Go Big Red: DCHS Weekly Message
Week 35: April Showers? May flowers?
Decatur County Community High School
605 E Commercial St, Oberlin, KS 67749
April 30, 2023 (Schedule at the bottom, Skip What You Want)
Follow us on Twitter at @DCHSREDDEVILS or
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Oberlin294/
Decatur community,
The old saying goes that, "April showers bring May flowers." Well, April gave it one last shot this past week, but, unless April gives us an unforeseen weather anomaly tonight, the old saying will remain just that, a saying.
Perhaps a more simple saying would be more appropriate for us in the school realm. How about "April ends means May begins?" Not that clever, but in the school world, though they may not be flowers, May packs a ton of colorful events into one month, a month where everyone just needs to buckle up.
FFA field trip, Final home track meet, JH/SH band and choir concerts, State Forensics, HS Awards Ceremony, JH Awards Ceremony, NHS Induction, Baccalaureate, Graduation Rehearsal, Finals, Graduation, and the last day of school. Outside of our home track meet, that doesn't include all of the other road events that our students are involved in.
May means that we are coming down to the wire, a paradoxical time of both intense focus on finishing the year strong while at the same time celebrating all that we have accomplished.
It is flying by! Seniors, I know that you can't wait to get to the finish line, but try to enjoy every second that you can.
Shoutout to DCHS secretary Melissa Dreher. This past week was Administrative Assistant's Day, and I have to tip my hat to my secretary Mrs. Dreher. As a principal, the person you rely on the most is your secretary, and I am so lucky to have her in that seat. Melissa carries a positive attitude into the building every day, is extremely organized and knowledgeable, and she's got some great taste in music (70's/80's). She has helped make this a special year for me, and I look forward to many more years with her as my left tackle (for those that don't get the reference, that's a positive).
Shoutout to our kitchen staff Megan, Renee, Tabetha, and Vicki. This Friday is not only Cinco de Mayo, but also National School Lunch Hero Day. I wrote about them about a month ago. Our staff are dependable and consistent, and they care about what they are doing. It has been a great experience getting to know them all this year and to see the pride they take in what they do. Happy School Lunch Hero Day, ladies!
Shoutout to our music department and teachers Lisa Johnson, Brad Persinger, and Jenny Tally. It has been a hectic past few months, as they hosted the JH League Music Festival in Colby, the Pre-Festival Recital, and the Regional Music Festival. They then went back to Colby for Large Group, and wrapped up the traveling this past weekend with an overnighter in Hesston, Kansas for the State Music Festival. May doesn't let up, as there are still concerts planned before the end of the year. Thank you for all of the time and effort that you put into our programs. It does not go unnoticed.
Shoutout to all of our music students that qualified for State music this past weekend.
Congratulations to all of these groups for receiving a I rating at State:
Women's Ensemble
DCHS Singers
Bryant Addleman
Ellie Anderson
Weston Barnes
Cheyanna Hale - Clarinet
Jack Holloway - Bari Sax.
Josh Juenemann - Vocal
Addison Mathews - Vocal
Josh Starnes - Bass Clarinet
Michaela Wasson - Flute
Olivia Williby - Vocal
Shoutout to these high school track athletes for placing at Trego this past week:
Kamryn Oien placed second in pole vault with a vault of 8’6.
Maci Weigel – 3rd in shot put -33-9.75
Jessiah McDougal – 3rd in 1600m run -5:15.18
Tyler Ostmeyer – 5th in 110 hurdles –18.39
Shakira Cook – 6th in discus – 7-1
Shoutout and good luck to our State Forensics team headed to Hutchinson. Congrats to both of the Mrs. Witts and to Ellie Anderson, Weston Barnes, Cheyanna Hale, Keely Huff, Jordan Ruzicka, and Aidyn Witt. Let's keep it going! When I walk down that hallway with the awards, perhaps nothing has given DCHS more champions than Forensics. I anxiously await what they can accomplish.
Things You Should Know
Staff Recognized at Annual Appreciation Banquet
5 Years
Vicki Versailles - Vicki head's our kitchen staff. She is always pleasant and always makes sure that we are compliant with regulations while providing our students with choices. She could make her job a lot easier by getting rid of the salad bar and making choices for our students, but she genuinely does the best with what she has.
Kyle Breth - Our Industrial Tech. teacher is Mr. Kyle Breth. Mr. Breth's classes are always fun, hands-on, and packed with real world experiences. Mr. Breth continues to be a great role model as a teacher, coach, husband, and father. Mr. Breth is that example that every school district wants, the hometown kid that returns home to teach and coach in his old town.
Janee Davis - Ms. Davis teaches history and is as modern a teacher as we have in the building. She uses cutting edge resources and strategies that I know would make all of her former teachers/professors proud. She is about as involved as you can get, always in attendance at events. She is creating well rounded young adults in her classroom.
Jillian Springer - Mrs. Springer has been our K-12 art teacher. Mrs. Springer has given our students so many experiences this year, traveling all over the western half of the state on a variety of art field trips. These experiences will remain with students forever. She always has a positive attitude, and I look forward to her creativity in her new role next year.
10 Years
Delbert Russ - Delbert Russ is one of our night custodians. Delbert recently completed his 10th year as a maintenance man, and there are few (probably only one) that know this building better than Delbert. Delbert's own children graduated from DCHS, and he definitely has a soft spot in his heart for the school. Looking forward to the projects this summer.
Brandon Gehring - Our AD and girls' basketball coach is finishing his first decade in Oberlin. With 4 kids all attending Oberlin schools, few are more committed to the community than Mr. Gehring. Mr. Gehring does an amazing job of organizing events and communicating with all involved, and his relationships with students is apparent at all times.
20 Years
Terry Ream - Terry Ream is our outdoor maintenance man. April may not have brought showers, but Terry Ream did. When it comes to the maintenance of our grounds, I would call Terry a perfectionist. His beginning and end of the day are probably the longest of any person in our district, as he meticulously checks the outdoor facilities every morning and evening.
25 Years
Mark Bricker - A quarter of a century in the same district is a long time. Mr. Bricker just accomplished that. At 25 years, you are now teaching the kids of some of the kids you taught already. I recently was told of two former grads now in college that were trying to become a Mr. Bricker, inspired by him to teach science themselves. Great compliment! Great teacher!
Kenny Black - I mentioned that there was one person that knew the building more than Delbert, and that is head of maintenance Kenny Black. When you ask around, there is not a single person that doesn't get a smile on their face when talking about Kenny. Kenny is retiring at the end of this year, and he will leave a hole as wide as the Grand Canyon to fill.
All You Need to Know About Graduation and Surrounding Events?
1. When is Graduation? Graduation is set for Saturday, May 13th at 2:00 PM sharp. Doors open at 1:00 PM.
2. Where is Graduation? Graduation will be held in the DCHS Gymnasium.
3. When is the last day of class for Seniors? The last day of class for Seniors is Wednesday, May 10th.
4. When is Graduation rehearsal? Graduation rehearsal is set for Thursday, May 11th at 9:00 am. Students will turn in all items, pay all fees, walk in caps and gowns through the OES hallways, and be served pizza after rehearsal. Students are dismissed after lunch.
5. Other Important Items: Seniors and parents should expect a letter with important information regarding Graduation early this week. Here are important dates to plan for.
Awards Program - Wednesday, May 10th at 2:15 in the DCHS Auditorium.
Baccalaureate - Wednesday, May 10th at 7:30 in the DCHS Auditorium.
Early Release
This Wednesday, May 3rd, students will be released from DCHS at 2:00.
May 1st marks the beginning of the last full week of school for the Class of 2023, the last "normal" week. For seniors, there are 8 days of school left, 8 1/2 if you count the Grad. Rehearsal.
8 more.. 8 more.. 8 more..
8 More 8 Mores
1. 8 more times to get a good night's sleep to get to school on time.
2. 8 more times to roam the halls that so many of you have grown up in.
3. 8 more times to walk through the lunch line.
4. 8 more times to worry about the word "tardy."
5. 8 more times to be the oldest.
6. 8 more times to sit in class with the teachers who have watched you grow up.
7. 8 more times to sit in class with the faces you have known for most of your life.
8. 8 more times to return home to, "How was school today?"
Let's make it a May to remember.
Until next week,
Jeremy Holloway
Go Big Red!
Schedule for the Week of 4-30-23/5-6-23
Monday, May 1, 2023
3:00 HS Track Meet home
3:00 HS Golf @ Hoxie
6:00 SOS Meeting
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
2:00 Early Release
6:00 NHS Banquet
Thursday, May 4, 2023
1:00 HS Golf @ Colby
3:00 JH Track @ Dighton
3:30 HS Track @ Trego
Friday, May 5, 2023
2:00 6th Grade Orientation
FFA Field Trip to Colorado
Saturday, May 6, 2023
State Forensics @ Hutchinson
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #11: Happy Halloween!
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #14: Thankful
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #35: April Showers? May Flowers?
Decatur County Community Junior/Senior High School
Email: jholloway@usd294.org
Website: https://www.usd294.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/DCHS
Location: 605 East Commercial Street, Oberlin, KS, USA
Phone: 785-475-2231
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Decatur-Community-JrSr-High/372347636275932