Primary School
December 20, 2024
Primary Families,
We want to take a moment to wish you all a joyful and restful break. We hope you enjoy this special time with your family and friends, creating memories filled with laughter and love. May your holidays be bright, and may the new year bring happiness and health to you and your loved ones. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Monday, January 6th, ready for more learning and fun in 2025.
Important dates for your calendar:
- Friday, December 20th - Wear pajamas day, 1st graders see the Polar Express, Kindergarten gingerbread houses
- Monday, December 23rd - Friday, January 3rd - No School, winter break
- Monday, January 6th - School resumes
- Monday, January 20th - No School, Staff Development
- January 28, 30, 31 - Conferences & Book Fair
- Friday, January 31 - No School for Elementary (Conferences)
Warmest Wishes,
Amy Grice, Principal
Chisago Lakes Primary School
TSA at Primary Starting January 6th!
Mental Health Services Provided in School:
Therapeutic Services Agency, Inc (TSA) is a community provider who provides mental health services for children in their school environment. TSA Mental Health Therapists and Skills Workers partner with school staff to find the best time in a student’s day to schedule a mental health session and collaborate to determine best ways to support a student in the school environment. School Based Mental Health (SLBH) services are funded by insurance coverage and/or grant support which is funded by the MN Department of Human Services.
Please let Amy Grice know if you would like paperwork to sign up for services, or visit the TSA website at: https://www.hoperealized.com/programs-services/mental-health-in-schools
PTO News
A BIG THANK YOU; Girl scouts, NHS students, Parents, volunteers and the donations that were sent in. You all helped make our Secret Santa event a huge success! We love offering this fun event to our community. Thank you Santa and Ms Clause for stepping away from the chaos at the North Pole to join us for our shopping event!
UP NEXT: FREE Guided Painting Snowman event January 14th
All materials are provided, come ready to express yourself and create a masterpiece you’ll cherish forever! ONLY 40 spots available
To sign up click below:
Jakes on the Lake January 6th
Yearbook Cover Winners
Yearbooks will be sold online only; no in-school purchasing. All yearbooks will be delivered to the address you provide Jostens at time of checkout.
DEADLINE February 28th to order your 24-25 yearbook!
Little Wildcats Preschool, Preschool + Parents, ECFE
Upcoming Dates
- Dec 23rd - Jan 3rd - Winter Break
- Jan 9th - Early Childhood Screening (By Appt Only)
- Jan 13th - Winter Family Fun Night @ Primary School 6:00-7:30pm
- Jan 20th - No School: Staff Development
- Thurs Jan 30th & Fri Jan 31st - No Little Wildcats Preschool or ECFE
- Tues Jan 28th, Thurs Jan 30th, Fri Jan 31st - Book Fair at Primary School
- Thurs Jan 30th & Fri Jan 31st - Early Childhood Screening (By Appt Only)
Trips and Classes
Active and Confident - Now on Wednesdays!
Join us to help your son or daughter learn to be active and confident! On Wednesdays now in the gymnastics room at the Wildcat Community Center, Active and Confident class encourages parents of two to three year old's to participate and learn various skills. Your toddler will love this class! In this class children will learn new skills and abilities of the body! They will become more confident, develop coordination, flexibility, balance and more! They will have fun learning from playing games, running, jumping, climbing and let’s have fun!
Community Education
Belle's Christmas Celebration
Join Princess Belle in her rare Christmas dress for an enchanting afternoon on Saturday Dec. 21 from 1:00-3:30pm! Your little princess(es) will have the chance to meet and take photos with princess Belle, create a craft, enjoy a light snack, and participate in a Christmas story-time and singalong with Belle!
This will be an open-house type setting where you can come and go at any time during the event! Please note: Belle will be doing story-time and singalong at approximately 2:15pm.
Princess dresses are encouraged!
Gym Games
Soccer, Football, Dodgeball, Basketball, Wiffle Ball..... Name a game kids love to play and we are doing it in this class. Each class is just about having fun! All equipment provided.
Primary School K-1st: Wednesdays 3:40 - 4:40pm
Primary Preschool: Wednesdays 4:40 - 5:20pm
New Sessions for Gymnastics!
Tumble Tots ( age 1-3 yr): Focus on large muscle development for young children. Activities will seek to build strength, coordination & flexibility while learning basic gymnastics skills.
Tumble Cats ( age 3-5 yr): This class focuses on tumbling, balance and coordination. Activities will be used to teach fundamental gymnastics skills
Beginner 1 & 2 ( K - 3rd gr): This class is for the gymnast that is relatively new to the sport. The emphasis will be on tumbling, building strength, and developing balance on the beam.
Intermediate (K - 8th gr): Focus on improving form, building strength and working on more advanced skills like walkovers, round-offs and back handsprings.
Advanced (K - 8th gr): Focus on improving form, strength and conditioning, and working on more advanced skills like walkovers, aerials, and back handsprings
Nature Club
Embark on a captivating journey into nature with our certified naturalist-led after-school program! Students will get involved in the wonders of the natural world, discovering the secrets of tree identification, the art of seed harvesting and preservation. This curriculum evolves with the changing seasons, ensuring fresh experiences and discoveries with each passing month
Be sure to dress in weather-appropriate clothing and footwear, as we'll venture outdoors to fully immerse ourselves in the beauty and splendor of nature.
Primary: Thursdays 3:40 - 5:10pm
Basketball Rec League Registration Open
Chisago Lakes Teams in grades 2-6 are being formed to compete in the Forest Lake Basketball League. This league will focus on improving basic skills such as dribbling with both hands, shooting, passing, game positions and offensive/defensive techniques. Register for the grade the participant is entering in the fall. Games will be played at Forest Lake Area Middle School (FLAMS), game times are at 6:15pm or 7:15 pm. Games are played beginning in late January, and go through February. This is intended for kids that are not in Traveling Basketball.
In addition to the one game night, the participant will have potentially one practice a week at a school located within the Chisago Lakes district. Practices will be planned and communicated by the volunteer coach after the coaches meeting. All players will receive a t-shirt if registered by the deadline, so please indicate size when registering.
Link to Register: https://lakesarearec.sportngin.com/register/form/182435184
Games will be on the following nights;
- Boys - Tuesday
- Girls - Thursday
Dont Forget to Follow Us!
Chisago Lakes Early Childhood Parents for more fun and interesting ideas you can share with your child. It's also a fun place to connect with other families in the community with young children!
Chisago Lakes Community Education to see what fun and interesting things we have going on down at the WCC to make sure you don't miss out on anything!
We are now on INSTAGRAM!
Drumroll please... We are officially part of the Instagram family! Follow us for all things community education, fun activities, and valuable resources. Let's grow together! @clcommunityed
Community Opportunities
Chisago Lakes Primary School
All the best,
Amy Grice, Principal
Email: agrice@isd2144.org
Website: https://www.isd2144.org/Primary
Location: 11009 284th St, Chisago City, MN 55013
Phone: (651) 213-2200