Thank you for an amazing start to the 2024-2025 school year! We always look forward to seeing families at Open House, as well as the smiling faces of students as they come back to school. Parent participation for grade level meetings has been amazing, and we are so excited for the school year ahead!
Andrea Peterson-Principal
Kaylee Kuykendall -Assistant Principal
When the school buses are loading or unloading students, the red lights flash and the stop sign arm sticks out to the side.
Under no circumstances should vehicles drive past a school bus loading or unloading students, even in the parking lot. The penalty for ignoring these signs is large and can result in drivers license being revoked.
Please be patient while the drivers follow all the proper safety protocols in unloading students, checking the buses, and loading more passengers.
Breakfast 7:15-7:40
Breakfast in the cafeteria begins at 7:15, and doors close at 7:40 when the second bell rings. If your child eats breakfast in the cafeteria, please make sure to have them to school by 7:30 so they can eat breakfast.
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
- Stay in your vehicle and alert at all times. If your child needs help getting buckled, please pull into a parking spot when the stop sign is let down.
- Leave car tag displayed until your child is loaded into the vehicle.
- Cars should form two lanes as you turn into the loading/unloading zone.
- Please use an alternating merge from two lanes to 1 lane as you round the corner, and again as you un-merge back into two lanes. Just as we teach our students to Take Turns, as adults we should do the same. This process is called a 'zipper merge' and helps keep traffic flowing.
- Evenly fill the two loading lanes, rather than filling the sidewalk side first.
Zipper Merge
Safety Reminders
Safety Reminders
If you need to change the way your child goes home, please call the office before 2:00 pm.
SLOW DOWN while driving through the parking lot. We value your time, but our top priority is the safety of all our students, staff, and families. Please take an extra 10 seconds to proceed with caution through our parking lot.
Office Hours
Office hours are 7:15 am to 3:00 pm.
Any change in transportation for a child needs to be called in to the office before 2:00 pm
No students will be able to be checked out between 2:15 and 2:35
**Doors will be locked at 2:15 every day while students transition to dismissal areas**
August 28th - LOLLIPOPS DAY
All money must be turned into the office by 10am so that Ms. Connie can get it entered.
Western Days
Western Days is a big two day event for the community of Mustang. Information and schedule of events for Western Days can be found HERE.
PTSO Meeting September 11
The first PTSO meeting for the school year will be September 11, at 3:15 in the Cafeteria. Our PTSO does amazing things for our staff and students and would love to have participation from our school family. The meeting will take place shortly after dismissal. Please plan to attend if you are able!
PTSO will kick off our Fall Fundraiser on Friday, August 30! The students will be taking orders for Popcorn which will be delivered at a later date. The fundraiser will run from August 30 - September 16.
Picture Day - September 17
Picture Day is coming soon! On Tuesday, September 17, students and staff will be taking their fall photo for the yearbook. Order forms will be coming home soon, as well as reminders the week of pictures.
SNOWIE Snow Cone Day - September 18
Each month, the SNOWIE Snowcone Truck will visit Mustang Elementary with a chance for students to purchase a snowcone. You can send $2 with your child, and they will get a snowcone during their afternoon recess time. Our first date for Snowie will be September 18!
Bronco Leadership Code
This year, these traits will be tied to the acronym LEADERSHIP, and will be highlighted monthly on our newsletter. Having conversations at home will help reinforce the school to home connection with things they will learn here at school.
The character traits are as follows:
The first character trait focus for Mustang Elementary will be Leadership, followed by Effort for the month of September.
August - Leadership
Leadership is the ability to influence and motivate others to reach a goal.
Ways to promote leadership with your child:
- Promote Teamwork
- Volunteering Activities
- Set a Good Example
- Give Them Choices
- Teach Communication Skills
- Encourage Perseverance
- Help Others Solve Problems
Below are a few Children's Books that go along with the character trait of Leadership
September - Effort
The month of September, we will be focusing on the character trait of Effort. This month, encourage students to try their best, and give their best effort. Mistakes are bound to happen, and maybe even failure, but the best things in life can be accomplished by trying hard, and giving it your best.
September Character Awards will be given to students who show great Effort. It may be a student who shows great effort in academics, in following rules, or in being a great friend, but remember, effort doesn't mean being perfect.
Below are some ideas for children's books that go along with the character trait of Effort.
Snack Fridays
If you are on Facebook, make sure you are following Mustang Elementary PTSO page to stay up to date with all the Mustang Elementary events, fundraisers, and meetings.
Mustang Public Schools Calendar
Sept. 2- Labor Day: No School
Sept. 6-7 - Mustang Western Days
Sept. 11- PTSO Meeting @ 3:15
Sept. 17- Fall Pictures (Yearbook Pictures)
Sept. 18 - Snowie Snowcone Day
Sept. 19/20- NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Days
Oct. 3 - P/T Conferences
Oct. 7 - P/T Conferences
Oct. 11 -Mustang Elementary Bronco Pride Night 6:15 PM at the High School Football Game
Oct. 16-18 - Fall Break
Oct. 21 - NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day
Oct. 25 - PTSO Fall Carnival 6pm
Lunch is $3.25 and Breakfast is $2.25 for students. Monthly menus can be found online at:
You can put money on your child's account through My School Bucks or by sending cash or check.