Reeceville Raptor's MMM
January 6, 2025
Dates to Remember
- January 7: GOR Presentation (Girls in Grades 3-5)
- January 7: PTA Meeting (In-Person at VK Brewing Co. & Eatery) Also available via Google Meet
- January 8: Future Leaders Club
- January 10: Voices Assembly
- January 14: Science Fair
Science Fair Update
Due to the FID day today, the Science Fair will be held next Tuesday, January 14th!
Spelling Bee Winners!
Reeceville is super excited to announce that we are the winners of the District Spelling Bee! I want to thank all of the students who participated, our Reading Specialists, and the families for being a part of this event! The students who participated are: Scarlett Jamieson, Moriah Eschborn, Jayden Albino-Torres, Juan Galicia Tescala, Azlyn Cosgriff, Galileo Quiroz-Suero, Lilianna Irias, Stella Geibel, and Sophia Petherbridge.
A Team Effort!
Spelling Bee Participants!
Liliana gets the gold!
Girls On the Run
The Reeceville GOR team will share information regarding the race with all girls grades 3-5 at an assembly tomorrow afternoon!
Citadel Heart of Learning
Citadel is dedicated to providing grants and awards to outstanding teachers in our communities. Each year, we present the "Citadel Heart of Learning" award to many teachers throughout our 6 county charter and I know us Rotarians know a lot of teachers! I wanted to share the nomination form with you all and encourage you to nominate any deserving teacher you may know! The deadline is January 15th. Who do you know that is worthy of $10,000?? Submit your nominations below. I'll also provide more info about the program below for those interested. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
PTA Information
PTA Meeting - tomorrow @ 7:00 p.m.
Virtually via Google Meet or join us in person at VK Brewing Co & Eatery
Pretzel Day
Thursday, January 9
Orders are due tomorrow (Tuesday)!
Restaurant Night
Wednesday, January 15
VK Brewing Co. & Eatery
Skate Night at the Campus
Saturday, January 18 from 5:45 - 7:15 p.m.
Flyers will go home soon!
The Student Directory is back!
The Directory will be live very soon!
Register online - tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org