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RRHS Update - Week of 6/10/2024
Last SMORE of the school year!
On behalf of the faculty and staff of RRHS, we wish to remind our community of the importance of time over the summer to spend time with family, relax, and find opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. We look forward to an exciting return in August!
Supporting Mental Health in the Summer
View the Supporting Mental Health over the Summer attachment from our UMHT for ideas and resources on supporting your student’s mental health during the break.
Medication Pick Up
Please be advised if your child has medication in the Health Office, the medication(s) will need to be picked up on the following dates and times:
June 14th : 4pm-5-pm
June 17th : 8:30am-12pm, 3pm- 4:30pm
Any medication not collected by the end of day on June 17th WILL BE DISCARDED per VDOE regulations.
From Our Liaison!
Free and Reduced Lunch Benefit 2024-2025 SY
Please note that the portal to complete this application on LINQconnect.com is expected to open in August for 2024 - 2025 SY. All families are required to complete a new application for this benefit every school year. Once the application is processed, and if approved, you will receive an eligibility letter from school nutrition. Families that may not need to reapply are only those who have received updated confirmation of automatic qualification from school nutrition. These directly certified students qualify through programs like McKinney Vento, SNAP, income-eligible Medicaid, and TANF. If you participate in the programs pasted above and do not receive a letter confirming your enrollment in the F.A.R.M program in August, or for any further enquiries, you can also contact School Nutrition Services on 540 751 2690.
McKinney Vento 2024-2025 Application.
Please remember that every student who is currently approved for McKinney-Vento and wants to remain eligible for services next school year must reapply. Parents, guardians and unaccompanied students will need to complete the Permission Click application that is located on the McKinney-Vento website , ensuring that they are choosing the correct school year on the application. For families with multiple students enrolled in LCPS, they must submit one application per student. The application can be translated and completed in the families preferred language. For further questions, you may also contact the McKinney Vento Team at 571-252-6523. McKinney-Vento applications for school year 2024-2025 will not start being reviewed until on or after July 1, 2024 in the order they are received.
Food Resources
The Dulles South Food Pantry is a food pantry that provides nutritious food, personal supplies and other services to those in need in Dulles South and the surrounding area regardless of income and faith. Please contact Dulles South Food Pantry on 703 507 2795 or email info@dsfp.org to make an appointment for food distribution appointment.
Clothing Resources
Please visit the website on Dulles Closet for additional information on community clothing closet events. The next event is scheduled to take place on Saturday the 17th of August.
School Fee Waivers and Support
If you have any enquiries relating to school fee waiver requests or if you need assistance with school snacks, school supplies or stationery, please email our family liaison, Sophia Saib .
Advanced Math - Summer Assignments
Advanced Math Courses - Summer Assignments
Students that will be learning Algebra 2 / Trig, Pre-Calculus, AP Precalculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, or AP Statistics next year have been assigned summer work to ensure they are properly prepared for this advanced level of rigor and pace. Teachers have already provided these printed assignments to students in class, and they are also posted here: https://www.lcps.org/Page/236635
If you have decided to take on one of these challenging math courses next year, please be sure to complete all practice in writing before returning to school in August. Enjoy your summer!
Yearbooks - FINAL CHANCE!
Yearbooks can be purchased online at www.yearbookforever.com and then picked up, or you can bring cash/check to Ms. Prince in L405. Check this link here to see if you purchased a yearbook. If your name is on the list, be sure to pick yours up in L405. If your name is NOT on the list, buy yours NOW before they sell out. Once we sell out, we cannot get anymore, and your name will be added to a waiting list.
Thank you!
The PTSO team thanks all the parents, students and all volunteers who supported us during this past school year. We wish you all a fabulous summer and a fantastic next school year and request your continued support for the next years to come.
Gift Cards Needed for Senior Grad Party
We need gift cards for the raffle during senior grad party on June 13th, 2024. If you can, please consider dropping off gift cards at the front desk and sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044DAEA628AAF58-49627897-seeking
JOIN & Support US!
PTSO Membership Drive and Direct Donation, No Hassles Fundraiser is in full swing! HTTPS://GIVEDIRECT.ORG/RRHSPTSO
Weekly Sunday "SMORE" email from Principal Duellman
Follow & "like" us on Facebook: RockridgehighschoolPTSO and Instagram: RockridgePTSO
Monthly PTSO newsletter
Website: WWW.RRHSPTSO.org
Monthly PTSO meetings
OUR PTSO welcomes ALL Parents, Guardians, Students, & Staff to get involved! Be the Change & BE A ROCK of support for our children and school!
ACT NOW to Support the Rock Ridge PTSO because OUR success depends on YOU!
Your contributions directly create an academic environment for students to thrive!