Raider Nation Newsletter
Week of April 4, 2022
Class of 2022 Graduation Info
Dear Atholton Families,
I hope you read my email earlier this week in which the date of our commencement was released. Atholton will celebrate its seniors and their graduation on Thursday, June 2 at 11 am at Merriweather Post Pavillion. Now that the date and time have been released, please remember to refer to the AHS FAQ regarding graduation. One question that has been raised that many will want to know is – How many tickets are seniors allocated for graduation? The answer is TEN. Each student in the Class of 2022 will be given TEN tickets for the commencement ceremony on June 2. Anyone seeking more than this allocation must reach out to me at Robert_Motley@hcpss.org.
We all know that this is prom season. This past Saturday, Atholton High School’s Becca’s Closet, provided free and slightly used prom dresses free of charge to anyone who needed a dress. The staff sponsor, Ms. Krista Bopst, has worked with student volunteers to amass over TWO THOUSAND dresses. Our own County Executive, Dr. Calvin Ball, stopped by on Thursday to drop off donations for the event. There was a huge crowd here on Saturday with the line extending far out of the cafeteria. Thank you to Ms. Bopst and our students for all of their hard work in making sure anyone who needs a dress for prom has one!
Congratulations to Space RAIDers, the Atholton Robotics Team. The team qualified for the District Championships to be held this week in Hampton Roads, VA. The team competed in two regional events in hopes of qualifying for the district championships. It was the points our team earned from winning the Entrepreneurship Award that pushed them over the line to qualify. Once again, congratulations and best of luck this week in the competition. Information about the event can be found here: https://events.firstchesapeake.org/first-chesapeake-region-frc-championship/
I am passionate about student service and giving back to your community. Therefore, when the National Honor Society came to me regarding an entire week devoted to service, I jumped at the opportunity to engage the entire student body and our community. Atholton’s National Honor Society will be sponsoring a Week of Service and Spirit from Monday, April 4th through Friday, April 8th. This is open for ALLAtholton High School students. Each day students are encouraged to bring in a small donation and take part in that day’s theme.
Monday: Canned food drive & Pajama Day. (Unexpired canned goods. Wear your Pajamas)
Tuesday: Toy and Children’s Book drive & Character Day. (New and lightly loved toys and books. Dress as your favorite character)
Wednesday: Toiletries drive & White Out Day. (Unopened toiletries only. Dress in white.)
Thursday: Pasta drive & ImPASTA Day (Impostor Day) (Unopened Pasta, Rice, or Grains. Dress as your best friend or favorite teacher.)
Friday: School Supplies drive & Anything-but-a-Backpack Day (New school supplies to donate. Bring your school supplies in anything but a backpack.)
Collection bins will be located in the Front Lobby and by the Theater Entrance Lobby, so students can drop donations as they enter the building. Donated items will go to Grassroots, Food on the 15th, Maryland Children’s Hospital, and other local charity organizations.
I hope you encourage your child(ren) to participate and even parents are more than welcome to donate as well!
Lastly, next week is SPRING BREAK! I want to wish everyone a well-earned week of rest and relaxation. There will be no Raider Newsletter next week. I will touch base with you again on April 17.
Have a terrific week!
Warmest regards,
Robert A. Motley
Mark Your Calendar
April 11 - 18 -- School Closed (Spring Break)
April 19 -- School Reopens
April 27 -- 3-hour Early Dismissal
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Email: Robert_Motley@hcpss.org
Website: www.ahs.hcpss.org
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065