The Coyote Corner
October 14, 2022
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Spirit Week Winner
10/17- Coyote Connection Assembly Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcements: Reminders from the kitchen, Red Ribbon Week activities
Talent-Bella, Jocelyn, Maddie
Tier 1 Updates from Mr. Hardig
Coyote Recognition
Math Fluency Masters
Coyote Raffle
Upcoming Events
October 18-21- 6th grade students on FRED field trip.
October 18- School Site Council Committee Meeting at 3:30 in the library.
October 19 -Picture retakes
October 20-Great Shake Out Earthquake Drill at 10:20 A.M.
October 21-Walk a Thon
October 24- Red Ribbon Week Coloring Contest begins
October 24- Pajama Day
October 25-Sports Dress Up Day
October 26-Silly Socks Day
October 27-Wacky Hair Day
October 28- No school for students. Professional learning day for all staff.
October 31- Costume Dress Up Day. Costume parade from 8:10-8:25. The parade will begin on the playground.
October Staff Recognition
Thank you Mrs. Brubaker for creating an amazing opportunity program. Our students enjoy your cozy and inviting classroom while working to reach their academic and social-emotional goals. We appreciate you, Mrs. Brubaker!
Principal's Recognition Award
Way to go Aaron! You are a model Coyote!
The 4 Types of Conflict
October CCCR Focus
Spanish Resources
Coyote Recognition
Math Fluency Masters
Intruder Drill
This month we will be conducting an A.L.i.C.E. Drill. A.L.i.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) is a set of proactive strategies that increases chances of survival during an active shooter event. The purpose of conducting the drill is the same as the other safety drills we regularly conduct. It helps our staff and students be better prepared in the event of an emergency. Our staff participates in specialized training for this type of event and once a year we schedule a drill so that staff and students can practice and evaluate our current procedures.
In preparation for this drill, teachers will review the slideshow below with our students. Our friends in law enforcement will be here to assist with the drill.
To learn more about the training our staff has receives, please see the website below:
Walk a Thon Information
Dear Coyotes,
We are excited to announce that our Walk-A-Thon will be held on October 21, 2021. This year’s event will raise money for our Garden Program, Enrichment classes, and the new Birthday Books Program! We are asking students to collect pledges from family and friends for this healthy and fun walk/run event!
TK/Kindergarten students will participate on the small playground and grades 1-6 will participate on the big playground. Each class will be assigned a time to complete their walk-a-thon by walking laps around the playground. We will document laps with a tally mark on a popsicle stick each time a student finishes a lap. Students will take home their pledge sheet, collect money, and return it back to class by October 31, 2022.
Participation Times: Teachers will pass out popsicle sticks and help tally laps.
Small playground:
Big playground:
8:10-8:30-4th and 5th Grade Classes
8:35-8:55-2nd Grade Classes
9:00-9:20-1st grade classes
9:25-9:45-3rd grade classes
10:45-11:05-6th grade classes
Weather Contingency Plan:
Students will walk the outdoor hallway starting at classroom 13, walking down the classrooms 14-18 corridor, turning left down the classrooms 19-23 corridor, left at Headstart, left at classrooms 5-8 corridor and back around.
Happy Walking!
CRC Walk-a-Thon Committee
C. Roy Carmichael Elementary-Home of the Coyotes
Our Mission is to collectively inspire every child in every classroom every day. We ensure an exemplary education with diverse opportunities, and we accept no limits on the learning potential of any child.
Location: 895 West Street, Portola, CA, USA
Phone: 530-832-0211