Dragon Newsletter
September 08
Welcome Back, Dragons!
Below is a copy of SWHS Virtual Notebook! This notebook includes an important video from our Principal (Mrs. Wagner), dress code regulations, the rules concerning wearing your school id, truancy information and much more!
How do you feel about having lunch with seniors?
Aaliyah Hoover (9th)
“I don’t mind because my sister is a senior so I can be with them and they kinda show us how to be mature since they’re upperclassmen.”
Madilyn Medrano (9th)
“I feel like lunch with seniors is weird because the freshmen don’t really know anybody, but it’s smart.”
Myra Medina (9th)
“I don’t mind seniors eating lunch with freshmen because they set good examples for us and teach us how to be mature.”
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Drum Majors!
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Drum Majors! They were presented their Hats by past graduates, during the annual Hat Ceremony. Alejandra Ruiz (c/o 2023) presented Caleigh Quintanilla (11th) her hat, Alyssa Cuevas (c/o 2023) presented to Maddison Dovalina (11th) and Megan Barrientos (c/o 2023) presented to Jacob Singleton (11th)!
We can't wait to see the show that never ends!
Volleyball Store
Don't forget to order your Dragon Volleyball Spirit Gear! Link closes on Friday at noon!!
All Tournament Team
The Lady Dragon Volleyball Varsity team took 1st place in the 3-day SAISD Tournament this past weekend. They had a record of 6-0 going against competitive teams in the district. This tournament was filled with dedication, love, and hard work. Not only did they go undefeated, but 3 athletes also stood out throughout this tournament and received the “All Tournament Award”: Starlett Hoyuela (12) , Addison Bartlett (11), Serenity Carey (12).
Way to go Lady Dragons!
Fall individuals- October 2nd
Senior C&G- November 13th & November 14th
Fall Individual Retakes- November 14th
Senior C&G Retakes- January 23rd
Senior Sunrise
"The experience honestly felt so surreal overall. It really hit me that morning that this was my last year of high school. Finally getting to participate in a once in a lifetime event almost had me in tears while getting ready that morning. This is only the beginning though, I can’t wait to see what the rest of senior year has in store for me," said Destiny Olivares.
Senior Cap & Gown Picture Dates
November 13th (A-L)
November 14th (M-Z)
Senior Cap & Gown Retakes- January 23rd
Seniors will not take Fall Pictures in October.
Utility Bill Assistance
It's been HOT! HOT! HOT! This is one of the hottest summers on record!! If you are having difficulty covering your electric bill, please click on the link below.
Yearbook Sponsor- Mrs. Peterson
Newsletter Editor: Noemi Vargas & Akeela Custer
Social Media Manager: Summer HernandeZ
Instagram- yearbookswhs
Tik Tok - yb_southwest
Email: speterson@swisd.net
Location: 11914 Dragon Lane, San Antonio, TX, USA
Twitter: @yearbookswhs