St Peter's Primary School
Friday 19th April 2024
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
We will remember them.
Message from the Principal
WELCOME BACK - Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you all had a lovely break! In Terms 2 and 3, students need to wear full winter uniform. Please check the school website for information regarding school uniforms and our second-hand uniform shop days.
All students are required to wear their full winter uniform for our school photos booked for
Week Five this term.
STAFFING UPDATE - This term, we welcome Mrs Tia Valentini and Mrs Guilia De Rizzo to Year 1W, as well as Miss Bianca Pengilley and Miss Jessica Healy to Year 2B. At the end of Term One, we said farewell to Miss Emilee Conca (1W) and on Friday 26 April, we will farewell Miss Alessia Fraser (2B).
Next week, we officially welcome Mrs Rebecca Lawson, a new Education Assistant, who will be supporting students across the school. Please join me in making all our new staff feel welcome to the St Peter’s Primary School community.
ANZAC DAY REFLECTION - On Thursday 25 April at 8am, the RSL will hold an ANZAC service at
Mt Lawley War Memorial. A range of representatives across many schools, cadets and service personal will be in attendance. Thank you to our Year Six students; Penelope Taylor,
Lucy Properjohn, Olivia Armstrong, Ryan Bradley, Noah Cutri and Keira Freitag for representing
St Peter’s Primary School.
On Wednesday 24 April, our Year 4 students will lead an ANZAC Day Reflection for our school community. Our guest speaker will be Mr Terence Dawson, who will share some of his own personal experiences serving our country. Terence is 81 years old and served 24 years in the RAAF as a technician then followed by Weapons and Explosives Engineer. He has served at numerous locations around Australia, Malaysia and Thailand. Thank you in advance to the Year 4 team and
Mr Terry Dawson for their contribution to our meaningful reflection.
INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL - On Thursday 2 May, St Peter’s Primary School will be competing in the Interschool Swimming Carnival at HBF Stadium. We wish all the students representing St Peter’s all the best in their individual events and are excited to see you represent our school with pride.
Thank you to Miss Eliza Hardie and other St Peter’s staff members for your presence at before school swimming training to support our students in their preparation.
ATTENDANCE - During our Term One Parent Teacher Interviews or via a letter at the end of last term, several parents were informed that their child/ren’s attendance had dropped below 90%. When a student’s attendance falls in the Indicated category of 80-89%, the classroom teacher will contact the parents to advise them that their child’s attendance at school is below 90%, which places that child in the category of Indicated Educational Risk according to the CEWA Educational Risk Policy.
At St Peter’s Primary School, we recognise and are sympathetic to the fact that legitimate illness is a valid reason for reduced attendance. However, as partners with you in the education of your child, it is important to point out that reduced attendance has a large impact on academic learning.
I acknowledge that many of these absences have been approved due to medical reasons or for family holidays to visit extended family, for example. However, it is important for us to communicate with parents regarding each individual student’s rate of attendance.
In order to access the full curriculum, and give your child the best chance of success, Catholic Education WA recommends the rate of 90% - 100% as ‘Regular Attendance’. When attendance falls below this level, it indicates a student may be at risk of not reaching his/her full potential. The chart below gives a breakdown of the amount of time missed in a year and, if maintained, how it impacts on the future education of your child.
Please see the attached Attendance Rates below for more clarification.
Once a student falls below the classification of ‘Regular Attendance,’ the classroom teacher will inform the parents/caregivers. Parents are welcome to arrange a meeting with the classroom teacher or a member of the school leadership team to discuss ways we can support you to improve your child’s attendance, so that together we can optimise their learning opportunities.
BISHOP DON SPROXTON - Today, we had a special visit from the Most Reverend Donald Sproxton, the Auxiliary Bishop in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth in Western Australia. Bishop Don spent time with the staff, as well as visiting classrooms and spending time at our afternoon assembly. Bishop Don Sproxton will also be spending time with Father Jeronimo in the Parish over the weekend. Everyone is welcome to join Most Reverend Donald Sproxton and Father Jeronimo at the 9am Mass this Sunday 21 April.
I am looking forward to another fun and busy term!
Courtney Caputi
Attendance Rates
Building Biz - Week 1
Over the school holidays, great progress was made across our Early Childhood building. Windows have been installed and the tiling has commenced in the wet areas. With the building progressing well, we are looking forward to having our Kindy and Pre Primary classes move in later this year.
Assistant Principal RE News
COMMITMENT MASS - For those families who have a child participating in one of the Sacraments this year, just a reminder that you must attend one of the Commitment Masses on the weekend of
4th and 5th May. Mass times are 6pm Saturday, 8:30am, 10am and 5pm Sunday.
Person of the Week - Week 1 - 19/4/24
GEORGINA DODD - TWO BLUE - Georgina, it is with great pride that I present you as our Junior Person of the Week. Georgina, you are a shining light who fills our classroom with so much joy. Your love for others and acts of service are qualities that many aspire to over a lifetime. You never fail to attend to the needs of others with humility and grace. No matter the difference, you are always inclusive of others, making each St Peter’s member you
encounter feel special, loved and appreciated. Your respect for others is beyond compare, as you treat everyone with dignity and justice.
Georgina, you truly know what it means to authentically live out the TRUE values. You always reference Jesus in your every move, never
forgetting to think “what would Jesus do?”
Compassion and a strong sense of social justice are your guiding lights, and I have no doubt they are qualities that you will continue to carry with you throughout your life. It is such a privilege to witness a little person (only 7 years old), act in such selfless and generous ways.
Georgina, you are an inspiration for others (and me included!). Mahatma Gandhi once said, “the future depends on what we do in the present.”
Well, Georgina, I know our future is in good hands with young people like you to lead the way. My wish for you is that you know how special you are as a member of the St Peter’s community.
Congratulations on this incredibly well-deserved achievement!
NINA MAREVIC - FOUR BLUE - Nina, it is with great pride that I recognise your endeavour to show the fundamental values we treasure here at St Peter’s: Trust, Respect, Unity, and Excellence. Your commitment to these values shines brightly in every engagement within our classroom and school community.
Your integrity and trustworthiness serve as a beacon of reliability for your teachers and peers. Your consistent display of honesty and upstanding behaviour sets a standard of integrity that we all aspire to.
In your interactions, your compassion and empathy are palpable. Your genuine concern for others and willingness to extend a helping hand create a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
Your efforts to promote unity and foster a sense of belonging among your fellow students are truly commendable. Your relentless pursuit of excellence is nothing short of inspiring. You consistently push the boundaries of your capabilities, setting a high bar and motivating others to strive for their best. Your commitment to excellence elevates the standards of our collective performance and encourages us all to reach greater heights.
There is a quote that says, “good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is formed little by little, day by day with patient, effort and determination to be the best you can be.” Nina, you have time and again shown your good character and continued development to be the best you can be every day.
As our Senior Person of the Week, you exemplify the qualities of a leader. Your kindness, humility, and dedication to upholding our school's values make you a perfect recipient of person of the week.
Keep shining brightly and continue to illuminate our school community with your positivity and dedication to excellence.
Merit Certificates - Week 1 - 19/4/24
PPB Blaise Van Sanden / Isla Janicki / Allegra Madaschi
PPM Olivia Street / Nathaniel D'Sa / Rosie Grunewald
PPW Eli Nguru / Dominic Pellizzari / Henry Cumming
1B Alice deGraaf / Noa Sikora/ Maxon Saini
1M Ellie Daly / Hugh Trinh / Bryce Armstrong
1W Archie Graham / Zachary Strudwick / Ella Mallozzi
2B Hunter Aldridge / Amy Akhurst / Mason Wemyss / Norah Donaldson
2M Juliette Restifo / Emma Zekas / Rocky Franchina
2W Whole Class
3B Ellis Winchester /Saxon Ledger / Pearl Coufos
3M Elodie Maye / Xavier Colli
3W Zoe Schupp / Joshua Crespi / Isabelle Mainstone
4B Isla Thomas / Theo Griffiths
4M Lelya Scarabelli / Jim Lydon / Lily Olszewski
4W Emerson Davies / Amelie Bright / Mia Simeons
5B Jack Wilkins / Giordana Nardelli / Madeleine Epton
5M Marcus Isaacs / Jimmy Tyson / Archer Andreotta-Adis
5W Josephine Tselepis / Adriano Scida / Hugo Maltese
6B Fraser Clementson / Lucy Ellis / Yvette Arnold
6M Elizabeth Lu / Milla Frost / Keira Freitag
6W Jackson Poh / Ruby Toop / Ryan Bradley
Dance and Drama News
We are looking for skilled sewers to help create costumes for our Dance Troupe at the upcoming Performing Arts festival. If you can sew or know of someone who can help us, can you please email me on Katrina.abreu@cewa.edu.au. Thank you for your support! ✨
Thank you for all your help with providing the Performing Arts department pre-loved costumes. The students are having a ball dressing up and role playing with a variety of different costumes. We are now seeking more accessories and props (think plastic phones, baskets, crowns etc). If you have any that are lying around that you were going to throw out, please drop off in a bag to the Dance/Drama room. Thank you!
Miss Abreu
Dance and Drama Teacher
PAF News
Think of Yourself as a “Friendship Coach”
Try thinking of yourself as a “Friendship Coach.” Coaches don’t go out there and play the game for their players. Instead, they give them advice and send them to play.
Then, they stand back on the sidelines and watch. When they call their team in, they point out what they saw and give the players some tips and guidance. It should work that way with parents too, coaching your children through their friendships.
If you would like to read more about how to be a Friendship Coach, click on this link below.
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
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8am - 4pm School Term Only
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900