LPN Guide
Trocaire College Libraries
Research Databases: Journal Articles and Images
The complete list of our databases and more are available in the Resources section of the website.
Articles not available in full-text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
CINAHL Complete (EBSCOhost)
CINAHL Complete is the definitive database for many types of sources in the field of nursing. This database contains not only journal articles but also care plans, book chapters, clinical trials, evidence-based practice care sheets, protocols and images.
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching CINAHL Complete.
Other EBSCOhost Databases
EBSCO has other journal article databases in the field of nursing:
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching EBSCOhost.
Citation Tips for CINAHL Complete and other EBSCOhost Databases
Look for the Tools on the right side of the window. Click the page icon. Select the citation style needed. Simply copy and paste the citation to your paper.
Please be aware that the citation may be correct but the format of the citation may be incorrect. If you need help setting up a citation or reference page, check out our Citation Help page or contact a librarian.
ProQuest has three options:
- ProQuest Central is a large collection of scholarly and popular articles in a broad range of subjects
- ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health offers scholarly articles for nursing education
- ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Videos offers competency and training videos
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching ProQuest Central.
Citation Tips for ProQuest
Look for the light blue tool bar below the search bar . Click the Citation Tools option at the top of the list. Select the citation style needed. Simply copy and paste the citation to your paper.
Please be aware that the citation may be correct but the format of the citation may be incorrect. If you need help setting up a citation or reference page, check out our Citation Help page or contact a librarian.
Gale has a collection of different databases to use:
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching Gale.
Citation Tips for Gale
Look for the Tools on the right side of the window. Click the Cite icon in the middle of the list. Select the citation style needed. Simply copy and paste the citation to your paper.
Please be aware that the citation may be correct but the format of the citation may be incorrect. If you need help setting up a citation or reference page, check out our Citation Help page or contact a librarian.
More Databases
- Image Quest is helpful when you are looking for a graphic to place in a presentation or research paper. This database also helps in citing the image.
Click on the titles below to access the journals directly:
Subject and Call Number locations that are useful in nursing research:
- Human Anatomy: QM
- Physiology: QP
- Microbiology: QR
- Medicine: R
- Public Aspects of Medicine:RA
- Pathology: RB
- Internal Medicine: RC
- Examination and Diagnosis: RC 71 - 78.7
- Popular Medicine: RC 81 - 82
- Neurology and psychiatry: RC 321 - 576
- Geriatrics: RC 952 - 954
- Surgery: RD
- Surgical nursing: RD 99 - 99.35
- Gynecology and obstetrics: RG
- Maternal care: RG 940 - 991
- Pediatrics: RJ
- Pediatric nursing: RJ 245 - 247
- Dermatology: RL
- Pharmacology: RM
- Pharmacy: RS
- Nursing: RT
Reserve Books*
The library has all textbook titles for the LPN program. Listed below are the titles owned by the library:
- Calculating with Confidence (7th ed) - RES-NUR RS57 .M67 2018
- deWit's Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing (5th ed) - RES-LPN RT41 .D443 2018
- deWit's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts & Practice (4th ed) - RES-LPN RT41 .D445 2021
- Foundations of Mental Health Care (6th ed) - RES-LPN RC440 .V354 2017
- Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing (8th ed) - RES-LPN RG951 .L375 2019
- Mosby's 2021 Nursing Drug Reference (34th ed) - RES-NUR RM301.12 .S55 2021
- Nursing Diagnosis Handbook (12th ed) - RES-NUR RT48.6 .A35 2020
- Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach (10th ed) - RES-NUR RM301 .K44 2021
*Reserve books may only be used in the Library with a valid Trocaire ID.
New Books and eBooks
- Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals - ebook QP34.5 .M65 2020
- Caring for Patients from Different Cultures- ebook RT86.54 .G35 2015
- Davis' Diseases and Disorders - ebook RT51 .S66 2019
- Fast Facts: Leukemia - RC643 .L65 2019
- Fluids and Electrolytes - RT41 .F585 2020
- HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN Exam- RES-LPN RT62 .H44 2021
- LPN Notes- ebook RT51 .M94 2020
- Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified (3rd ed.)- ebook RD99.B78 K46 2019
- Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students- ebook RM301.12 .S55 2021
- Opioid Epidemic: What Everyone needs to Know - ebook RC568.O45 O474 2019
- Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness - RT69 .W48 2018
*Circulating books may be check out for 28 days with a valid Trocaire ID.
*eBooks from EBSCOhost can be downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions. Mobile devices may also need Bluefire Reader.
- Credo Reference
- eBooks from EBSCOhost*
- Health Reference Series Online*
- R2 Digital Library
- Salem Press Reference Books Online*
*eBooks titles owned by the library have a direct link in the library catalog.
Streaming Video
Several Nursing related Streaming videos and clips are available at:
Some streaming videos also have a direct link in the library catalog.
You can also access the videos through:
Websites for Nursing
Here you will find links to descriptions and pictures of the human body's parts and organ systems from head to toe. Includes an overview, videos and tutorials and topics within anatomy. Medline Plus is from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
The A-Z index is a navigational and informational tool to make the CDC.gov website easier to use. It covers topics that are popular, frequently requested and critically important.
Center for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases & Conditions Index
A subset of the A-Z index that covers the large, popular category.
Animated videos that show the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them. From the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
HON was founded to encourage the dissemination of quality health information for patients and professionals and the general public, and to facilitate access to the latest and most relevant medical data.
Innerbody: Human Anatomy System
Click on a system to learn more.
Khan Academy: Health and Medicine
This course is no longer updating the information, but the information is valid. Here you will find several videos, lessons and quizzes on a variety of topics ranging from anatomy, nervous system diseases, mental health and much more.
An informal learning, continuing education and professional development site for the nursing student and educator. Has quizzes and games for the student.
Mayo Clinic- Health Information
Diseases, test and drug information from the Mayo Clinic.
From the Merck Manual for Consumers, a pronunciation dictionary. Click on a letter or word and hear how to pronounce the term or phrase.
MedNar is a free, publicly available deep web search engine that uses advanced federated search technology to return the most relevant results from over 40 authoritative medical collections. Using the Advance search option users can limit by collection, full-text, year of publication or range, author and title.
National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses
The NALPN is the professional organization for licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational nurses and practical/vocational nursing students in the United States. The mission of the NALPN is "to foster high standards of nursing care and promote continued competence through education/certification and lifelong learning, with a focus on public protection".
PennMedicine Conditions Treated
A to Z list of conditions from PennMedicine (University of Pennsylvania).
The ultimate guide to everything you need to know about starting your career as a Licensed Practical Nurse.
Site sponsored by Healthline, a consumer health information company. The maps cover the 11 body systems with information and 3-D interactive diagrams.
Access to MedlinePlus, TOXNET, MeSH and other health related information and databases
Click here to link to the "Nursing Websites Guide". This guide covers many topics that nursing students will find very helpful.
Rachel R. Savarino Library
Email: LibraryHelp@Trocaire.edu
Website: library.trocaire.edu
Location: 360 Choate Avenue, 4th Floor, Buffalo, NY, United States
Phone: (716) 827-2434