We are required by Wisconsin Statute to publish the following information. We should be very pleased and proud of our academic achievements. Congratulations to our students, teachers, and community for the high value given to education and the excellent work you do each day in achieving our mission.
Michael Shimshak
Iowa-Grant Superintendent
Iowa-Grant Elementary-Middle School:
Summary Rating - Significantly Exceeds Expectations.
Score: 87.1
Iowa-Grant High School:
Summary Rating - Meets Expectations
Score: 60.2
Iowa-Grant School District:
Summary Rating - Exceeds Expectations
Score: 78.1
The complete report cards may be found on either the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website or the Iowa-Grant School District website.
Notice of Educational Options
Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 115.28 (54m), the following educational options available to all students who are at least three years old, but not yet 18 years old. Internet links to information about each of these are available at: https://dpi.wi.gov/ed-options
Public school
Private schools
Private school participating in a parental choice program (Private School Choice Programs) Special Needs Scholarship Program
Charter school
Virtual school
Open Enrollment
The Early College Credit Program (and Dual Enrollment)
Youth Apprenticeship Program
Home-Based Private Education
Happy Holidays Panther Families,
Happy Holidays Panther Families,
As we near the end of 2022, I am thinking about what a great Food Service staff we have at IGSD. We continue to face supply chain shortages and every week we collaborate on how to overcome these challenges. IGSD Food Service employees are problem solvers, great cooks and bakers and we are honored to serve the students breakfast and lunch everyday.
Please stay safe during the Holiday Seasons. I would like to remind everyone to follow a few food safety rules. Hot food should stay hot, cold foods should stay cold and “when in doubt, throw it out”. Celebrate and stay safe!
If you have not done so, please consider filling out a free/reduced application. The applications are available at the IGEMS and HS offices and on our district website. If you have any questions, please call the Iowa Grant School District at 608-943-6311.
Have a Wonderful December!
Barb Hugill, Becky Allen, Kathy Bomkamp, Lisa Henkel, Wendy Gorius and Laura Wienkes
School Board Elections
Dear Residents of the Iowa-Grant School District:
I am writing to advise you that there will be an election for two seats on the Iowa-Grant School District Board of Education in April of 2023. (Official Notice is below this letter). Current School Board Clerk, Kristen Spurley has provided official notice of non-candidacy, which means that the Area 7 seat will open with no incumbent. Perhaps your interest in the school district affairs might lead you to consider running for this important office.
According to the Wisconsin Election Commission, in order to qualify for placement on the ballot as a candidate in a school board election a person must:
● Be a citizen of the of the United States,
● Be 18 years of age or older; and
● Be a resident of the school district for at least 28 consecutive days at the time of filing a declaration of candidacy.
The Iowa-Grant School District Board of Education seats are apportioned geographically by areas. The two areas with seats that will be on the ballot in April of 2023, are Area 3 and Area 7 which are described below this letter.
Being a member of a school board is a valued and important community service, with major responsibilities of ensuring student achievement, establishing policy, focusing on accountability, building strong community relations, providing budget approval and oversight, program evaluation and advocacy. Serving on a school board has a time commitment of monthly meetings, periodic committee meetings, and required board development workshops. If you consider yourself to be open minded, ready to learn, and have a commitment to the value of providing the best public education for the community’s children, please consider this significant leadership opportunity to contribute by serving as a school board member.
Please feel free to contact me at 608 943 6311 with any questions. I appreciate any consideration you might give to becoming a candidate for school board.
Michael Shimshak
Iowa-Grant School District Superintendent
The village of Linden, Iowa County, Wisconsin, and Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Town of Linden, Iowa County, Wisconsin, each section in whole or any part now in said District or attached at a later date. (Sections 19, 20 and 21 of the Town of Linden as per T5N – R2E of the Iowa County Plat Book.)
Represented by Katrina Rickard - Term ends April, 2025
The village of Cobb, Iowa County, Wisconsin and all of the Town of Eden, Iowa County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date except Sections 18, 19, 30 and 31.
All of the town of Highland, Iowa County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date except Section 7.
Sections 1, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 of the town of Linden, Iowa County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date. (Sections 19, 20 and 21 of the town of Linden as per T6N – R2E of the Iowa County Plat Book.)
Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the town of Mifflin, Iowa County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date.
Represented by Ross Leix, Board President - Term ends April, 2025
The village of Montfort, Grant County, Wisconsin, the town of Wingville, Grant County, Wisconsin. The town of Castle Rock, Grant County, Wisconsin, now in said District or any part attached at a later date.
Sections 18, 19, 30 and 31 of the town of Eden, Iowa County, Wisconsin.
Any part of Section 7 of the town of Highland, Iowa County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date.
Represented by Jessica Munson Board Vice-president - Term ends April, 2023
Any part of the town of Liberty, Grant County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date.
All of the villages of Livingston, Iowa and Grant County, Wisconsin.
All of the town of Clifton, Grant County, Wisconsin, except the south one-half of sections 33, 34, 35 and 36.
Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30 and the north one-half of Section 29 of the town of Mifflin, Iowa County, Wisconsin.
Represented by Tim Lundell - Term ends April, 2024
The village of Rewey, Iowa County, Wisconsin.
All of the town of Mifflin, Iowa County, Wisconsin, except that which has already been placed in another area, now in said District or attached at a later date.
All of the town of Lima, Grant County, Wisconsin, now in said District or attached at a later date.
Represented by Mary Schauff, Board Treasurer - Term ends April, 2024
Areas 3 and 4
Represented by Travis Wetter - Term ends April, 2025
Areas 1, 2 and 5
Represented by Kristen Spurley, Board Clerk - Term ends April, 2023, has filed a declaration of non-candidacy.
12/2 6:00 PM Basketball: Girls JV vs Boscobel (Away)
12/2 7:30 PM Basketball: Boys Varsity vs Argyle (Home)
12/2 7:30 PM Basketball: Girls Varsity vs Boscobel (Away)
12/3 9:30 AM Wrestling: Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Royall High School
12/6 6:00 PM Basketball: Boys JV vs Wauzeka-Steuben (Away)
12/6 7:15 PM Basketball: Boys Varsity vs Wauzeka-Steuben (Away)
12/8 6:00 PM Basketball: Girls JV vs Fennimore (Home)
12/8 7:30 PM Basketball: Girls Varsity vs Fennimore (Home)
12/9 5:00 PM Wrestling: JV Tournament vs Multiple Schools @ Woodside Wisconsin Dome
12/9 6:00 PM Basketball: Boys JV vs Mineral Point (Away)
12/9 7:30 PM Basketball: Boys Varsity vs Mineral Point (Away)
12/10 8:00 AM Wrestling: Varsity Tournament vs Multiple Schools @ Woodside Wisconsin Dome
12/11 2:00 PM NHS Induction Ceremony - IGEMS Room 100
12/12 6:00 PM Basketball: Boys JV Game vs Potosi (Away)
12/12 6:30 Board Meeting
12/12 7:30 PM Basketball: Boys Varsity vs Potosi (Away)
12/13 6:00 PM Basketball: Girls JV vs Riverdale (Away)
12/13 6:30 PM Wrestling: JV Quad vs Boscobel (Home) (Highland HS)
12/13 7:00 PM Wrestling: Varsity Match vs Multiple Schools (Home) (Highland HS)
12/13 7:30 PM Basketball: Girls Varsity vs Riverdale (Away)
12/15 6:00 PM Basketball: Boys JV vs Fennimore (Home)
12/15 7:30 PM Basketball: Boys Varsity vs Fennimore (Home)
12/17 9:30 AM Wrestling: Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Richland Center HS
12/17 10:00 AM Gymnastics: Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Prairie du Chien HS
12/17 11:00 AM Basketball: Girls JV vs Ithaca (Home)
12/17 12:50 PM Basketball: Boys JV vs Ithaca (Away)
12/17 12:50 PM Basketball: Girls Varsity vs Ithaca (Home)
12/17 2:30 PM Basketball: Boys Varsity vs Ithaca (Away)
12/19 7:00 PM IGHS Christmas Concert
12/20 6:00 PM Basketball: Girls JV vs Darlington (Home)
12/20 6:00 PM Gymnastics: Varsity Triangular vs Multiple Schools @ Grand Avenue Elementary
12/20 7:00 PM Wrestling: JV & Varsity vs Prairie du Chien (Away)
12/20 7:30 PM Basketball: Girls Varsity vs Darlington (Home)
12/28 11:00 AM Basketball: Girls Varsity Tournament vs Multiple Schools @ River Ridge
12/29 9:00 AM Wrestling: Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Lax La Crosse Center
SWTC Health Career Day
CollEDGE UP Presentation
Thanksgiving Meal in Mrs. Kramer's room!
Veteran's Day Program
Celebrating IGHS Staff
Hope Connolly, Jalyssa Cordts, Madyson Hogan, Samuel Kempf, Owen Laufenberg, Alexander Lee, Ivy Lindner, Karstyn McIntosh, McKenna McPhail, Kenadie Munson, Blakes Reeves, Sarai Rodriquez, Madelyn Rogstad, Ashley Runde, Laighton Schafer, Julia Searls, Cameron Shores, Elizabeth Volenec, Caitlyn Wetter, Evie Whitaker
Adriana Jelle, Elyse Linscheid, MaKaya McCarthy, Nina Moore, Rachel Rickard, Ashton Schmitz, Lilliana Vivian, Sophie Volenec, Lillian Warne
Lucas Christiansen, Bret Connolly, Linnea Elg, Aiden Friesen, Lakyn Holman, Breann Kohlenberg, Jana Lluch-Armengol, Katie Rickard, Addison Schafer, Addysen Spink
William Fulton, Abigail Hake, Quinn Hoeper, Rilya Hrubes, Addison Kramer, Lexie Kuhls, Noah Lange, Cora Litteral, Sam Lundell, Ellison Moen, Gabriella Munson, Reese Peterson, Myles Pettit, Pajessa Phillips, Trinity Phillips, Delaney Reid, Laila Ritchie, Alexandria Sporle, Lucinda Spurley
Mason Aide, Leslie Bartolo-Rivera, Yessica Garcia, Matthew Grindey, Jonah Hoeper, Madalyn Johnson, Skye Milestone, Bailey Orth, Jenna Paradis, Caden Pennekamp, Gary Pittman, Bekka Shemak, Alexis Thoma-Blankenberg
Meagan Cullen, Connor Dowell, Amiah Fisher, Nikolei Freymiller, Grace Gochenaur, Lillian Pettit, Alaina Schultz, Rylee Stecklein, Cyle Steffl, Morgan Washburn, Landon Wetzel
Riellyn Cartwright, Georgia Haase, Gavin Hinderman, Faith Kite, Emma Pink, Scot Pittman, Dawson Reid, Gretta Schmitz, William Whitaker
Nina Buroker, Jaxon Busse, Anayeli Garcia-Cuahizo, Josie Jelle, Brooklyn Jennings, Trenton Pelton, Michael Schroeder, Hunter Stevens, Jonah Wetter, Addyson Winkers
Braiden Hoge, Mackenzie Hynes, Alex Popple, Audrey Rowe, Alex Sedbrook, Alexis Vavricka
Jayden Ballard, Cristian Garcia, Charles Harwick, Emmerson Moen
Blake Droessler, Sadie Hoge, Baylee Leix, Myles Rowe
Galilea Aburto-Gomez, Daniel Dosch, Braden Dowell, Maddox Fisher, Payton Freymiller, Quentin Koss, Treaton Loeffelholz
Foreign Exchange Students and Their Family's Come Back to IGHS!
Congratulations Fall Sports SWAL and Ridge & Valley All-Conference Players
Check out the IGEMS Lost and Found. If you see something that is your students, please email or call Mrs. Kennicker at ckennicker@igs.k12.wi.us or 608-943-6311 X1000. Over the holiday break, items that are not claimed will be donated. Lost and found will be on display on the following dates.
MS music performance on 12/8 in the IGEMS cafeteria
Kindergarten Program on 12/9 in the hallway in front of the IGEMS office
Holiday Program 12/14 in the cafeteria by the entrance doors to the gym.
When students return from holiday break there will be a fresh start. Students can continue to find lost items on Mrs. Kennicker's Lost and Found spreadsheet. If you have questions please let Mrs. Kennicker know. ckennicker@igs.k12.wi.us.
From the Desk of Jennifer Gallagher
Seasons Greetings! As we wrap up the year 2022 and move into 2023, there are many things to celebrate! We are once again a 5 STAR SCHOOL at IGEMS! This achievement represents the work of many individuals, including students, staff, and parents. The dedication to the local school district is shown in the many people that attend our various events, donations, and the work of our staff. Thank you to everyone who make a difference every day.
In December, we will have many programs and activities at the Iowa-Grant Elementary Middle School. The boy's 7th and 8th grade basketball season will be wrapping up on December 6th with a home game versus Dodgeville. Thank you to our coaches, Dan Prochaska and John Jelle, for their work with our team. On December 8th, the Middle School Music Department will hold a concert at 7:00 p.m in the IGEMS gym. On December 14th, Holiday programs will be held for 1st and 2nd grade at 1:30 p.m. and 3rd and 4th grade at 2:15 p.m. in the IGEMS gym. A special thanks to Katie Wanie, Heather Gile, and Brian Zwick for their work with our musicians. There will be fun dress-up days from December 19th - December 22nd to get us ready for the season. There is no school from December 23 - January 1st for Winter Break. The school will resume on January 2nd.
It is hard to believe, but when we return from winter break, I will be looking ahead to planning with the office team for summer recreation and summer school. More information will come in late January into February. This school year is just flying by.
Have a wonderful finish to the 2022 year, and I wish good things to you and yours.
Holiday Happenings By Jodi Bast
As I look toward the upcoming holidays as the Early Learning Principal, I have a familiar country song’s lyrics running through my mind, “Let them be little, ‘cause they’re only that way for a while. Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day.” These words are a good reminder at any time of the year, but one I feel is especially important during the holidays when it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season.
The First Grade Christmas Store will be open December 5-7th for elementary students (4K-4th grade) to purchase gifts for their parents. Gifts will be wrapped here at school. This fabulous annual event would not be possible without the hard work of our first grade teachers, volunteers, and donations. Thank you to all who make it possible for children to surprise their parents with a thoughtful gift at Christmas!
The last few days I’ve been watching the 4K students rehearse for their upcoming Thanksgiving Program. The 4K Thanksgiving Program will have already taken place by the time this reaches you, and I’d like to thank the teachers and assistants who made it such a fun and festive occasion for our youngest students at IGEMS. The students work so hard and are very proud to take the stage and perform for their family members.
In a similar fashion, our kindergarten students will be performing for their families on December 9th at 1:00 PM in Room 100. Hopefully, you’ll be able to attend this and/or other holiday performances at IGEMS. Our middle school music program will be held at 7PM on Thursday December 8th. First and second grade students will perform at 1:30 on Wednesday, December 14th, and 3rd and 4th graders will follow with their performance at 2:15 in the gym. These music programs are always top-notch and are sure to put you in the holiday spirit!
On a final note, thank you for your partnership in educating your child. Your attendance at our recent Parent/Teacher Conferences was appreciated. Your taking time to read newsletters and other information sent home by your child’s teacher on a regular basis is appreciated. Your support for the Parent/Teacher Club is appreciated. Your kind and generous donations to help those in need in our community is appreciated. Your taking time to read a book to your child, or to help them study for a test, or to ask about their day at school is appreciated. You are your child’s first and most important teacher, and we are honored to work with you!
Middle School Honor Roll
7th Grade High Honors: Camryn Andrew, Hayden Aultman, Jason Biddick, Kylie Breuer, Ty Cutts, Breanna Dowell, Alayna Enloe, Ava Klaas, Olvia Koss, Evelena Linscheid, Henry Litteral, Trinity Loeffelholz, Chelsey Mueller, Carmen Parish, Stevie Pelton, Brynne Pettit, Rena Pettit, Makenna Riemenapp, Ezmae Sandberg, Cole Schauff, Georgia Trecek, and Hadleigh Vivian
8th Grade Honors: Drake Allen, Jason Bartolo-Garcia, Parker Brandenburg, Sadie Garcia, Noah Gochenaur, Adelyn Harlson, Nolan Heilmann, Hannah Iverson, Aiden Lenz, Kylee Loeffelholz, Kyleigh Miles, Terrey Palmer, Tyler Schultz, Aiden Silvers, Kendra Wallace, and Madeline Warne
8th Grade Honors: Taylor Aide, Reese Divall, Liam Hildreth, Joslyn Iverson, Cadence Kelley, Trinity Lowe, Ethan Mulderink, Kellen Mumm, Isabella Neevel, Lilly Peterson, Brock Potter, Michelle Quiahua, Braelyn Rothamer, Maria Schafer, Hope Sporle, Maxton Stevens, and Braden Vacha
Annual Iowa-Grant Toy Drive!
Celebrate the season of giving by sharing your new or gently used toys (please no stuffed animals!) and books with the families of the Iowa-Grant School District! Please make sure toys are in good shape and have all their pieces! Toys and books can be dropped off at IGEMS from November 28th through December 7th. We also will accept things for our older students such as new blankets, jewelry, craft kits, sports equipment, card games, etc… If you are interested in sending in a monetary donation please make checks out to the Iowa-Grant School District and mark the envelope Toy Drive. This money will be used to fill some of the specific wish list items.
Any toys and books collected will be made available to families in the district who struggle financially to provide for their families during the holiday season.
If you have any questions please contact Darcy Breuer at dbreuer@igs.k12.wi.us
Thank you for your generosity and for helping us bring the Christmas spirit to our community!
"My Pledge to Veterans" Essay Contest
First Grade Christmas Store
The IGEMS first graders will once again be sponsoring a CHRISTMAS STORE. This store allows all elementary students to buy two gifts for only 50 cents each. If you have any gently used items that you would like to donate to our store, we would gladly accept your donations. We will need gift donations to be no bigger than 8X4 inches. Donations can be dropped off in the IGEMS office. The Christmas Store will be open the week of December 5th.
We will be placing our gifts into homemade gift bags made by our students.
We will not need volunteers to gift wrap, but we appreciate all of you that have been so helpful in the past.
REMINDER: All gift donations are needed by December 5th.
Thank you for your generosity!
Britany Lynch, Molly Leibfried & Brenda Wasley
Quiz Bowl
Your IGEMS second graders are animal experts!
Reading Millionaire
4K Thanksgiving Program
We would like to thank the generosity of the local businesses, organizations, and community members for supporting RIF.
We were able to give more than 300 books to our K-6 students this year.
Esser Electric, Robert and Elaine Bunker, Montfort Veterinary Service, Collision Specialists, Linden American Legion, Rewey United Methodist Church, The Friendly Place, Jim’s Building Center, New Image, Burnham Lumber, Larry’s Service and Towing, Community First Bank, Cobb United Methodist Church, Women of Peace-Cobb, Rewey Fire Department, Christianson Law Office, United Fund of Iowa County, Michael and Erika Kelley, Pustina Construction, Kids Kingdom, MZ Construction, Rock Church Construction, Burnham Lumber, Iowa-Grant Lions Club, Aspen Ridge Home and Garden, Haase Service and Towing, J & T Concrete, Linden Methodist Church Women, Linden American Legion, Peace WELCA Cobb, Soman-Larson Funeral Home, Allegiant Oil, D Whit Repair, Montfort United Methodist Women, Mary Leix, and Kastner Pyrotechnics
My Financial Life
Holiday Cheer Fills the Halls of IGEMS
Brad the Book Guy
Brad the Book Guy travels to middle schools and high schools to present a live show where he previews and recommends books for students to read. We enjoy listening to his program each week.
It was very exciting to have him here with us at IGEMS. Brad donated several popular books to our classroom libraries. It is always good to make time for reading.
Email: mshimshak@igs.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.igs.k12.wi.us/
Location: 498 County Road IG, Livingston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-943-6311
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IowaGrantPanthers/