November 11th AMSHS Weekly Update
Building independent lifelong learners.
Principal's Corner
I went to watch AMS teams play in the King City tournament Thursday night. Both teams played hard and worked well together but what also caught my attention, and really made me smile, were the cheerleaders and student spectators. They cheered their classmates on respectfully and it was apparent by watching them that they were invested in the game.
What a great example our students set for one another and we get to model this mindset while cheering each other on. We get to remember that the success at AMSHS benefits each individual student.
The Veteran's Day Assembly yesterday was another great example of how our community comes together to honor and remember those who serve our country. We appreciate the sacrifice of our local Veterans and the example of citizenship and selflessness they set for us.
Every day I walk the halls and see learning in each room at AMSHS, I am reminded of their bravery and sacrifice which allows us to have the rights and privileges' we hold dear.
We each have a part to play so our school and community can continue to grow and thrive. We get to cheer loud and proud just like our students do for one another. We get to honor our Veterans with our actions as we show kindness and serve with our unique strengths, talents, and abilities.
This week was a great reminder of what makes our community special. Thank you to all who believe in the mission of Albany R-3 School District and model Warrior Pride.
Mrs. Barbara Terry
Middle School/ High School Principal
Albany R-3 School District
Counselor's Corner
Hey Warriors!
It’s been a great week. Our junior students took the ASVAB test this week. We also already have 15 student shout outs for the character trait of Citizenship and we are barely into November! We are so proud of our students. Keep up the good work.
There have been many seniors applying for admission to college, completing the FAFSA and filling out scholarships! I am super proud of them and so excited to see what their futures hold. If anyone needs assistance applying for colleges or technical schools, they are always welcome to visit me. Students also have the opportunity to visit three postsecondary institutions on a school day for an excused absence. They will need to pick up a form from me and turn in it within two days prior to their visit. Then, the form will go with them and be signed by an official from the institute.
The Grace scholarship application is due Dec 16th. If there is a student who needs another application, I have more in my office.
If there are any students who still need to fill out the FAFSA, here is a link to the website. https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Next Week:
If anyone is interested in speaking with Vocational Rehab, a representative will be at school from 9am to 12pm on November 16th. Students may visit with the representative if they think they may be eligible for vocational rehab services.
Kristyn Carlock
MS/HS Counselor
Albany School District
Please help us keep our gym and school clean by disposing of your trash properly at ballgames.
Staff Member of the Week Mrs. Nicole Curtis
Mrs. Curtis was nominated by Mrs. Carlock. She wrote, “Mrs. Curtis always reaches out if she notices a student is in a bad mood, acting off, or just needs a check in. I really appreciate her looking out for our students!”
Thank you Mrs. Curtis for all you do for our students. We appreciate how you go above and beyond for them!
Steven Quick, Kristyn Carlock, Jaclyn Street, Marissa Meyer, Hope Jenson, Dawn Paul, Alison Runnels, Becky Fine, and Ashley Miller were also nominated.
Recycling Update!
If you are a common soda can user, Mrs. Spinler and the FFA are collecting pop tabs for Ronald McDonald house.
Electronic and 'white' waste recycling is Nov. 12th. This includes any electronics, cords, alkaline batteries, and kitchen appliances (stove, fridge, microwave). There will be a trailer at AHS from 10-11:30. If you need something large picked up, contact Jessie Smock (jessie@nwmorcog.org).
AMSHS Care Closet
Thanks to generous donations from the Laureate Alpha Psi Sorority, I’ve been able to stock my closet with various items that students may need. I wanted to make sure everyone knew that this is available. In the Care Closet, there are school supplies: notebooks, pencils, pens, folders, and pencil pouches. I also have a supply of hygiene products- body wash, shampoo, conditioner, bars of soap, lotion, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, hair ties, hair brushes, clothes, and feminine hygiene products. Students are welcome to come and get whatever they may need.
Lady Warriors are the King City Tournament Champs
Character Trait for November: Citizenship
Veteran's Day Assembly Speaker
Thank you to all who attended. We were honored to host the Veteran's Day Assembly and are thankful for the sacrifice of our local Veterans and others across this great nation.
Important Information About Student Academics
Attendance letters for Monday School were mailed home this week. Students who do not have a high enough attendance are required to attend Monday School to receive credit. We will have two 4 hour blocks of Monday school on 11/14, 11/28, 12/5, and 12/12. Students must sign up to attend. Parents can call the office for more information and to scheduling.
Attendance is an important part of academic success. We require 90% attendance to be eligible but there is an appeals process if something unforeseen were to occur. Letters were sent home today for students who are not eligible because of attendance. For more information on this, please talk to your child's coach or call the office.
The following dates 1st semester. You will be notified if there are concerns. There are tutoring options available. If you have any questions about grades, please contact your child's teacher.
November 25th
December 9th and 21st
Students who have more than 3 missing assignments could serve lunch detention so they can work on missing assignments.
Per our handbook policy, after the 6th tardy, students will serve an after school detention. Please see the disciplinary section of the handbook for more information about our tardy policy.
Tardy letters were given to students with excessive tardies. We did not enforce tardy policies firmly 1st Quarter so the students could have time to adjust, but we will 2nd Quarter. Please see the handbook for more information on our tardy policy and disciplinary action.
Important Upcoming Dates
11/14 Monday School
11/15 NHS Meeting at Claire Manring's House
11/18 EOC/MAP Party
11/21 School Board Meeting
11/21 Picture Make Up Day- Senior Proof Plan make Ups, Yearbook Groups, HS Basketball, Wrestling, and Cheer
11/23-11/25 Thanksgiving Break
11/25 AMSHS Grade Check
11/28 Monday School
11/28-12/3 Albany Tournament
12/5 Monday School
12/12 Monday School
Don't forget about weekly Friday 7AM Booster Club meetings at Deb's Diner
Albany Middle and High School (AMSHS)
Email: bterry@albany.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.albany.k12.mo.us/
Location: 101 West Jefferson Street, Albany, MO, USA
Phone: (660) 726-3911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Albany-R-III-Warriors-1089316697861329/