LMS Library Media Center
January 2023 - Issue #60
January Quotes to Get you Started on the New Year
January is not just a fresh start. It’s also the time to think about how you can make a difference in your life.
Teachers Corner
Meaningful Martin Luther King Jr. Activities
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most influential civil rights leaders of all time. Explore his words & actions and get involved in today’s social justice movement use these Martin Luther King, Jr. activities for kids in grades pre-K to 12.
Teacher Givaway
Win 100 Days of School T-Shirts for Your School Staff With This “Tee-rific” Giveaway!
Apps To Combat Anxiety and Stress
When it comes to reducing stress and anxiety, everyone from the very old to the very young can benefit from another tool in their belt. Experts recommend meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and calming music as good ways to illicit a calming response.
January Celebrations
Check out the University of Iowa for some January celebrations you may not know about.
Fortune Tales | The Story of Lunar New Year
60 Idioms To Teach & Use in “Idiom of the Day” Lessons
A cool "Do Now" for all students. These phrases can be really confusing.those learning English as a second language. Use “Idiom of the Day” lessons with your class to help them learn these expressions and get comfortable using them.
50 Fantastic Songs About Friendship
There has been a big focus on social and emotional learning in recent years, and we think that music can help your students feel connected and understood. And songs about friendship can definitely foster a sense of community in the classroom.
New Year's Resolutions for a Healthy, Happy Life
If living through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we shouldn't take health and wellness for granted. In 2023, zeroing in on your body, mind and soul is a great way to organize your long-term goals for the new year.
New Year's Resolution's you can keep :)
Don’t set yourself up for failure this year by vowing to make huge changes that will be hard to keep. Instead follow these seven steps for successfully making a new year’s resolution you can stick to for the long term.
34 Powerful Poems for Kids of All Ages
Black history is American history, so it should be recognized every day. That being said, every February, we have an opportunity to educate our students about the important events and figures that shaped this nation. Preview before presenting please
10 Tips for Teaching Emotional Regulation
Learning to live with your emotions takes a lot of practice.Controlling emotion can be automatic, or it can require conscious effort. As we become more skilled at emotional regulation, our automatic responses are more likely to kick in.
So much to see here & so much to learn. Sign in through Google - dozens of edpuzzles about Martin Luther King Jr. and every other subject under the sun. Check it out !!
📚 Peninsula Public Library 📚
Take a peek at what is going on at the Library! Find a book for curbside pick up! Take a trip to a museum with free passes! Database access also available.Use your library card to borrow books using Sora or get free homework help from Tutor.com
New York Public Library
Get a library card, attend virtual programs and and so much MORE @ nypl. Check it out !!
Something for everyone
📖 This Day in History 📖
History.com brings you this day in history everyday. Check it out !!
😎 Word of the Day 😎
Learn a new word everyday. Impress your friends, family & teachers. Improve your vocabulary and SAT/ACT scores.
Common Sense Media
Reviews for what your kids are into (before they get into it). Trusted ratings created with families in mind.
76 Cool Winter Jokes for Kids
Winter excitement and chaos is what our students are about! Calm the excitement with some belly laughs and some of our favorite winter jokes for kids.
25 Inspirational Quotes All Kids Should Hear
Some of the best advice given through the ages is actually the simplest that kids can grasp and hopefully become just a bit wiser by knowing.
😎 FUN & FREE Online Word Searches 😎
Easy, Medium & Hard - Challenge yourself
🌟 Difficult Hidden Pictures 🌟
These activity pages are amusing and entertaining, they help hone skills like paying attention to details, using visual memory, and practicing hand-eye coordination as they color in the shapes they find hidden in the fun artwork
Free Coloring Pages
Create something beautiful with some of these free coloring pages for kids and adults. On this page you'll find a massive collection of seasonal coloring pages for occasions throughout the year.
Storyline Online
I love this site you nhave to check it out. Storyline Online receives over 140 million views annually from children all over the world.