VLAC Family News
June 6, 2024
Upcoming Dates
June 7th: Last Day of School and Last Day to submit work for Grades K-8
June 14th: i Ready Spring Diagnostic Window closes
June 14: VLAC Teachers Last Day of work prior to summer vacation
June 18th: Final Grades and report cards posted in MISTAR Parent Connection. Report cards available online only and are not mailed to homes.
VLAC End of Year Message
Dear VLAC Families and Students,
Thank you for a great year of learning! This year we served over 400 students from all over the county and state in grades K-12. Congratulations to graduating seniors, middle schoolers moving on to high school, and elementary students moving on to middle school. Our teachers, counselors and staff are proud of all student accomplishments. We hope that you have a safe and wonderful summer, full of time with loved ones.
The VLAC Staff
VLAC End of Year Survey
Your feedback is important to us. Please take a moment to complete our End Of Year Survey.
VLAC Technology
Students who are returning to VLAC next year, please keep your technology over the summer break. Students who are not returning to VLAC next year, please contact the HelpDesk to arrange to return your technology. They can be reached at 248-209-2060 Monday through Friday 7AM-6PM. You can also visit their website for alternative contact options by visiting the Service Desk Website.
Re-Enrollment 24/25 VLAC School Year
VLAC students who are re-enrolling to attend the 24/25 school year, and have not already re-enrolled, should do so as soon as possible. Re-enrollment allows us to start working with your sending school district to gain their signed approval for students to participate in VLAC. The 24-25 school year begins September 3rd, 2024. Students not approved by their districts by August 19th will experience a delay in starting the school year on time. Click the link to Complete Re Enrollment.
Students who will be in Grades 6-12 next year: please check your VLAC email and respond to your VLAC counselors over the summer. They will contact you in order to schedule your classes.
Need Tech Support?
The Service Desk hours are school days 7AM- 6PM EST.
Call 248-209-2060 or
Live chat at https://servicedesk.oakland.k12.mi.us or
Log into the Service Desk system to create a ticket at https://servicedesk.oakland.k12.mi.us
Contact the VLAC Team
Andrea Becker VLAC Lead Instructor 248-209-2079
Kimberly Mason: VLAC Project Assistant 248-209-2025
Mary Kotcher: VLAC Office Assistant 248-209-2071
Kristi McAllister: VLAC Special Populations Consultant 248-410-2202
Marsha Voncina: VLAC Assessment Coordinator
Kim Wasilk: VLAC Counselor 248-980-0752
Christine Connell: VLAC Counselor 248-890-0831
Technology Support: 248-209-2060
Email: info@vlac.org
Website: https://virtuallearningacademyconsortium.org
Location: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI, USA
Phone: 248-209-2071
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VLAConsortium/
Twitter: @VLAConsortium
Oakland Schools Non Discrimination Policy
In accordance with state and federal law, Oakland Schools does not discriminate, nor permit discrimination, on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, pregnancy or parental status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, military service, veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, in its educational programs and activities, employment, or enrollment. The District also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
For questions or complaints regarding unlawful discrimination or harassment, employees should contact the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Personnel Management and Labor Relations at (248) 209-2429 or HR@oakland@k12.mi.us. Students and others should contact the Civil Rights/Title IX Coordinator at (248) 209-2590 or Jacqueline.Zablocki@oakland.k12.mi.us.