Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ October 15, 2018
P.E. News
Dear parents/guardians of all 3rd-8th grade students,
This week, the Physical Education Department of Oak Grove School will be emailing your child's results of the state mandated fitness testing that was given the week of September 24th. Please take some time to go over the results with your child. We will be doing many activities throughout the school year to help students improve their score when we administer the same tests in the spring. The test results are not factored into your child’s P.E. grade, but will be used to help our department develop and implement appropriate curriculum to insure students are receiving a proper physical fitness program. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s P.E. teacher.
Mr. Mayer
Mrs. Savage
Mr. Izenstark
Miss Kurtz
Mrs. Colclasure
Sport Stacking in P.E.
Mrs. Savage's P.E. classes had a special guest last week. Mr. Dan "The Stack Man Diffy" came to show our students how to Sport Stack. Students learned skills for Sport Stacking and also participated in sport stacking games.
Equipment is also for sale:
Cups - $20
Mat with Timer - $25
Pro Cups - $25
See Mrs. Savage if you would like to buy the equipment. Equipment will be for sale starting Tuesday, November 16th.
Mathalon Competition
On Saturday, three 7th grade mathematicians, Hailey, Marisa and Vanessa participated in a Mathalon contest at The Woodlands Academy in Lake Forest. The event was open to teams of seventh and eighth grade girls, and featured problem solving scenarios that required creative thinking along with application of mathematics. The girls reported that the competition was challenging and fun to be a part of. Well done, ladies! We at OGS are proud of you and your efforts.
Oak Grove Cheer & Poms 2018-2019
Attention 5th-8th graders! If you are interested in joining cheer & poms, please attend the informational meeting and tryouts!
Informational Meeting
Thursday, October 18th
Mrs. Sobey’s room 505 | 3:30-4:00pm
Monday, October 22nd
Small gym | 3:30-5:30pm
Contact Mrs. Sobey or Miss Sweeney with any questions -
PTO News
Fannie May Candy Sales
This is the last week to order Fannie May candy. We really appreciate your orders because Fannie May donates 30% of the sales back to the Oak Grove PTO.
The order forms are due no later than October 19th. Return the white and yellow copies of the order form with your payment made out to Oak Grove PTO.
All orders will be shipped directly to your home the week of November 12th.
Fannie May will be giving away FREE CANDY to those with the highest sales. Please contact Cristina Buelow at 224-430-3295 or Carlene Lichter at 847-816-3925 with any questions.
PTO Directories
The PTO directories were distributed on Friday to the youngest child in the family. If you have any questions, you can contact Jen Klainos: jklainos@gmail.com
Spirit Wear
Oak Grove Spirit Wear was distributed on Friday. If you didn’t receive your order or have any questions, contact Courtney Johnston: johnstoncourtneyr@gmail.com
PTO Calendars
We still have some Oak Grove Calendars available for purchase for $10 if you would like to purchase one and help support the PTO. Contact Leah Parr: dlparr82@gmail.com
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
By now, you have probably heard the term “Growth Mindset” somewhere. At Oak Grove, we embrace the continuous strive for improvement as described in our updated Mission Statement, “Ignite a passion for learning in pursuit of excellence.”
As Kazakoff & Mitchell (2017) described it, growth mindset is the idea that, with effort, it's possible to increase intelligence levels, talents, and abilities. Students who demonstrate a growth mindset believe their abilities develop over time, tend to seek out opportunities to gain new knowledge and broaden their skills, and do not typically shy away from challenges.
Our teaching staff strives to offer opportunities that allow our students to flourish in their talents and develop those in need of growth.
I recently found an article that provides six tips to help students develop a growth mindset within the classroom. A few of them were classroom specific but others we can all try at home:
Read books with characters that face challenges and overcome them
Have your child participate in activities that allow for multiple opportunities to show improvement
Model a growth mindset as a parent
To see the full list of six, feel free to check out the article here.
Preschool Screenings
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120