance, but an opportunity for our 6th graders to showcase their amazing skills and talents, specifically with world drumming! There will even be a moment at the end where your 6th grader will teach you a drum ensemble piece!
We are calling this event, "A Night of World Drumming with Hillside's Sixth Graders!" I look forward to seeing all of you on February 10th at 6:45 at Hillside Elementary School in the North Gym. The event will start at 7:00, and should be concluded by 7:35.
Our concert this year will be on Tuesday, March 31st, in the form of the District 66 Vocal Music Festival. All of Hillside's 6th graders will be attending, as well as all 6th graders from across the district. Hillside's sixth graders will have an opportunity to sing with all of their 6th grade peers throughout the district, as well as with choirs and show choirs from Westside Middle School and Westside High School!
These events are truly unique opportunities, and we hope you'll plan on being at both!
Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have!
Thank you,
Mr. Olynyk, Hillside Music Teacher
Pre-school Peer Model Program
- We serve children with disabilities and typically developing peer models
- All children will have opportunities for age-appropriate interactions and activities
- Peer models attend free of charge
- 3 or 4 years of age
- District resident
- Age appropriate language, social, and pre-academic skills
- Toilet trained
Call 402-390-6472 for an application and more information.
Option Enrollment, In-District Transfer Requests, and Kindergarten Enrollment
Student In-District Transfer Requests for the 2020-2021 School Year
- If you are a District resident who would like your K-6 child(ren) to attend an elementary school other than the school that serves your attendance area for next school year, you must submit a completed In-District Transfer (IDT) Request form to the Office of Student Services for review.
- The District gives priority to families living within the District prior to placing Option Enrollment applicants who reside outside the District. We must receive a Student In-District Transfer Request form no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 15, 2020, for your request to be considered prior to our placement of Option Enrollment students.
- IDT forms are available at the ABC Building and our District website. Click here to complete the form electronically. An IDT request form must be completed for any child starting kindergarten next year who has one or more siblings currently attending a school outside their home attendance area. Transfers are approved or denied based on available space and other resources. If you have questions about the in- district transfer process, please call the Welcome Center at 402-390-2100.
Kindergarten Enrollment for District Residents: January 20th – February 28th
- Do you live in the District and have a child who will be ready for Kindergarten this fall? Do you know of other Westside residents with children who will be ready to start school in August?
- Kindergarten enrollment for 2020-2021 begins January 20, 2020. Parents of eligible students should click on ‘Student Services’ to begin the enrollment process as early as possible on or after January 20th.
- Students entering kindergarten for 2020-2021 must be five years old by July 31, 2020. Parents may opt to hold their children out of kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska state law mandates that a child who reaches six years of age prior to January 1 of the then-current school year must be enrolled in school.
- If you have questions, you may call the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100.
Requirements for Early Admission to Kindergarten
- In accordance with Nebraska Statute 79-214, the Westside Community Schools allows for admission of children residing in the District as early entrance kindergarteners through a locally designed testing program. Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance must turn five between August 1 and October 15, 2020. For further information regarding early entrance to kindergarten, please call 402-390-3303.
Kindergarten Enrollment for Non-District Residents
- If you live outside the District and have a child eligible for kindergarten who has a sibling currently attending a Westside elementary school through the Option Enrollment program, you must submit an Option Enrollment Application. Westside’s Office of Student Services must receive Option Enrollment Applications no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 15, 2020. The application form is available at the ABC Building (909 S. 76th Street) and our district website. Click here to complete the form electronically.
- Under Option Enrollment statutes, first priority for admission is given to siblings who seek to attend in the District where an older sibling is already enrolled, provided an Option Enrollment form is submitted by March 15 and provided that there is space available in a requested building and grade level. In you have questions, you may call Julie Fumagalli at 402-390-2107.
Again, here are the web links:
Student In-District Transfer Request: https://westside66.org/student-services/enrollment-registration-and-records/
IDT online form: https://forms.gle/1SL4Xxo5U9tn3Umo8
Option Enrollment Application: https://westside66.org/student-services/enrollment-registration-and-records/
Option online form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddV5NTL_YhlI1Vgki4sy7WoGzNtZeaXLGYqv1aXRLacUgP2w/viewform