Principals Message
Dear Charles Hay Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I am honored to return to serve as the Principal at Charles Hay again this year. We are excited to see everyone on August 9th from 4:00-5:30 at our Watermelon Welcome/Back to School Night. We can’t wait to greet students on Friday, August 11th as well! This year we are building on our momentum and growth from last year, while continuing to set higher goals for ourselves and our students.
Our incredible secretary, Megan Walcott, has been busy making sure all families are registered and students are in classes. If you have not registered yet, please call our main office and Megan can help! Jess Cruz, our fabulous Building Engineer, and her team have been working hard all summer to make sure the building looks beautiful for students’ arrival. A special thank you to some of our families who came and helped paint today to make sure everything looks perfect!
This year we will continue to work towards achieving our purpose, “At Charles Hay World School we have a moral imperative to ensure our students receive the quality IB education that our community expects and deserves. Through collaboration we make sure students feel loved, valued, capable and challenged. Our students are engaged and excited about learning that is relevant, requires them to problem-solve and think critically, and ultimately take action on their learning to make the world a better place.”
Partnering with families is crucial in achieving this purpose. Please be sure to read the weekly family update that is posted in ParentSquare every Friday. It contains important information from the school, parent committees, the City of Englewood, and district. We also have many opportunities for families to get involved. There will be information about our PTSA, SAC and Wellness committees at the Watermelon Welcome, as well as information on volunteering in a variety of roles. Please stop by their tables and learn more!
Here is information on frequently asked questions:
Arrival & Dismissal
Please read our Arrival and Dismissal procedures. School begins at 8:00am each day. Please make every effort to have your student here on time as we begin Community Circles and these are important for building the social emotional skills and community in each classroom. All families will need to let teachers know how their students will be getting home each day. If you plan to use the car line, please fill out the Google Form linked in the procedures.
Teacher/Classroom Requests
Teacher/classroom requests are not honored at Charles Hay. Each grade level team, with the assistance of learning specialists and administration, takes much time, effort and care in developing class rosters that result in offering all children a quality educational experience. We balance the needs of students, academic levels, behavior factors, social needs and compatibility, work habits, leadership skills, and genders to the extent possible in all classrooms. Once your student has been placed in a classroom they will remain there for the remainder of the year unless there are extenuating circumstances. Our 6th grade students will have two teachers this year, one for literacy and social studies and the other for math and science. All of our teachers are highly qualified and work hard each and every day to support all students.
This is going to be a great year!
In Partnership,
Keely Rochford
Important Dates
- Watermelon Welcome/Back to School Night- August 9, 4:00pm-5:30pm
- First Day of School- August 11, 8:00am-3:00pm
- SAC/DAC Kickoff- August 29th at Bishop from 6-8pm
Instructional Technology Fee $15.00
To pay for consumable materials needed for STEM programming across the school.
Parents, this year, all fees will be made directly through your Parent Portal Accounts, under the "Fees" link. You can make payments beginning August 1. If you cannot access your parent portal account, please email Megan Walcott ( with your student's full name and your full name.
Bring in the fee sheet (Attached below), to Front Office, to pay by check or cash. Again, we cannot accept credit cards at the school office. Or pay fees, at our Watermelon Welcome, Wednesday, August 9th from 4:00-5:30pm.
**Families who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch may receive discounted/waived school fees. Login to the Parent Portal to fill out the application.
Free and Reduced LUNCH
While meals will be provided for free to all Englewood Schools students through Healthy School Meals for All, it's important for us to continue gathering this information in order to receive full access to available federal funding.
If you are interested in applying for Free & Reduced Lunch please login to the Parent Portal and fill out the Application under Meal Benefits.
Apply online or call and request a paper application be mailed to you. We also has paper applications available in the Front Office. For quick & efficient service, online applications are best. Please call Nutrition Services, 303-806-2049. Please note, this is an application that must be done ANNUALLY.
School Supply List
23/24 Online Registration
Charles Hay Families, it is now time to register your student(s) for the 2023/2024 school year.
*If your student is not attending Charles Hay next year, please notify the school ASAP, and fill out the District Withdrawal Form before the end of the school year. You may request the Withdrawal form from the Front Office or email
Log into your Infinite Campus - Parent Portal to complete online registration. Infinite Campus - Parent Portal LINK
Once you are logged in, scroll down toward the bottom of the screen and click on
More >
Online Registration>
Select > Option 1: Existing Student Registration or Option 2: New Student Registration
If you need assistance with Infinite Campus Parent Portal or Online Registration for 2023-24, please contact our office to leave a message or email to
*Mobile device is not recommended to complete and submit online registration.
*Disable pop up blockers on our computer before you begin.
Summer Programs
Summer 2023 Opportunities for All Ages
Summer Reading Program
Click here for more information (Spanish)
Free Summer Meals
Click here for more information (Spanish)
Hi, families!
Here are some opportunities for summer activity.
Things to know:
I did not vet the sites, I found most through Google searching.
Please check out PIRATE YOUTH SPORTS first to see if they are offering your student’s preferred activity first. They were started by Hay parents years ago, are run by volunteer community members, and based right here in Englewood.
If you know of other opportunities I should add, or find ones that are illegitimate that I posted on here, please let me know.
Thank you all for your support of your student’s wellness. Happy summer!
Kelly Wilbert, PECharles Hay Sprit Wear!
Show your Cougar Pride all year long. 18 designs to choose from on hundreds of items and free shipping on orders $50+. The CHWS Spiritwear Store is open 24-7. You can find it at
The Charles Hay school website will keep up to date announcements, Cougar Reminders newsletters, staff contact information, student handbook, school calendar, and other tools to assist parents and students with keeping current this school year.
Please also check your child's FRIDAY FOLDER each week and return on Monday.