The Double Creek Courier
Week 4 - September 6, 2024
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
(512) 746-4852
A letter from the Principal
August 30, 2024
Wow! August just flew by! We are deep in the swing of things and our students are learning great things. As I visit classrooms, I see strong instruction, engaged students, smart teachers, and amazing learning.
We had our first PTO meeting this week. See the information below for more ways that you can become involved.
Next week is Grandparents Day Lunch. You’re invited to come on Thursday to eat with your students.
Have a great weekend!
Dr. Wilson
September 12: Dyslexia Parent Night
September 16-20: Book Fair
September 19: Literacy Night/PTO Meeting
September 26: Open House (More Information Coming Soon)/Fall Portraits
September 30: PD Day/Student Holiday
5th Quarter: New Hope Baptist Church
New Hope Baptist Church will be hosting 5th Quarter after every home game until midnight. Advertisement below for more details.
Fall Soccer Sign Up
Fall Soccer will begin soon! Click the link or scan the QR code below to register.
Sonterra Mud Parks & Recreation 2024 Fall Event Calendar
Check out the flyer below from Sonterra Mud Parks & Recreation for details on fall events.
Lunch with Your Children
Parents: We welcome you to come eat lunch with your children! For the safety and privacy of all students, we ask that you eat at the tables on the stage. Also, we can only allow you to eat with your child. Thank you for your understanding.
Padres: ¡Les invitamos a venir a almorzar con sus hijos! Para la seguridad y privacidad de todos los estudiantes, les pedimos que coman en las mesas del escenario. Además, solo podemos permitirle comer con su hijo. Gracias por su comprensión.
Double Creek Elementary Spirit Wear
Double Creek Elementary Spirit Wear is here! Click the link below to purchase the latest DCES Spirit Wear!
Sirena Fest
Sirena Fest is looking for creative jaw dropping artist and cooks to showcase their skills at Sirena Fest. Scan the QR code below or click the link for more details.
YMCA After School Enrichment at Double Creek Elementary
The YMCA is offering a few options for after school enrichment at Double Creek Elementary. Check out the different options below for more details. Classes start October 7th.
Education Connection Volunteers
Reading is crucial to a child's education and personal growth. We're partnering with Education Connection to enhance our students' reading comprehension and skills. The agency matches volunteers with students who we identify as needing extra support. Community mentors are pivotal in this, providing the necessary support and guidance. Click on the link to read more about Education Connection and how you can help.
If interested, you must fill out a Jarrell ISD Volunteer/Mentor application."
From the DCES PTO...
We had our first PTO meeting this week. We elected new officers:
Rick Gutierrez, President
Rebekah Huntly, Vice President
Rebel Sanders, Secretary
Tammy Stallings, Treasurer
All our PTO information can be found by going to our dedicated webpage: https://www.jarrellisd.org/Domain/494
Our next meeting will be September 19th, 2024 from 5:30-6:30 pm.
Attendance Matters!
This weeks attendance rate was 96.5% for DCES!
Our goal this year is to have at least a 96% Student Attendance Average. But this can only happen with your support!
Reminder: The attendance bell rings at 9:20 AM.
Absences Notes: When a student is absent, the student must bring a note to the attendance office within three days of the absence. After three days, parent notes may not be accepted and the absences will be considered unexcused. A maximum of three (3) parent notes per semester will be accepted as excused.
Tardies will be counted next week.
Please read the following information regarding our attendance policy. More information is also available in the Jarrell Independent School District Parent and Student Handbook under Absences/Attendance.
Regular school attendance is essential for a student to make the most of his or her education to benefit from teacher led and school activities, to build each day's learning on the previous day's, and to grow as an individual.
More info about attendance!
Attendance Works Informational Flyers - Click HERE
ENGLISH VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/101425388
SPANISH VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/130556839
Daily Deadlines
Monday morning at 7:00 AM, we want to see a full parking lot with students ready to start the school day! In order for our systems to run smoothly and safely, please observe the following daily deadlines times.
7:30 a.m. Tardy Bell. PLEASE DO NOT DROP-OFF STUDENTS AFTER 7:30. You will need to walk your child into the building. They must be signed in by a parent or guardian. Tardies will begin to be counted next week.
1:00 p.m. ALL transportation changes must be made by 1:00 by emailing or calling Carina Rodriguez at (512)-746-4852 or carina.rodriguez@jarrellisd.org. No changes can be made after this time for the safety of all students and staff.
2:30 p.m. Any student checking out early for an appointment, must be picked up prior to 2:30.
From the Community...
from the Counselor...
Welcome to Double Creek Elementary School! I would like to encourage ALL students and caregivers to utilize services made available through the school counseling program. Throughout the year, a variety of activities are conducted to support personal social, educational and career awareness needs of ALL students. Please access the link below for easily accessible and up-to-date school counseling information including news, counselor contact information, services provided and resources. I look forward to working with you and your child to help ensure that their experience at DCES is a positive one. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am here to help! –Laura Lake, DCES School Counselor
CLICK the image above to check out information from our DCES Specials teachers:
PE - Coach Stanley - jennifer.stanley@jarrellisd.org
- Parents please be sure to have your child wear appropriate gym attire when they are scheduled to have PE for specials. Students are also welcome to bring a change of clothes, shoes, and a water bottle.
Acceptable Gym Attire:
- T - Shirt
- Athletic Shorts (Hem should reach the ends of fingertips)
- Skorts (Hem should reach the ends of fingertips)
- Tennis Shoes
- Art is accepting donations! Any of the following would be greatly appreciated:
- Thin cardboard (cereal boxes, mac n' cheese boxes, soda boxes)
- Paper Towel Tubes
- Magazines, newspapers
- Plastic Bottles
- Art Club Information: Art Club will begin Monday September 9th from 3:45 - 4:15 PM. Students must have a signed permission slip to attend and the club will be capped at 30 students per semester.
Music - Ms. Nicholes - deidre.nicholes@jarrellisd.org
- All musical performance dates will be shared through Parent Square!
- Cougar Stage Crew: If you are interested in theater or creating stage props, come sign up!
- If you have any large tin cans that you would like to donate to music, it would be greatly appreciated!
Science Lab - Mrs. Garcia - dora.garcia@jarrellisd.org
- If you would like to donate any pencils or crayons to the science lab, it would be greatly appreciated!
Library - Mrs. Howard - kate.howard@jarrellisd.org
- Book Fair: The book fair is scheduled for September 16-20. If you are interested in volunteering to help work the book fair please email Mrs. Howard for more details.
Fall Book Fair
Book Fair: September 13-20, 2024
The book fair is coming soon! Be sure to sign up for an eWallet before or during the fair for a cash free experience. Details for signing up for an eWallet are below.
DCES Musical Performance Dates
Mark your calendars for the DCES musical performances this school year! Information below.