JAMS Weekly Update
August 20, 2024

Welcome Back
Dear JAMS Families/Estimadas Familias de JAMS
Welcome back to an exciting new school year!
We are thrilled to have your family as part of our community and are committed to making this year a fantastic experience for your child. At the heart of our mission is creating a sense of belonging for every student, ensuring they feel valued, respected, and supported. Together, we can foster a learning environment where each student thrives both academically and socially. Thank you for being an essential part of our school family!
The first two days of school are Dragon Days, where we’ll focus on building connections with our students and helping them connect with one another. During these days, we’ll also set clear expectations for behavior, academics, and our school culture.I send out the Weekly Update every Sunday. This week's update will include the parent/student handbook, which will also be available on the JAMS website.
School begins at 9 a.m. tomorrow and 9:35 a.m. on Friday for all students. School gets out at 3:15 pm this Thursday and 2:50 pm every Friday. Regular morning classes will start on Monday, August 26th, at 8 a.m. PE clothes are not required on the first two days of school.
When students arrive on campus, they will be guided by display boards to their first-period class, where their teacher will provide their schedules. We will have plenty of staff and ASB students available to assist students in finding their way.
See you tomorrow!
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a un nuevo y emocionante año escolar!
Estamos encantados de tener a su familia como parte de nuestra comunidad y estamos comprometidos a hacer de este año una experiencia fantástica para su hijo/a. El núcleo de nuestra misión es crear un sentido de pertenencia para cada estudiante, asegurando que se sienta valorado, respetado y apoyado. Juntos, podemos fomentar un ambiente de aprendizaje donde cada estudiante prospere tanto académica como socialmente. ¡Gracias por ser una parte esencial de nuestra familia escolar!
Los primeros dos días de clases son Días de los Dragones, donde nos concentraremos en construir conexiones con nuestros estudiantes y ayudarlos a conectarse entre sí. Durante estos días, también estableceremos expectativas claras de comportamiento, académicos y nuestra cultura escolar. Envío la actualización semanal todos los domingos. La actualización de esta semana incluirá el manual para padres y estudiantes, que también estará disponible en el sitio web de JAMS.
La escuela comienza a las 9 a. m. mañana y a las 9:35 a. m. el viernes para todos los estudiantes. La escuela termina a las 3:15 pm este jueves y a las 2:50 pm todos los viernes. Las clases regulares de la mañana comenzarán el lunes 26 de agosto a las 8 a. m. No se requiere ropa de educación física los primeros dos días de clases.
Cuando los estudiantes lleguen a la escuela, serán guiados por carteles a su clase del primer período, donde su maestro les proporcionará sus horarios. Tendremos mucho personal y estudiantes de ASB disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes a encontrar su camino.
¡Nos vemos el mañana!
Martha Chacon
Weekly Schedule
Thursday, August 22: Blue Bells - All classes with a 9 am start time for all students
Friday, August 23: Green Bells - All classes with a 9:35 am start time for all students
Cell Phone Policy: "Away for the Day"
At John Adams Middle School, we have an "Away for the Day" policy regarding cell phones. All students are required to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your child during school hours, please call the main office, and we will relay the message to them. Similarly, if your child isn't feeling well, they should go directly to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess the situation and, if needed, will contact you directly.
Thank you for your support us in providing your child with a cellphone free school experience!
¡Gracias por su apoyo para brindarle a su hijo/a una experiencia escolar sin teléfonos celulares!
Aeries Parent Confirmation
Data Confirmation must be completed prior to the first day of school!
What is Data Confirmation?
Parent Data Confirmation is a feature of Aeries that allows parents to update student demographics, contacts, medical conditions, view and agree to school policies, review documents, and update authorization information.
You can access your Aeries parent portal account by clicking on the following link: https://santamonicamalibu.aeries.net/Student/LoginParent.aspx. Make sure you log in using your parent account (parent email address) and not your child’s account. If you have never accessed the Aeries Parent Portal or you forgot your password, click on “forgot password” and enter the parent email address we have on file and follow the instructions to reset your password. If you are still having issues, please contact our attendance office.
¿Qué es la confirmación de datos? La confirmación de datos de los padres es una característica de Aeries que permite a los padres actualizar los datos demográficos, los contactos y las condiciones médicas de los estudiantes, ver y aceptar las políticas escolares, revisar documentos y actualizar la información de autorización.
Puede acceder a su cuenta del portal para padres de Aeries haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace: https://santamonicamalibu.aeries.net/Student/LoginParent.aspx. Asegúrese de iniciar sesión con su cuenta de padres (dirección de correo electrónico de los padres) y no con la cuenta de su hijo/a. Si nunca ha accedido al Portal para padres de Aeries o olvidó su contraseña, haga clic en "olvidé mi contraseña" e ingrese la dirección de correo electrónico de los padres que tenemos registrada y siga las instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña. Si aún tiene problemas, comuníquese con nuestra oficina de asistencia.
Free and Reduced Meal Applicaiton
I am asking all parents to please complete the Free and Reduced Meals application by Friday, October 4. While California provides free meals to all students, this application is critical for securing eligibility for additional programs and resources, such as Title 1 funding for the 2025-26 school year. The state uses this form to determine which families qualify for benefits beyond free meals, and widespread participation is key. As a Title I school, John Adams Middle School depends on these funds to offer enrichment programs, interventions, and essential staff support for our students. Your cooperation in completing the application is greatly appreciated. Free/Reduced Meal Application.
Help JAMS Soar!
You still have an opportunity to contribute to both the Santa Monica Education Foundation and JAMS PTSA. So many educational opportunities are made possible for our students because of your financial support. Please consider making a donation of any amount to BOTH the Santa Monica Ed Foundation and JAMS PTSA. For more information about how your donation impacts JAMS students, please click on the buttons below the flier. Thank you!
¡Ayuda a JAMS a volar!
Middle School Sports
Fall 2024 Rollout is here!
As part of SMMUSD's competitive sports program, student athletes from John Adams Middle School, Lincoln Middle School, and SMASH have the opportunity to try out for a spot to represent their school in up to three sports:
- Flag Football
- Girls Volleyball
- Cross Country (coed)
Athletes MUST attend two out of four tryout dates for the best chance to showcase skill/talent/hard work. Tryout spots are limited, so be sure to sign up right away!
- Fútbol de bandera
- Voleibol femenino
- Carrera larga a distancia (Cross Country)
Need School Supplies?/¿Necesita útiles escolares?
We are pleased to inform you that we have backpacks and school supplies available for students who need them. If your student could benefit from these resources, please contact our Bilingual Community Liaison, Maria Salazar at msalazar@smmusd.org. We are here to support you and ensure every student has what they need for a successful school year.
John Adams Middle School
kind · connected · compassionate
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/jams
Location: 2425 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Phone: 310-452-2326
Twitter: @jamsdragonsSM