RES Weekly Buzz

Important Dates
- June 3rd: K/1 Open House
- 3:15pm-5pm in classrooms
- June 5th: Grade 4 State Fair
- 6:30-7:30 @ RES Gymnasium
- June 6th: Grade 2 End of Year Show
- 10-11am, RMHS John Lane Auditorium
- June 7th: RES Field Day
- Friday, June 7th: Grades 3-5 from 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM
- Friday, June 7th: Grades K-2 from 11:45 AM to 3:00 PM
- June 11th: Rain Date for RES Field Day
- June 14th: Last Day of School: Half Day
- Dismissal Times:
- PreK: 11:30 am
- K-5: 12:00 pm
Volunteers Needed
Every year at Rockport Elementary School we engage all students in planting, harvesting, and eating a spring salad and fall crop as part of our RES school garden program.
Our fall crops are going in the ground during the last weeks of school and we are looking for families willing to look after the garden during the summer. Sign up for one or more weeks to water and weed the garden and care for our growing fall crops.
I will contact all volunteers with detailed information as the school year comes to an end.
For questions contact Darlene Trumbour dtrumbour@rpk12.org
RMS Summer Reading for Rising 6th Graders
We are excited to reveal the book titles for the RMS Summer Reading Program and provide families with time to peruse the titles.
After utilizing multiple sources (book lists, librarians and English teacher input), a diverse group of titles was selected in hopes that we will engage all readers. That being said, please note that the proposed books may not be appropriate for all readers. Given the wide variety of content, themes, text complexity, format, and language usage, please support your child in making a decision that makes the most sense for your family. Students will have an opportunity to preview the titles in the classroom, making a selection at the end of May or beginning of June.
Check out our summer reading website for more information and to view the selected titles. For students entering 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, your child’s required reading will include one book from our website and one book of your child’s preference.
If you need guidance, reach out to Kriisten Fauci (kfauci@rpk12.org). We hope that you find a compelling read on this list.
RMS ELA Department
Kriisten Fauci
Yearbook Ordering Information
It's Yearbook order time!
Our yearbook committee is working hard to put together the yearbook for the 2023-2024 school year. You will be receiving or may have already received (via email) the order form from Lifetouch. We are trying to streamline the process of ordering and using an online order form only. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out. Thanks!
Lisa English lenglish@rpk12.org
Susan Collins scollins@rpk12.org
All library books will be due by Monday, June 3rd. Bills for unreturned/lost library materials will be sent home by Friday, June 7th. If you have any questions regarding library materials, please contact Ms. Burke at cburke@rpk12.org. Thank you for your understanding and respect for school library resources and the ability of all students to enjoy them this year and in years to come.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found will be donated at the end of the school year. Be sure to check for missing items.
RES Music Performances
Rockport PTO
Before and After School Activities
Reminder: Students attending a before school activity should not be dropped off at school before 7:55am.
Weekly Schedule Spring Session-Starts after April vacation
Grades 3-5 at RES on Thursdays 8:30-8:45am (RES Cafe), Last deposit day at school will be June 6, 2024. Students can still make deposits by visiting Cape Ann Savings Bank.
Grades 2-5 at RES on Thursdays, 8-8:45am (RES Gym)
Grade 5 Meeting with 6th Graders, Mr. Hall, & Ms. Rose
24/25 Pre-K/K/1 Enrollment Information
Registration is ongoing
This is for NEW students only.
Must be a Rockport Resident
Current students do not need to enroll again.
Notes from Nurse Wagner
If your child experiences seasonal allergies (sneezing, runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes, etc.) in the springtime, please make sure to give them an over-the-counter treatment (as advised by your pediatrician) before sending them to school. This can help make your child feel more comfortable during outdoor activities that occur during the school day.
Remember to send a water bottle with your child to school every single day!
Do not send your child to school in sandals or flip flops. These types of shoes increase your child's risk of falls and injuries!
Remember to check your children each day for ticks if they have been doing any outdoor activities.
Please turn in a copy of your child's latest physical and immunization record.
For any questions or to report your child's illness, please call the RES health office at 978-546-1223 or email rwagner@rpk12.org .
June Menus
RPS Employment Opportunities
- Any elementary, middle, or high school positions that are open in Rockport Public Schools are posted here.
- Click here or scan our QR code to see all available positions.
2024 Rockport Recreation Department Summer Fun Registration
This program will provide your child with an enriching summer activity- they will enjoy playtime with their friends in a familiar, safe and fun environment. Children will be grouped by age and will rotate through the playground for recess, the gymnasium for indoor movement activities, and other rooms for games, Legos, arts & crafts, and snack time. There may be weekly themes, visiting special guests and welcome surprises to keep things fresh and engaging!
All students who are entering Grades K-5 are eligible to participate.
The program is Monday, June 24th – Thursday, August 1st. at RES. No program on July 4th.
The program is Monday – Thursday, from 9am – 12 noon. Pack a snack and water each day.
Cost: $400 for the season, $325 for each sibling after first child (please fill out one form for each child).
Summer Fun will follow the strict food allergy policy guidelines in place at Rockport Elementary School – NO NUTS.
Click here to print a sign up form.
Please drop off or mail the registration form to:
Town Administrator Office, 34 Broadway, Rockport, MA 01966.
Forms can also be dropped off at the mail slot at the back door of Town Hall.
Please make check or money order payable to:
Town of Rockport.
Payments to the Summer Fun Program are non-refundable. You will receive an email confirmation of
your child’s enrollment and further information before the start of the program.
Please email recreation@rockportma.gov with any questions!
Looking forward to a great summer!
Parent Resources and Local Events
Click the links below to access the various resources:
- RES Staff 2023-2024
- RPS Community Flyers
- K-8 Rockport Youth Basketball
- Cape Ann Museum
- Cape Ann Youth Lacrosse
- Cape Ann Arts Alive Summer Programs
- Power of Produce-The Power of Produce! Rockport Farmers Market is very excited to be offering the POP Club (“Power of Produce”) program at the Rockport Farmers Market this year! The POP Club program seeks to empower your children, ages 5-12, to make healthier food choices while supporting local farmers and local food producers. Children will receive 3 POP Dollars at every Saturday market they attend to use to purchase produce from our local vendors, encouraging your children to actively engage with their produce suppliers and to make nutritious choices. Through its innovative approach, the POP Club program inspires families to prioritize fresh, local foods and cultivates a lifelong appreciation for healthy eating habits in children. The Rockport Farmers Market opens this season at Rockport’s Harvey Park on Saturday June 15 and runs every Saturday through October 12 from 9 AM to 1 PM. All children must be accompanied by a parent to sign up and participate in POP Club. You can download the attached signup sheet and bring it to the market or sign up at the market when you arrive. Check out our website for updates and more information: rockportexchange.org.
- Gloucester Youth Football and Cheerleading