Evergreen Newsletter
December 20, 2024
Family Bulletin
Good evening, Evergreen families!
We, your Evergreen community, would like to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable winter break. We will look forward to seeing your students back on January 6th!
All the students at Evergreen are experiencing growth in reading and we don’t want them to lose their momentum over the break. Please set aside time for them to read and ask them about what they are reading! This is also a great way to spend some time together and celebrate their growth! They are so amazing!
When we return to school on January 6th, we will be getting busy right away! All students will be going over the systems and routines of being back in school. They will be bringing home new books in their book bags and starting a new unit of reading and writing! It will be a very important week to have students here so please make sure your plans over break allow your students to be in attendance the week of January 6th!
Our Acceleration Team will start afterschool on Monday, January 6th. It will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday weekly from 3:30-5 pm through February 14th.
Our goals are improving reading skills and attendance! Two ways you can help are reading time at home daily and prioritizing school attendance.
Thank you for being a partner with us in your students' learning! Have a wonderful “Wildcat” Winter Break!!
Paula Canady
Evergreen Elementary