Patrick Henry Post
December 6th, 2019
The Roving Chef Visits First Grade
Ms. Versen and Ms. Shea's classes had a special cooking class with our district Roving Chef. They cooked all of the meal themselves and then got to gobble up their own creations! We love our Roving Chef, and we are thankful for everything he teaches us about science, math, measurement, flavors, and teamwork!
Holiday Cheer
This week we started the month of December off with our first days of the Holiday Spirit Calendar. Staff faced several crazy outfit challenges, and they rose to the occasion! This week, we celebrated with the following themes: "How the Grinch Stole Winter Break," "Candy Cane Lane," "Buddy the Elf, What's Your Favorite Color," and a Friday jeans day with any holiday cheer. Keep up with us next week as the challenges continue...
Highlight on Student Work
This week, staff updated their bulletin boards and student work samples hanging in their classrooms and outside their doors. Our students work hard not only on their first draft of their assignments, but also on their second or even third draft. We know learning is not about getting it right on the first attempt, but working through problems and thinking critically. Take a look at some great examples of student work and teacher feedback!
Student Collaboration
One of the best parts of the culture at Patrick Henry is a spirit of collaboration. Students have to work together frequently in class and even in simple things like hallway transitions. Dr. Rogers got to catch up with a few fourth graders and kindergarteners this week and heard all about how the class was working together to achieve different things. Ms. Willard's kindergarteners were helping one another in line as Dr. Rogers rounded the corner. It was a perfect picture of how our students work as a team. Ms. Ivory's fourth graders were utilizing their iPad time to play a collaborative math game. It was fun to watch how they worked together and supported one another.
Thank you to our families!
Last weekend, we all had a nice long holiday break to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families. Sometimes students don't realize that teachers have lives of their own outside of school - our students often think we eat and sleep at Patrick Henry! But we want to take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices our families make as we get to work in the field of education. This is a tough profession! We work long hours, and often take our work home with us. We never stop thinking about our students and our teaching craft. Our families sometimes lose out on time with us because of the nature of our field and the passion we bring to the table. We are grateful to our families for supporting us, and for coming along for the ride! Pictured below is Ms. Munnelly on Thanksgiving with her husband and three girls - Kiera, Ansley, and Makenna.